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Bienvenue au. < Chapitre Québec>. Nous vous accueillons , avec le soutien de quelques célébrités. Qc Azure BootCamp 2015. Agenda. « Cloud » - point de vue légal dans la province de Québec. Azure IAAS. Agenda. Hybrid Azure infrastructure . Agenda. Identity and Access (WAAD).

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bienvenue au <Chapitre Québec>

  2. Nousvousaccueillons, avecle soutien de quelquescélébrités

  3. Qc Azure BootCamp 2015

  4. Agenda « Cloud » - point de vue légal dans la province de Québec Azure IAAS

  5. Agenda Hybrid Azure infrastructure 

  6. Agenda Identity and Access (WAAD) Application Insights

  7. Logistique

  8. Global Labs - The Charity Lab Cette année, l'événement mondial Azure Boot Camp organise un laboratoire mondialement distribué dans lequel les participants de l'événement pourront déployer des machines virtuelles dans Microsoft Azure pour aider à analyser les données nécessaires pour la recherche du cancer du sein. Nous appliquons les derniers outils d'analyse de spectrométrie de masse distribués du PNNL (GlyQ-IQ, Publié en mai 2014) pour découvrir comment des protéines sériques de glycosylation de notre corps réagissent à des sous-types de cancer. Nous voulons savoir comment la réponse de la maladie humaine est modifiée sur la base des molécules présentes sur les surfaces de cellules cancéreuses. Les résultats de ces travaux peuvent conduire à de nouvelles thérapies qui peuvent directement cibler différentes formes de cancer avec des effets secondaires minimes. “The power of the cloud is not just in scalable elastic servers that work together as one, but also the power of people working towards a singular goal. The Global Azure Bootcamp is thousands of folks working and learning together to be better developers, makers, and creators. This year they are also throwing their considerable weight behind the cause of breast cancer and I applaud them for it!” Scott Hanselman Principal Program Manager – Azure and Web Tools

  9. Si vousavez des questions sur les labs Utilisez le HASHTAG #GLOBALAZURELAB Et l’ organization se penchera la dessus!

  10. The Racing Lab Soyez de bonsjoueurs et faitesquelques tours . Connectezvous avec “ZJF-RUZ-BAZ” sur http://gabracing.azurewebsites.net

  11. Azure Labs - DevCamp Lab 1 - Setup : Setting up your environment for the labs Lab 2 - Creating a trial Windows Azure account and activating MSDN benefits Lab 3 - Working with the Management Portal Lab 4 - Introduction to the Azure Preview Portal Lab 5 - Getting started with Azure Websites and ASP.NET Lab 6 - Building a Single Page Application (SPA) with ASP.NET Web API and Angular.js using Azure Active Directory to Log in Users Lab 7 - Infrastructure as a Service in Microsoft Azure Lab 8 - Building a web application with ASP.NET MVC using DocumentDB Lab 9 - Getting Started with Azure SQL Database Elastic Scale

  12. Why the cloud?

  13. Novembre2008 : C’est quoi le “Cloud” ? Aujourd’hui : Quelestnotrestatégiepour y arriver i • Nous pouvons observer unetendanceverscequ’onappel le “Cloud Computing”. Il est probable quela plupart des organisations petites ougrandesserontaffectéespar ce nouveau paradigm à moyenterme. i Touteentreprisepeutbénificier de l’utilisation simple oucomplexe de services offerts par Windows Azure.

  14. Cloud Platform Basics

  15. Hosting models • Business model • Platform • (as a Service) • Infrastructure • (as a Service) • On Premises • Software • (as a Service) • Applications Applications Applications Applications • You manage • You scale, make • resilient & manage • You scale, make resilient and manage Data Data Data Data Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime • Scale, resilience and management by vendor Middleware Middleware Middleware Middleware • Scale, resilience and management by vendor O/S O/S O/S O/S Virtualization Virtualization Virtualization Virtualization • Managed by vendor Servers Servers Servers Servers Storage Storage Storage Storage Networking Networking Networking Networking

  16. Azure DatacentersGlobal Grid

  17. Microsoft AzureA public cloud platform Microsoft Azure provides computing resources in data centers around the world Asia Asia Europe Asia US US US US Asia Europe Australia Brazil

  18. Datacenter buildings are about one football field in size

  19. …large enough to hold two jumbo jets

  20. That’s up to 600,000 servers in each Azure region And there are 16 building per region…

  21. Quincy, Washington Data Centers

  22. 17 Azure datacenter regions open for business Azure footprint

  23. >300k >10 000 New Azure customer a Week More than 1,200,000 Active websites >35 >350 MILLION TRILLIONstorage objects > 2 AAD users SQL Databases in Azure >3 >18 MILLIONrequests/sec BILLION authentication/wk MILLION Developers registered with Visual Studio Online

  24. Pragmatic approach to Azure overview

  25. Ville de Québec CoPilote -

  26. Olympic experience Mobile Apps Torch Relay website Games Time website Mobile

  27. Utility ITExample scenarios Data storage Cloud identity VMs on demand Disaster recovery Deploying packaged applications Moving existing applications to the public cloud Strategic IT Utility IT

  28. Calculateur TCO : exemple

  29. Microsoft Azure TechnologiesCompute Application Application Application Application Virtual Machines Cloud Services Web Sites VMs Application IIS Web Roles Worker Roles VHDs Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) IIS Gallery VHDs User-Supplied Platform as a Service (PaaS)

  30. The G family G Optimized for data workloads 448 GB RAM, 6.59 TB local SSD Latest generation Intel processor Up to 64 attached disks!!

  31. Microsoft Azure Technologies Data & Storage 100011010011110111110110 Blob Storage DBMS in a VM SQL Database SQL Server, MySQL, … IaaS relational storage Binary storage PaaS relational storage VM

  32. Premium storage Up to 64 TB of storage per VM >50,000 IOPS per VM 5,000 IOPS per disk Less than 1ms read latency (cache) ~5 ms read/write (no cache)

  33. Démo - IOPS

  34. Microsoft Azure Technologies Networking Virtual Network allows a VPN connection to Microsoft Azure ENTERPRISE MICROSOFT AZURE

  35. Key Scenarios to get started with Microsoft Azure • Dev / Test • Full test and dev environments in minutes • VSO integration • Lift and Shift • Take existing work loads and run then in a certified instance • Storage • Archive key data in inexpensive cloud storage • Big Data • Process key data into business intelligence using Hadoop or Machine Learning • Identity • Synchronize all your identities through Azure AD to control access to Apps, Data and Services • Web Apps • Take your web apps to the cloud using inexpensive App Service Web Apps

  36. Comment Azure se distingue Hyper-scale Enterprise Grade Hybrid

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