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Welcome to Graduate Studies at McGill

Welcome to Graduate Studies at McGill. ORIENTATION 2012 August 30th, 2:00 pm Prof. Martin Kreiswirth , Dean & Associate Provost, Graduate Education Prof. Arun K. Misra, Chair Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Prof. Luc Mongeau, Graduate Program Director Dept. of Mechanical Engineering.

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Welcome to Graduate Studies at McGill

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  1. Welcome to Graduate Studiesat McGill ORIENTATION 2012 August 30th, 2:00 pm Prof. Martin Kreiswirth, Dean & Associate Provost, Graduate Education Prof. Arun K. Misra, Chair Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Prof. Luc Mongeau, Graduate Program Director Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
  2. AGENDA Chair’s Welcome Remarks – A.K. Misra (2:00 – 2:10) Introduction to the Graduate Program A.K. Misra (2:10 – 2:25) GPS Guidelines – A.K. Misra (2:25 – 2:30) M.Eng. Aerospace Program – P. Hubert (2:30 – 2:45) Fellowships and Awards – S. Nadarajah (2:45 – 3:05) Schulich Library – Nikki Tummon(3:05 – 3:20) CaPS – S. Molnar (3:20 – 3:35) Graduate Student Association – G-P. Picher-Martel (3:35 – 3:50) AGSEM – Mahdi Arian Nik(3:50 – 4:00) (Association of Grad Students Employed at McGill) PGSS - Jonathan Mooney (4:00 – 4:10) Question Period – Open (4:10 – 4:20) Reception (4:30)
  3. Your Graduate Department Graduate Program Director Prof. Luc Mongeau Grad Admissions, Recruitment and FellowshipsChair Prof. Siva Nadarajah Aerospace Program Chairman Prof. Pascal Hubert Graduate Admissions, Fellowships & Recruitment Emily McHugh Graduate Program Coordinator Joyce Nault
  4. Enrolment snapshot, F’12 University-wide: Faculty of Engineering: TOTAL: Over 37,835TOTAL: 966 Masters: 3,053Masters:406 Doctoral: 3,079 Doctoral: 560 Mechanical Engineering for Fall, 2012: TOTAL: 226 PhD: 123 MEng (Thesis): 50 MEng (non-Thesis): 25 MEng (Aero): 28 Total New students registered for Fall 2012*: 61 *As of August 29, 2012
  5. Administration of Graduate Studies at McGill You have 3 Deans: Dean & Assoc. Provost, Graduate Education - Martin Kreiswirth Interim Dean of Engineering - Andrew Kirk Interim Dean of Students - Linda Jacobs Starkey Daily administration of graduate studies takes place in the department. Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) is responsible for the central administration of graduate studies including: Admissions, Registration, Fellowships, Theses, Graduation
  6. Housekeeping… Desks are available for PhD and Masters Thesis students. See Joyce for more info Please be sure to consult the Policies and Procedures handbook online for details on thesis submission, transfer credits, Master seminars and more… http://www.mcgill.ca/mecheng/grad/policies
  7. Associate Provost, G.E., (Martin Kreiswirth) Mech. Eng. Dept Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) & Enrollment Services organization Academic issues Graduate Program Director, GPD (Luc Mongeau) Associate Deans, GPS (Shari Baum, Lisa deMena Travis, Mickie Guerrera) Director, GPS (Charlotte Légaré) Admin. issues Grad students and Supervisors Admissions (Laurens Verkade) Registration, Records and Thesis (Fiorella Lisi) Fellowships/ Awards (Ester Di Cori)
  8. GPS organization, cont’d. Dean, GPS: Martin Kreiswirth Director, Grad. Recruitment and Enrollment Management: Lissa Matyas Recruitment Strategist: Lauren Penney Marketing and Design Officer: Dallas Curow Many new workshops (on teaching, soft skill development, etc.) are being developed for grad students Graduate Education Officer: David Syncox
  9. Where is Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS)? Where is Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS)? GPS is now located within Service Point at 3415 McTavish Service point is there to help you with: document certification Minerva issues health insurance questions study permit questions ID cards ordering official McGill transcripts tuition and fees info
  10. Hierarchy of Help Supervisor (Advisory Committee) Graduate Program Director (Graduate Program Coordinator) Department Chair Associate Deans, GPS Dean GPS Other services Ombudsperson for Students Services for Students Dean of Students Stay informed and deal with problems early... Don’t let them fester!
  11. How to Get Information? Be sure to consult GPS website: www.mcgill.ca/gps On it you will find a list of all relevant personnel, policies, rules and guidebooksfilled with information, tips and advice to help you have a productive time at McGill. Also check the Department’s web site: www.mcgill.ca/mecheng/grad/
  12. www.mcgill.ca/gps
  13. GPS Policies and Procedures Note: The university is audited and can be fined by the Quebec education ministry for infractions (e.g., retroactive changes to a student’s status, etc.)
