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Symmetry breaking in the Pseudogap state and Fluctuations about it. 1. Symmetry and Topology in Region II of the phase diagram? Why no specific heat singularity at T*(x)? 2. Quantum critical fluctuations in Region I. (with Vivek Aji) 3. D-wave pairing. T. T*. Marginal Fermi-liquid.
Symmetry breaking in the Pseudogap state and Fluctuations about it 1. Symmetry and Topology in Region II of the phase diagram? Why no specific heat singularity at T*(x)? 2. Quantum critical fluctuations in Region I. (with Vivek Aji) 3. D-wave pairing. T T* Marginal Fermi-liquid Crossover II I AFM “Pseudo- Gapped” Fermi liquid III SC x (doping) QCP Schematic Universal phase diagram of high-Tcsuperconductors
Two Principle Themes in the work: 1. Fluctuations due to a Quantum critical point determine the normal state properties as well as leads to superconductivity. 2. Cuprates are unique and this is due to their unique solid state Chemistry. A microscopic theory should be built on a model which represents this solid state chemistry.
Phenomenology(1989): Properties in Region I follow if there exists a Quantum Critical Point with scale invariant fluctuations given by T* Antiferromagnetism Marginal Fermi liquid Crossover T F I II Fermi liquid SC x (doping) CP Q From approximate Inversion of ARPES and Optical conductivity: Pairing glue has spectrum consistent with this. Deriving these fluctuations may be considered the central problem.
Quantum Critical Pointin high Tc crystals If there is a QCP, there might be an ordered phase emanating from it on one side and a Fermi-liquid below another line emanating from it. T Pseudogapped metal Broken Symmetry? T* Antiferromagnetism Marginal Fermi liquid Crossover Fermi liquid I II x (doping) CP Q Superconductivity
Microscopic Model: Why are Cuprates Unique? (1987) o o cu Cannot be reduced to a Hubbard Model because the ionization energy of Cu is nearly the same as the ionization energy of oxygen.
Look for symmetry breaking not ruled out by Experiments Preserve translational symmetry: severely limits possible phases; Bond Decomposition of near neighbor interactions.
Only Possible States not changing Translational and Spin-Rotational symmetries have order parameters: Time-Reversal and some Reflection Symmetries lost.
Experiments to look for time-reversal breaking in the pseudogap phase; Dichroism in Angle-Resolved Photoemission: Experiment by Kaminski et al. (2002); Direct Observation by Polarized neutron Diffraction (Bourges et al. 2005).
Kaminski et al., Nature (2002) Dichroism in BISCCO
Fauques et al. (2005): Polarized Elastic Neutron Scattering in underdoped and overdoped Y(123)
Fauques et al. (2005): Polarized Neutron diffraction in YBCuO Magnetic Diffraction Pattern consistent with Loop Current Phase II just as Dichroic ARPES
Why no specific heat singularity at T*(x)? Classical Stat. Mech. Model for the observed Loop Current Phase Time-reversal and 3 of four reflections broken: Two Ising degrees of freedom per unit-cell Four states per unit-cell. Ashkin-Teller Model : Phase diagram obtained by Baxter; Kadanoff et al. Observed broken symmetry for -1 < J4/J2 < 1.
Gaussian line Phase Diagram of the Ashkin-Teller Model (Baxter, Kadanoff)
Quantum critical Fluctuations : Fluctuations of the order parameter which condenses to give broken symmetry in Region II. Very simple but peculiar Phenomenology: T* Antiferromagnetism Marginal Fermi liquid Crossover T F I II Fermi liquid SC x (doping) CP Q Superconductivity
Quantum Critical Fluctuations: Vivek Aji, cmv (Preprint soon) AT model: is equivalent by to Replace constraint with a four-fold anisotropy term Same classical criticality as AT model. Constraint irrelevant above the critical line and relevant below. Add quantum-mechanics: Moment of Inertia plus damping due to Fermions. Model is related to 2+1 dim. Quantum xy models with dissipation.
