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FACILITATOR Prof. Dr. Mohammad Majid Mahmood

Explore the fundamentals of organizational learning and performance improvement in this lecture by Prof. Dr. Mohammad Majid Mahmood. Discover how leaders play a crucial role in fostering adaptive organizational cultures, enhancing learning processes, and boosting overall performance. Gain insights into different learning theories, types, obstacles, and the impact of effective leadership on organizational success.

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FACILITATOR Prof. Dr. Mohammad Majid Mahmood

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  1. Art of Leadership & Motivation HRM – 760 Lecture - 30 • FACILITATOR • Prof. Dr. Mohammad Majid Mahmood

  2. Role of Leaders in Organizational Learning & Organizational Performance

  3. Learning In Organizational development (OD), learning is a characteristic of an adaptive organization, i.e., an organization that is able to sense changes in signals from its environment (both internal and external) and adapt accordingly.

  4. What is Organizational Learning? • Argyris defines organizational learning as the process of "detection and correction of errors." In his view, organizations learn through individuals acting as agents for them.

  5. What is Organizational Learning? • Huber clarifies that learning need not be conscious or intentional. Further, learning does not always increase the learner's effectiveness, or even potential effectiveness. Moreover, learning need not result in observable changes in behavior.

  6. What is Organizational Learning? • Duncan & Weiss, argue that individual learning occurs when people give a different response to the same stimulus, but Organizational Learning occurs when groups of people give the same response to different stimuli."

  7. How organizations learn? • Argyris and Schon were the first to propose models that facilitate organizational learning: • Argyris and Schon (1978) distinguish between single-loop and double-loop learning • In single-loop learning, individuals, groups, or organizations modify their actions according to the difference between expected and obtained outcomes. • In double-loop learning, the entities (individuals, groups or organization) question the values, assumptions and policies that led to the actions in the first place; if they are able to view and modify those, then second-order or double-loop learning has taken place.

  8. Types of Learning • Two types of learning: • Operant conditioning • Social learning

  9. Operant Conditioning • Learning that takes place when the learner recognizes the connection between a behavior and its consequences.

  10. Social Learning Theory • A learning theory that takes into account the fact that thoughts and feelings influence learning. • Necessary components include: • Vicarious learning • Self-control • Self-efficacy

  11. Vicarious Learning • Learning that occurs when one person (the learner) learns a behavior by watching another person (the model) perform the behavior. • Learners can also learn from situations in which models get punished. • Role models can be positive or negative.

  12. Self-Control • Self-discipline that allows a person to learn to perform a behavior even though there is no external pressure to do so.

  13. Self-Efficacy • A person’s belief about his or her ability to perform a particular behavior successfully. • Sources of self-efficacy: • Past performance • Verbal persuasion

  14. Learning Obstacles Common (2004) discusses obstacles for organizational learning in the public sector: • resistance to change • individual interests • blame culture

  15. Organizational Performance Organizational Performance is the process of directing and supporting employees to work as effectively and efficiently as possible in line with the needs of the organization (Walters).

  16. Organizational Performance • The higher you climb the ladder in your organization, the less chance you have of getting feedback about your performance. • Those who could most use performance feedback to enhance their performance are often the least likely to get it.

  17. Organizational Performance - myths Myth # 1: Executives neither need nor want performance reviews. Myth # 2: A formal review is beneath the dignity of an executive. Myth # 3: Top level executives are too busy to conduct their appraisals. Myth # 4: Results are the only basis for assessing executive performance.

  18. Organizational Performance Consider the following situations: • The athlete searching for a coach who really understands him. • The student waiting to see his guidance counselor at university. • The worker who has just begun working for a new boss. Q: What do these situations have in common? A: The need to manage performance effectively.

  19. Learning vs. Rejection of New Ideas

  20. Learning vs. Rejection of New Ideas • Gladwell believes: • Our preferences are quite unstable, especially when we are first introduced to something new. This is because we need time to "learn" about the new object or idea. • We also tend to make up stories by picking up clues when we are introduced to something new.

  21. Reframe for the Holistic • Generally heart patients, don’t follow the doctors instructions even facing a life or death situation. Thus, how can we expect leaders to change people? • Dr. Ornish, proved that through a holistic program that includes going after their feelings by having them attend a twice-weekly support group sessions led by a psychologist. A study showed that after three years, 77% of the patients had stuck with their lifestyle changes and avoided the surgery. • Facing death for most people is much too frightening to think about, thus patients often go into denial; where as making daily life more enjoyable is a powerful motivator.

  22. Flow Rather than Script Give employees flexibility in their work so that the situation is allowed to design itself, rather than just becoming a carbon copy.

  23. Velocity and Viscosity Velocity - the speed with which knowledge moves through an organization. Viscosity - the richness or thickness of the knowledge transferred. Knowledge requires viscosity, which uses rich sources. This is why knowledge can be so hard to come by at times. Organizational performance improves by focusing on learning, reframing, flowing, and viscosity.

  24. What is the Performance Gap? Performance Gap Actual performance Desired performance

  25. WHAT DO WE MEAN BY UNDER-PERFORMANCE? Consistently failing to deliver key aspects of the role

  26. Performance Problems Major causes of performance problems: • Incompetence. • Poor working conditions. • Lack of Resources. • Motivation or Culture - The employee knows how to perform, but does so incorrectly.

  27. REASONS WHY MANAGERS SOMETIMES DO NOT ADDRESS PROBLEMS • They hope the problem might go away by itself • Lack of confidence • Discomfort with the role of manager • A fear that if the problem is highlighted, more problems might come up • A fear of confrontation • Worry that working relationships might be damaged • Fear of being challenged • Lack of time • Not knowing where to start • Unclear whose role it is to address performance issues • Lack of understanding that a performance issue exists • Lack of support

  28. POSSIBLE CAUSES OF UNDER PERFORMANCE • Lack of training or support • Poor supervision • Tools/equipment not working adequately • Unclear instructions or no clear targets • Lack of understanding of the role • Unrealistic targets • ill-health • Personal problems • Relationships at work are difficult • Workload • Stress • Change • In the wrong job

  29. PROCEDURE FOR MANAGING POOR PERFORMANCE LEGALLY • Investigation • Informal discussion • Formal discussions • Time to improve • Monitoring: provide training, support, coaching, etc • Consideration of alternative action before dismissal

  30. PLANNING A “DIFFICULT” CONVERSATION • The desired outcome that you want • How to start the meeting • The content of the conversation • Managing oneself • Dealing with conflict

  31. DEAL WITH PROBLEMS PROMPTLY • Otherwise: • The person can reasonably assume their performance is acceptable • Others may become demotivated and stressed • The problem behaviour will become a habit • A precedent may be set • Your credibility may be damaged

  32. How to Insure Improved Organizational Performance • Set improvement goals • Establish comfort • Allow employee influences • Provide constructive information

  33. FACILITATOR • Prof. Dr. Mohammad Majid Mahmood

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