  14. More information… …can be found on the Department’s web site: www.mcgill.ca/mecheng/grad
  15. Departmental policies and procedures Notes: Time limitation (3 yrs for M.Eng.; 6 yrs for PhD) is now strictly enforced by GPS For new PhD students: Ask your advisor about a Thesis Advisory Committee New courses: MECH 700 Literature survey (due end 2nd term), MECH 701 Research Proposal (due end 3rd term), MECH 702 Preliminary Oral Exam (taken in 4th term) All messages sent to McGill email: firstname.lastname@mail.mcgill.ca Course Registration deadline: September 18th, 2012 Travel Registry required for international travel related to academic/research activities
  16. Get to know the other Professors in the Department by visiting our website at:http://www.mcgill.ca/mecheng/staff Department of Mechanical Engineering Departmental Professors
  17. Be Informed: Our Guidebooks Go to the websitewww.mcgill.ca/gps Departmental Graduate Handbook (found inside your Orientation package, as well as online http://www.mcgill.ca/mecheng/grad/policies)
  18. Improve your English (and French) McGill has special courses on spoken and written English and French for graduate students: Watch for email announcements Sign up early Call the English and FrenchLanguage Centre at 398-4172
  19. Intellectual Property (IP) If your research (at McGill or with a non-university partner, NUP), could result in an invention, learn about your intellectual property rights by discussing with your supervisor and reading the guide below. In cases where IP may result with a NUP, students should sign an NUP agreement with that partner. http://www.mcgill.ca/files/ott/studentIPguide-v9.pdf
  20. Stay Honest!Academic and Research Integrity McGill is dedicated to academic integrity Follow the McGill Engineering code of ethics “the Blueprint”: http://www.mcgill.ca/engineering/faculty/ethics/ Be sure you know what plagiarism is - find a definition on the web at: www.mcgill.ca/integrity/studentguide Help McGill have the highest standards for the conduct of research! The Blueprint
  21. Graduate Funding See the new guidebook on the GPS websitewww.mcgill.ca/gps/ Canadians should apply in the Fall for provincial and federal funding. Watch for email announcements:NSERC, FQRNT, VANIER, PBEEE, GREAT Award etc. Prof. Siva Nadarajah (Graduate Scholarships)will inform you of upcoming information sessions See“Summary of Awards Available in the Department of Mechanical Engineering”which can be found in your Orientation package Note that Grad fellowships and stipends (work related to thesis) are tax exempt in Quebec, but RA salaries (work not related to thesis) are taxable.
  22. STUDENT ASSOCIATIONS Graduate Association of Mechanical Engineering Students(GAMES) A great society to help you!! Post-Graduate Student Society(PGSS) Thomson House, the country’s best graduate student facility – ENJOY IT! Help represent graduate and postdoctoral issues on the university’s highest academic bodies
  23. CAREER PLANNING SERVICE CaPS has grad career advisors Susan Molnar will inform you of their service - Departmental activities - Individual consultation - Workshops on careers in and outside academia Contact CaPS at 398-3304 McGill Ombudsperson can help with problem solving
  24. Master’s in Aerospace August 2012
  25. Commercial Aircraft Fleet Forecast Source: The Boeing Company
  26. Business Jets Production Forecast Source: Bombardier Aerospace
  27. Quebec Aerospace Industry Source: MDEIE, 2006
  28. Quebec Aerospace Industry 60% of total Canadian production. 70% of Canadian R&D. 80% of production is exported. Sales account for 2% of Quebec GDP.