Critical Region: Need not consider anisotropy term. For simplicity keep only the xy-term. Fourier transformed dissipation: Derivable from elimination of current- current coupling of collective modes to fermions: Without dissipation model is 3d xy ordered at T=0. We also assume J such that it is ordered at finite T of interest. Wish to examine region where dissipation disorders the phase.
Previous work on the dissipative xy model: Nagaosa (1999); Tewari, Chakravarti, Toner (2003),… Below a critical value of , dissipation destroys long range order at T=0. But no calculation of correlation functions, connection with vortex fluctuations or connection with the classical transition.
Steps in the derivation: 1. i+y lives on the bonds of the lattice i i+x 2. 3.
. . Velocity field due to Velocity field due to : spatially independent : decreases as 1/r. Time-dependent Time-independent
A remarkable simplification which allows a solution! Action in terms of , (schematically): + terms which are not singular when integrated over k and omega. Partition function splits into a product of a space-dependent part and a time-dependent part. Problem transforms to a K-T problem in space and (mathematically) a Kondo problem in time.
Instanton field does the disordering: RG equations for fugacity y for instantons and for , similar to flows in the Kondo problem or the KT problem:
For , proliferates and disorders the velocity field. Calculate order parameter correlation functions: At Gaussian Model : No corrections? This was the Phenomenological Spectrum proposed in 1989 to explain The anomalous normal state (Marginal Fermi-liquid) and suggested as the glue for pairing. Fluctuations are of current loops of all sizes and directions. Associate variation of with change in doping. This is then a theory of critical fluctuations at x=x_c as a function of temperature. Crossover for
Coupling of Fluctuations to Fermions and pairing vertex Inversion of ARPES indicates a broad featureless spectrum is the glue. g(k, k+q) k k+q Leading deviations from MFT allow this calculation: From this calculate Pairing Vertex: Decompose into different IR’s: S-wave and p-wave are repulsive D-wave and X-S are attractive, Just as in the old calculation (Miyake, Schmitt-Rink, cmv) for AFM Fluctuations. Right energy scale and coupling constant for Tc. Answers why self-energy ind. of q but d-wave Pairing. g g
Summary: It is possible to understand different regions of the phase diagram of the cuprates with a single idea. Interesting Quantum criticality. Probably relevant in several other contexts. A Possible Theory for the Cuprates if the symmetry breaking in Region II is further confirmed. T* Antiferromagnetism Marginal Fermi liquid Crossover T F I II Fermi liquid SC x (doping) CP Q Superconductivity
Spectra and thermodynamics in the underdoped cuprates. Time-reversal violation alone does not lead to observed properties. BUT, A time-reversal violating state with a normal Fermi-surface is not possible: (PRL (99); PR-B(06)) For fluctuations of non-conserved discrete quantities, damping of fluctuations and their coupling of fermions to fluctuations is finite for . This leads to single-particle self-energy Quasi-particle velocity ----> Observed Phase must be accompanied by a Fermi-surface Instability.
To see what can happen, look at the same issue as it arises in another context. Pomeranchuk Expansion of the free-energy for distortions of the Fermi-surface But So, no symmetry change possible in the channel But something must happens since specific heat cannot be allowed to be negative. Look at 0<z<1. Therefore instability due to diverging velocity. What cures the instability?
Approach to the Instability Suggests a state with an anisotropic gap at the chemical potential: No change in Symmetry, only change in Topology of the Fermi-surface
Have found a stable state (PRL-99, PRB- 06)with is coupling of flucts. at q = 0 to the fermions at the F.S. Ground state has only four fermi-points. No extra change in symmetry, just in topology, (Lifshitz Transition).
Kanigel et al. (2006) : Define “Fermi-arc length” as the set of angles for which at any , the spectral function peaks at the chemical potential for compounds with different x. The data for 6 underdoped BISCO samples scales with T*(x) and shows four fermi-points as T --->0.
Compare calculated “Fermi-arc length” with Experiments(Lijun Zhu and cmv- 2006)using the spectrum derived plus self-energy calculated using only kinematics. Same D_0/T_g gives themeasured Specific Heat and Magnetic Susceptibility.