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Feeding the Media

This campaign leveraged radio tours, print stories, and media outreach focusing on the impact of gas prices on transit usage. It included Dump the Pump Day events, coalition efforts, and rallies, generating national coverage and highlighting budget challenges in the public transit sector. The campaign successfully engaged with various media outlets and positioned APTA as a key voice in advocating for public transportation. As part of ongoing efforts, the campaign will continue with strategic events and updates on industry data.

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Feeding the Media

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  1. Feeding the Media

  2. APTA Legislative Conference Release of Ridership Numbers • National radio media tour for transit system GMs across 20 markets • Radio segments aired on 1,887 stations in cities from Los Angeles to Atlanta – reaching more than 12,000,000 listeners nationwide • National & local print and broadcast stories • Tools/tactics: Advisories, pitches, release and talking points focusing on impact of gas prices on transit usage Money Minute: High gas prices drive more to take the bus Ridership up on light rail, down on Denver buses Mass transit use rises as gas prices soar Public transportation use up across the nation in 2011

  3. National Dump the Pump Day – June 16, 2011 • Outstanding local media coverage due to the work of APTA Members • Helped place op-ed on behalf of APTA, the Sierra Club, and the National Resource Defense Council in Huffington Post • Issued national press release detailing involvement by over 100 transit systems • Created and pitched to a top tier, national media distribution list • Pitched local DC media about local businesses supporting WMATA’s National Dump the Pump Day efforts Tri-Rail breaks ridership record on Dump the Pump Day - June 17, 2011 More than 125 public transit agencies participate in 'Dump the Pump Day' - June 17, 2011

  4. Don’t X Out Public Transit • APTA led a coalition of partners – including Amalgamated Transit Union, National Association of Public Transportation Advocates in Action, Reconnecting America, Transportation for American, Transportation Equity Network, Transportation Workers Union of America and other local partners – around the country • Brought direct attention to the dire situation of public transit systems around the country facing additional budget cuts

  5. National Day of Rallies • Quickly launched a campaign website to serve as hub for coalition partners, leveraged existing social media and partner networks • Rally events held in more than a dozen locations, including major hubs at Chicago, Los Angeles, Boston, and Providence • Hosted media conference call to target national, regional, and trade media • Media coverage included The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Hill, Streetsblog, and Progressive Railroading

  6. Results

  7. Upcoming • Gas Prices Report (April) • International Bus Rodeo and Conference (May) • International Rail Rodeo (May) • Dump the Pump Day (June) • Rail Conference 2012 (June) • UIC World Congress on High Speed Rail (July) • APTA Annual Meeting (October) • Launch of APTA/Transportation blog (TBD) • Updates of economic and social impact data (TBD)

  8. About the Media • Reporters are looking for what’s new and different, for what’s controversial • News media bias is often pegged as liberal or conservative • But it’s actually persuasively negative

  9. 6 Golden Rules 1. Stay current • Be aware of what the media is covering, and, likewise, be aware of which reporters are covering the issue. • Reporters change jobs and beats frequently. • It’s good to update your media list every three months. 2. Get to know your reporters and editors • Rapport with reporters is the single most effective method of ensuring your press releases, op-eds, etc., get the attention they deserve • As new reporters come on the beat, or if you’ve got a reporter who always gets your information, but never writes about it, ask to meet them for coffee. Build and nurture these relationships

  10. 6 Golden Rules 3. Always return a reporter’s phone call • Flake on a reporter once, and you’ll be off their list forever • Even if you can’t talk right away, return the reporter’s call and let them know when you will be available • And call back when you say you’ll call back 4. Give them something to work with • Most reporters are overwhelmed long before your press release shows up • Make sure you send newsworthy items, and offer to suggest ways your information could be helpful in developing a larger story, why readers should car or know about this issue, etc

  11. 6 Golden Rules 5. Follow up • Following up not only calls attention to your information, it also helps build rapport • Often the only difference between coverage and the circular file is a simple follow up call 6. Offer to help • Reporters are always looking for more sources on stories • Sending a reporter a note about how you can be a source on an issue you know they’ll be covering can make you part of the story • Likewise, offering additional sources, information and other assistance can turn you into a reporter’s “new best friend”

  12. Control Your Message You maintain the best control of your “story” when you know exactly what you want to say and stick to it • A + B = PP • Acknowledge question • Bridge to your answer • Make your PositivePoint • For Example: • “What I’m saying is…” • “Sure it’s a problem, that’s why…” • “Absolutely. We must…”

  13. Control Your Message • Don’t wait for a direct question • Chances are, it won’t be asked • Give the answer you want to give • Flip-flop everything you’ve been taught about making your case • State your main point first, then offer supporting arguments and statements • Keep it short – 1 thing in 10 seconds = Control, 10 things in 30 seconds = No Control • Draft and carry 3-5 messages you want to stress in the interview • You have a right to bring notes with you and to use them • Enhance your message by appealing to emotion whenever possible • Use colorful examples, words and comparisons • Avoid jargon and difficult-to-understand concepts

  14. Control Your Message • Never argue with your interviewer • Never repeat a reporter’s negative statement– he or she is fishing for a quote. • Don’t guess, because if you’re wrong, you will lose credibility • Similarly, always tell the truth • If the questioning goes into an area you can’t or don’t want to discuss, it’s better to say, “I don’t know,” or “I can’t go into that” • You do not have to answer personal or confidential questions • Don’t say “no comment.” Instead, say, “I don’t know” or “I’ll find out” • Last interview tip – Practice, practice, practice!

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