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Ignacio CAMÓS Advisor. Secretariat of Employment Ministry of Employment and Immigration. SPAIN.
Ignacio CAMÓS Advisor. Secretariat of Employment Ministry of Employment and Immigration. SPAIN Flexicurity in times of economic crisis. Prague, 25-26 march 2009.An integrated approach to flexicurity: the key elements for implementation.Concluding Round Table: The way forwardSpain. Mr. Ignacio CAMÓS. Advisor. Secretariat of Employment. Ministry of Labour and Immigration.
Starting point: The impact that the financial crisis is having on labour markets calls for implementing the common principles of flexicurity.
First reflexion: The current financial and economic crisis is also a crisis of the production model and of the values supporting it. The growth model in the last few years is exhausted. Now, certainly, we must set out bases for a new growth model having as values the commitment, transparency and social corporate responsibility.
Workers need flexibility… to conciliate working and family life. to access to better jobs. They also need a flexible work organization, with jobs turnover, multidisciplinary education and continued training to be able to retain their jobs improving innovation and productivity. Workers and companies need both flexibility and security.
Companies need flexibility… Because they are interested in the stability of workforce. Because to keep on competing in a world market, companies need committed, motivated and qualified workers open to innovation and more productive technologies. Workers and companies need both flexibility and security.
Flexibility Referred to relevant transitions made during the life-cycle. to upward mobility and talent development. to flexible organizations with incentives enabling the adaptation to new production processes. to ease combination between working and personal life. In this context: Flexicurity responds to this integrated bidirectional approach.
Security (understood beyond job security) It refers to equip people with the skills that allow them to make progress throughout their working lives and help them to find new jobs; adequate unemployment benefits to ease transitions. training opportunities for all workers, in particular, the low-skilled and older workers. In this context: Flexicurity responds to this integrated bidirectional approach.
From the national perspective… It’s important to define a set of measures to be adopted for further delimitation of the relevance and feasibility of the content, the priority and sequence of the flexicurity measures list defined in previous step and enable to put into practice.
Which are the crucial elements to go into the implementation of flexicurity, in an apparently more adverse scenario?
Place quality of jobs in a central position of flexicurity including the general principle that stable and permanent contracts should be the regular way of employment. Promote a negotiated flexicurity with determined, autonomous and representative stakeholders. Improve lifelong learning and match training to the labour market needs.
We must turn this current financial and economic downturn into a real opportunity. Yes. An opportunity to fix bases for a new growth and development model and for giving a new impetus to the European social dimension. We have to build a new growth model in which we learn and work in a different way and the instruments discussed on these days can be useful and necessary to cope with it. And to finish…..