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Welcome to SBI 4U!

Welcome to SBI 4U!. Grade 12 Biology. SBI 4U - Course Outline. Unit 1 – Population Dynamics Unit 2 – Biochemistry Unit 3 – Metabolic Processes Unit 4 – Molecular Genetics Unit 5 – Homeostasis. EXPECTATIONS. RESPECT – others, yourself and the classroom. Be on time!

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Welcome to SBI 4U!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to SBI 4U! Grade 12 Biology

  2. SBI 4U - Course Outline • Unit 1 – Population Dynamics • Unit 2 – Biochemistry • Unit 3 – Metabolic Processes • Unit 4 – Molecular Genetics • Unit 5 – Homeostasis

  3. EXPECTATIONS • RESPECT – others, yourself and the classroom. • Be on time! • Always be prepared with a pen, ruler, eraser, pencil and paper. • Have a positive attitude! • Study!! Your next stop is First Year Bio!!

  4. MARK BREAKDOWN • Knowledge & Understanding - 35% • Thinking & Investigation - 15% • Communication – 10% • Making Connections (Application)- 10% • Final Exam - 30%

  5. The Rules of 12U! • Failure to hand-in an assignment on the due date will result in a deduction of 10% per day to a maximum of 5 days. • Once an assignment is marked and handed back there will be no chance to submit late work. • A missed test without a legitimate reason will result in a mark of ZERO • Any conflicts or known absences (i.e. school activities) must be communicated to Mr. B ahead of time so proper arrangements can be made.

  6. KEYS TO SUCCESS! • Do your homework…reading and questions most nights! • Study hard for tests! • Ask for help if needed! • Use the catch up binder to get caught up quickly after being away. • Use this website to keep up to date: www.mrbemrose.pbworks.com

  7. What is Biology? Greek – Bios (life) and Logos (study) Disciplines: • Evolutionary Biology • Physiology • Genetics • Molecular Biology • Morphology • Ecology Biology often overlaps with other sciences – Biochemistry and toxicology with biology, chemistry. Medicine biophysics with biology and physics. Astrobiology with biology and astronomy. Social sciences such as geography, philosophy, psychology and sociology can also interact with biology, for example, in administration of biological resources, developmental biology, biogeography, evolutionary psychology and ethics.

  8. August 6, 2012 – Curiosity lands on Mars

  9. “A scientifically and technologically literate person is one who can read and understand common media reports about science and technology, critically evaluate the information presented, and confidently engage in discussions and decision-making activities regarding issues that involve science and technology.” Science Co-ordinators’ and Consultants’ Association of Ontario (SCCAO) and Science Teachers’ Association of Ontario (STAO/APSO), “Position Paper: The Nature of Science” (2006), p. 1

  10. Biology Careers!

  11. Biology Careers!


  13. Unit 1 - Populations • Population growth follows predictable patterns. • The increased consumption of resources and production of waste associated with population growth result in specific stresses that affect Earth’s sustainability. • Technological developments can contribute to or help offset the ecological footprint associated with population growth and the consumption of natural resources.

  14. Unit 2 - Biochemistry • Technological applications that affect biological processes and cellular functions are used in the food, pharmaceutical, and medical industries. • Biological molecules and their chemical properties affect cellular processes and biochemical reactions. • Biochemical compounds play important structural and functional roles in cells of all living organisms.

  15. Unit 3 - Metabolic Processes • All metabolic processes involve chemical changes and energy conversions. • An understanding of metabolic processes enables people to make informed choices with respect to a range of personal, societal, and environmental issues.

  16. Unit 4 - Molecular Genetics • DNA contains all the genetic information for any living organism. • Proteins control a wide variety of cellular processes. • Genetic research and biotechnology have social, legal, and ethical implications.

  17. Unit 5 - Homeostasis • Organisms have strict limits on the internal conditions that they can tolerate. • Systems that maintain homeostasis rely on feedback mechanisms. • Environmental factors can affect homeostasis.

  18. Global Responsibility

  19. 7 Billion • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sc4HxPxNrZ0 • The Day of 7 Billion was Oct 31 2011!

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