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Caux - Tige Juillet 2012 Laurent Ledoux l edoux.laurent@gmail

The Get out of the way strategy or The manager’s little liberation manual. Caux - Tige Juillet 2012 Laurent Ledoux l edoux.laurent@gmail.com. Part I. The team’s. “Liberation”. To one of the most. dynamic. team. (with basically the same people). From the. cour. des. miracles.

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Caux - Tige Juillet 2012 Laurent Ledoux l edoux.laurent@gmail

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  1. The Get out of the way strategy or The manager’s little liberation manual Caux - TigeJuillet 2012Laurent Ledouxledoux.laurent@gmail.com

  2. Part I The team’s “Liberation”

  3. To one of the most dynamic team (with basically the same people) From the cour des miracles

  4. Results over the last 4 years Total income Double digit growth each year (+13% in 2011) X-Sell ratio x 2 in 4 years (close to 60% in 2011) Fixed Income From 150k in 2006 to 12 mio in 2011 Rev/RM x 4 in 4 years Exposure “flat” (no significant growth in 4 years) Liab./Assets 1 (incl. IP)

  5. The 5 stages of culture Language Relationship topeople Stage Language % 5 “Life is great” Team 2% “We’re great” Stable partnership 4 “We’re great” Stable partnership 22% 3 “I’m great” Personal domination 49% “My life sucks” Separate 2 “My life sucks” Separate 25% 1 “Life sucks” Alienated 2% From “Tribal leadership” by Logan, King & Fischer-Wright, 2008; adapted by Ledoux

  6. Team management principles Inspired by Isaac Getz (Freedom Inc.) Treated as Priority to Capacity to intrinsically personal self equals growth direct

  7. Everybody wants to take initiatives The Whyway 1 2 Humility 3 Fairness

  8. Everybody is able to take initiatives People growth 1 2 Trust 3 Benevolence

  9. Everybody has the liberty to take initiatives Adults 1 2 Engagement 3 To let go

  10. Structure of stable relationships Marina Olivier Laurent Triad

  11. Hay -Evolution of the work climate – Public Banking Clarity Pride Progress 2011 Autonomy Excellence Results in percentiles 2009 2007 2007 Recognition Responsi-bility Team spirit Flexibility Standards Recognition Clarity Improvements & progress Relationship to performance Organization & Expectations Mission & Vision Recognition & Celebration Membership pride Less bureaucracy Commitment Cooperation Mutual trust Risk taking Excellence Innovation Autonomy

  12. Part II The manager’s “Liberation”

  13. Why leave ? To get out of the way « Quand tu aimes, il faut partir” Cendrars

  14. Hay -Evolution of the leadership style – Ledoux 2009 2011 Results in percentiles Directive Mobilizing Friendly Democratic Exemplary performer Grower

  15. Learndailytorideyourelephant Listen toyourliberating question* Get off the dance floor & on the balcony * Guiding you to your “personal legend” (Paulo Coelho)

  16. Adaptive leadership’s key activities • Mobilize the system • Make interpretations • Design effective interventions • Act politically • Modulate the stress & Orchestrate the conflict • Build an adaptive culture • Diagnose the system • Be ready to observe & interpret before intervening • Diagnose the system itself • Diagnose the adaptive challenge • Diagnose the political landscape • Understand the qualities that makes an organization adaptive • See yourself as a system • Identify who you are • Know your tuning • “Broaden your bandwidth” • Understand your roles • Articulate your purposes • IV. Deploy yourself • Stay connected to your purposes • “Engage courageously” • Inspire people • Run experiments • “Thrive” Source :“The practice of adaptive leadership” by Ronal Heifetz & Co

  17. Distinguishing technical problems & adaptive challenges Challenge Problem definition Solution and implementation Primary locus of resp. for the work Kind of work Type I Clear Clear Physician Technical Type II Clear Requires learning Physician and patient Technical and adaptive Type III Requires learning Requires learning Patient > physician Adaptive Source: “Leadership without easy answers”, by Ronald Heifetz

  18. Modulate the stress Source: “Leadership on the line”, by Ronald Heifetz & Marty Linsky

  19. Orchestrate the conflict Unbundle the issues (Distinguish technical & adaptive challenges) Protect leadership voices w/out authority (Cover who raises questions authorities can’t raise) Give the work back to people (Put pressure on people with the problem) 5 strategic principles of adaptive leadership Keep the distress level tolerable (Control the pressure cooker) Focus on ripening issues (Counteract work avoidance mechanisms) Source: “Leadership without easy answers”, by Ronald Heifetz, adapted by Ledoux

  20. Learndailytorideyourelephant Listen toyourliberating question Get off the dance floor & on the balcony Get out of the way - Let go * Guiding you to your “personal legend” (Paulo Coelho)

  21. Get out of the way & let go 1 Help others grow & shine; put yourself behind (Arts of Brilliance & Grace*) • Give your team all credits for success while taking yourself the responsibility for its failures • Release others brilliance through graceful words, regardless of their rank or status • Pursue their growth as an end in itself, never as a mean to more profit • Don’t try to motivate others; create an environment in which they can motivate themselves • Learn to recognize the patterns of life, of leading & following, to know when & how not to interfere * Inspired by Mark Strom in “Arts of the Wise Leader”

  22. 630 BC The best leader Is the one whose existence the group barely knows Laozi

  23. Get out of the way & let go 2 Connect yourself & others to the whole (Arts of Story & Promise*) • Subvert powerless words & interpretations through stories that allow new purposes & possibilities to emerge • Let culture transform itself as your stories unfold • Dare to speak in darkness: talk with promise about the future, while recognizing org. realities & their limitations • Always maintain the dialogue, even in the face of breakdown • Commit to all this and all the world will conspire to help you realize it * Inspired by Mark Strom in “Arts of the Wise Leader”

  24. “It” shoots Be one with the bow, the arrow, the target and everything, everyone else Awa

  25. Arts of the wise leader To build & nurture With a mind & heart fixed on Story Clarity Truth Promise Strength of Character Goodness Brilliance Elegance Beauty Grace Heart Unity-in-Diversity Strom

  26. Debate • What do you think of this approach? • Have youtried a similar approach? • How didyoudiffer? • Whatwere the obstacles? • How didyou get over them? • Besides concrete actions, howdidyou change toundertakesuch a path? • More info: ledoux.laurent@gmail.com • Or on www.philoma.org (21/07 – Caux, in Agenda – historique)

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