  29. Aerospace Jobs in Quebec Source: CAMAQ
  30. Contact Info Administration Joyce Nault (joyce.nault@mcgill.ca) Structures & Materials, Virtual Environment Pascal Hubert (pascal.hubert@mcgill.ca) Aeronautics & Space Engineering Tim Lee (tim.lee@mcgill.ca) Avionics & Control Jozsef Kovecses (jozsef.kovecses@mcgill.ca) Web http://www.mcgill.ca/mecheng/grad/info/mastera/
  31. Additional Info Case studies: Fall 2012 Esterline CMC Électronique at ÉTS Rolls Royce at Polytechnique Winter 2013 Rolls Royce at Concordia Bombardier at Polytechnique Stages managed by MIAE http://www.mcgill.ca/miae/ AIAA Student Chapter at McGill
  32. FELLOWSHIPS OVERVIEW Most Deadlines: Fall 2012
  33. Primary Sources of Funding A scholarships information session where these scholarships will be discussed in more detail is to be held shortly. All graduate students will receive an announcement once the date is set. NSERC PGS-M and PGS-D (CGS-M, CGS-D) Awards See: http://www.nserc.ca/ - Eligibility restrictions exist NSERC Vanier (CGS) Fellowship http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Students-Etudiants/PG-CS/VanierCGS-VanierBESC_eng.asp - Less eligibility restrictions - Highly competitive FQRNT/NATEQ (formerly FCAR) Bourses de Maîtrise / Doctorat (B1 / B2) en Recherche See: http://www.fqrnt.gouv.qc.ca/ - Eligibility restrictions exist PBEEE See: http://www.fqrnt.gouv.qc.ca/bourses/Fiches_programmes/index_V1_1B_1C_1I_1M_1W.htm - Doctoral international students Some other funding programs exist through NSERC and FQRNT/NATEQ. These are often programs directed to a specific field (e.g., aerospace)
  34. Other Sources of Funding MEDA – McGill Engineering Doctoral Award - Recruitment Awards - Ph.D. Students (No citizenship restriction) - Leveraged Awards - Direct Awards MEITA – McGill Engineering International Tuition Award - Recruitment Awards - INT’L PhD Students - Packaged with stipend from supervisor Graduate Excellence Fellowship - Recruitment Awards - Master’s Students (International) - Master’s Tri-Council Top-up (Domestic) - Amount variable Master’s to PhD Fast-Track Award - Recruitment Awards - Mainly for Domestic Students - 1 year funding for M.Eng followed by MEDA GREAT Travel Award/GTFP Non-Conference Award - Funding for conference presentations and non-conference related travel (outside of Canada) - Application submitted in conjunction with your supervisor - No citizenship restriction
  35. Further Details See Graduate Fellowships and Awards Calendar at: http://www.mcgill.ca/gps/students/fellowships/ For a list of information sessions and workshops see: http://www.mcgill.ca/gps/students/fellowships/resources/ See Summary List of Awardsin your orientation package
  36. CONTACT PERSON Emily McHugh (grad.mecheng@mcgill.ca)
  38. McGill Library. Everything You Need. 38
  39. The Library Website www.mcgill.ca/library 2 39
  40. Library Orientation 40
  41. Finding Schulich Library Macdonald Engineering Building 41
  42. Connecting to Resources is EZ! Off-campus? No problem! 42
  43. Everything You Need. Just Ask! 43
  44. 44
  45. 45
  46. Graduate Association of Mechanical Engineering Students GAMES-McGill 46
  47. Background Established in 2004. Recognized by PGSS in 2006. Elected executive.
  48. Purpose Hold events Outdoor Academic Sports Social Represent graduate students Within and outside the department (PGSS) Encourage community spirit and fun!
  49. Outdoor events Camping Horseback riding Skiing La Ronde Biking Go-karting Curling ...
  50. Academic events Seminars Invited professors Industry professionals Lab tours for new andvisiting students Next one: Thursday, Sept 6th
  51. Sports Soccer Volleyball Ultimate Frisbee Softball …
  52. Social events Coffee breaks BBQs Halloween Party Bowling …
  53. President Gilles-Philippe Picher-Martel VP Events Laura Yakuma VP Planning Zao Chen VP Academic Kavish Bujun VP Finance Soroush Asgarinia This year’s executive…
  54. In conclusion… We wish you success in your academic life. We encourage you to get involved. We hope you enjoy yourself and have fun! Every graduate mechanical engineering student is a GAMES member!
  55. Contact information Gilles-Philippe Picher-Martel, President gilles-philippe.picher-martel@mail.mcgill.ca GAMES Website: http://games.mcgill.ca/ Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_174595552595259
  56. Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill Www.agsem-aeedem.ca Mahdi Arian Nik for Mostafa Yourdkhani
  57. AGSEM was officially credited in 1993, after a majority of TAs and Lab demonstrators voted in favour during a referendum. Past and current working conditions make the need for a contract. Conditions such as salary, medical leave, work load, etc.
  58. McGill Collective Agreement
  59. How to apply for TA ship ? Announcement of positions: around mid-November (for winter semester) and late March (for Fall semester). Online application to be submitted through the McGill Mechanical Engineering website: http://www.mcgill.ca/mecheng/jobs/students OR https://csm-caps.mcgill.ca/students/
  60. So what else the union is good for? If you need help with anything regarding your TAship, such as legal advice, support, and advice in the time of trouble, you come and see the union. That’s what you pay the union dues for. By the way the union holds what I call Beer and Pizza party (they call it a General Assembly) every semester.
  61. Finally:
  62. On behalf of the Department of Mechanical EngineeringWELCOME & GOOD LUCK!!
  63. Current TA Mechanical Eng Union RepresentativeMostafa Yourdkhanimostafa.yourdkhani@mail.mcgill.ca
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