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ORGANIC SIKKIM. Since the State has been declared as Organic State in 2003, use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides have been discouraged on-farm and off-farm inputs such as; Vermi -compost Enriched Rural compost Integrated nutrient management Bio-fertilizers G reen manure Azolla
Since the State has been declared as Organic State in 2003, use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides have been discouraged • on-farm and off-farm inputs such as; • Vermi-compost • Enriched Rural compost • Integrated nutrient management • Bio-fertilizers • Green manure • Azolla • Liming of the acidic soil • Micro nutrients
Bio-fertilizers being used to supplement crops: • Azolla, • Blue green algae, • rhizobium, • Azotobactor, • Azospirillium, • Phosphate solubilizing bacteria • Soil testing and issuing of soil health card to all the farmers • Static soil testing laboratory in all the districts • 2 mobile soil testing laboratory vehicle equipped with latest instruments are operational
SOIL ACIDITY AND FERTILITY STATUS OF SIKKIM 1.Soils under different reaction classes:
The above data shows that in Sikkim nearly 73% of cultivated area is under strongly to extremely acidic in soil reaction. • 91% cultivated area under low to medium in Nitrogen content • .However Organic carbon , Phosphorous and Potassium content are medium to high. • The deficient micro-nutrients are Zinc, copper and manganese.
SOIL REACTION (Ph) AND ITS RECLAMATION • Due to high rainfall in the state which causes downward leaching of bases resulting in soil acidity. • The state has strongly to extremely acidic soil with pH ranging from 5.5 to < 4.5 in about 73% cultivated area. • The acidic soil needs to be reclaimed with • liming materials like dolomite for improving the structure, • uptake of plant nutrient and • moisture retention capacity. • Hence liming @ 1.5 to 2 tons per hectare is needed to neutralize the soil acidity of the state.
Locally available plant species are used to prepare concoctions for using as bio-pesticides in addition to the use of bio-control agents and other Integrated Pest Management tools along with conservation of natural enemies through non-use of chemicals and crop rotation.
IPM strategy • Non-use of synthetic pesticides has led to conservation of Natural Enemies. Augmentation is done through innundative release of Trichogramma. • For Integrated Disease Management, Trichoderma is used extensively in addition to restricted use of the copper compounds. • Neem products are also popular in addition to use of cow urine and other herbal extracts.
Continuation of withdrawn subsidy for Organic Farming • Discouraging of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides has led discontinuation of subsidy to the State. • In lieu, the subsidy component may be extended/continued to the State for other alternative inputs such as bio-fertilizers, organic manure and bio-pesticides. • Such an arrangement would provide a major thrust to the on-going efforts in improving soil fertility status and for enhancing productivity and in the sustainable development of the State.