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Test your knowledge on plant biology with categories including non-vascular plants, growth responses, vascular plants, vocabulary, and more.

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  2. Your With Host... Mr.Duffy

  3. Non-Vascular Plants Growth Responses Vascular Plants Vocabulary Random 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

  4. What is a Vascular Plant? A 100

  5. A Vascular plant is a plant with a true vascular tissue A 100

  6. In which type of region is a vascular plant most suited to survive? A 200

  7. Better suited to life in dry areas A 200

  8. Name three types of Vascular Plants A 300

  9. Ferns Club Mosses Horsetails A 300

  10. How do seedless vascular plants reproduce? A 400

  11. They produce spores A 400

  12. How does a vascular tissue help a vascular plant? Be specific A 500

  13. Vascular tissue provides strength, stability, and support to a plant. They also move material throughout the body of the plant. A 500

  14. What is a non-vascular plant? B 100

  15. Nonvascular plants are plants that lack a well-developed system of tubes for transporting water and other materials B 100

  16. True/False: Nonvascular plants are low growing and do not have roots for absorbing water from their surroundings B 200

  17. True B 200

  18. Name 3 types of non-vascular plants B 300

  19. Mosses Liverworts Hornworts B 300

  20. Where do most non-vascular plants live? Why can they thrive there? B 400

  21. They live in moist areas where they can absorb water and other nutrients directly from the environment B 400

  22. In what ways are the three types of nonvascular plants similar? How are they different? B 500

  23. They are all nonvascular plants Moss grows in soil and on rocks and trees, Liverworts live in very moist areas near streams, Hornworts live in moist soil B 500

  24. What is a Plant? C 100

  25. Nearly all plants are autotrophs. (organisms that produce their own food) All plants are eukaryotes that contain many cells. All plants cells are surrounded by cell walls C 100

  26. What is a vascular tissue? How does it help a plant? C 200

  27. A system of tubelike structures inside a plant through which water, minerals and food move C 200

  28. What are Rhizoids? C 300

  29. Rhizoids are rootlike structures that anchor the moss and absorb water and nutrients from the soil C 300


  31. What two processes are included in a plant’s life cycle? Explain each C 400

  32. Sporophyte stage- the plant produces spores. (Tiny cells that can grow into new organisms) Gametophyte stage- Plant produces two kinds of sex cells (Sperm and Egg cells) C 400

  33. During what process is a zygote created? What is a zygote? C 500

  34. Fertilization is the process. Zygote is the fertilized egg that happens after the sperm and egg cell come together C 500

  35. What is a Tropism? D 100

  36. A plant’s growth response toward or away from a stimulus D 100

  37. Name the 3 important stimuli to which plants show tropisms D 200

  38. Touch Light Gravity D 200

  39. What is one role that the plant hormone auxin plays? D 300

  40. It speeds up the rate at which plant cells grow D 300

  41. Explain the difference between a positive and negative tropism. Give an example of this for the 3 important stimuli in which a plant shows growth response D 400

  42. Positive Tropism- A plant grows toward a stimuli Negative Tropism- Plant grows away from the stimuli. Touch-Plant grown around a pole for example Light- The plant grows toward the direction of the light Gravity- A plant grows upward while on its side. The gravity is pushing down making this a negative tropism D 400

  43. How are angiosperms classified? Briefly explain each D 500

  44. Angiosperms are classified as annuals (complete a life cycle within one growing season), biennials (Complete their life cycle in 2 years), or perennials (Live more than 2 years D 500

  45. True/False: Flowering plants that live more than two years are called perennials E 100

  46. True E 100

  47. The leaves of ferns are called __________ E 200

  48. Fronds E 200

  49. What is a cuticle? How does it help a plant? E 300

  50. A cuticle is waxy, waterproof layer. It helps reduce the loss of water. E 300

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