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Exploring Rock Types: Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic

Discover the fascinating world of rocks through their diverse types - Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic. Learn how these rocks are formed and explore their unique characteristics within the rock cycle.

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Exploring Rock Types: Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic

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  1. Rocks and Minerals II http://www.geology.wisc.edu/~maher/air/air14.htm

  2. Rock Types • Igneous • Sedimentary • Metamorphic

  3. Rock Types - Igneous • Igneous means “formed from fire” • Rocks formed by cooling and crystallization of molten material called magma • Shows interlocking crystal grains with sharp edges (some may have to be seen using a hand lens or microscope)

  4. Rock Types - Igneous Granite Gabbro http://seis.natsci.csulb.edu/basicgeo/GABBRO/gabbro_handsample_labelle.jpeg http://seis.natsci.csulb.edu/basicgeo/GRANITE/Granitic_Minerals.jpeg Obsidian Lunar basalt http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/Products/Pglossary/obsidian.html http://www.lpi.usra.edu/expmoon/Apollo15/A15_BasaltFS.gif

  5. Rock Types - Sedimentary • Rock formed from accumulation of weathered materials (sediments) • May contain fossils; may show layering; may have a conglomerate nature with rounded particles or cementation evident; may contain only one mineral as a result of chemical deposition • Generally dull in appearance

  6. Rock Types - Sedimentary fossiliferous rock http://physics.uwstout.edu/geo/gallery http://www2.vscc.cc.tn.us/svinson/geo100/sedimentary.html Andrew Alden sandstone conglomerate

  7. Rock Types - Metamorphic • Term means “changed form” • Rock formed from pre-existing rocks through the action of high heat (no melting) and pressure • May be very hard and may show crystals but they will be in a linear pattern (foliation) or may show elongation or folding that results from high pressure; certain minerals only form in metamorphic rocks.

  8. Rock Types - Metamorphic Quartzite Gneiss Gneiss http://www.mii.org/mineral_photos_by_type.htm http://www2.vscc.cc.tn.us/svinson/geo100/metamorphic.html

  9. Rock Cycle Rocks can be changed from one type to another through natural geological processes. The series of processes that comprise these transformations is called the rock cycle.

  10. http://www.cotf.edu/ete/modules/msese/earthsysflr/rock.html

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