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Experience Sharing on 6 th WASH in Schools International Learning Exchange (Held from 27 November to1 December 2017 at Naw Pyi Taw, Myanmar). Participants. Participant Countries:

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  1. Experience Sharing on 6th WASH in Schools International Learning Exchange(Held from 27 November to1 December 2017 at Naw Pyi Taw, Myanmar)

  2. Participants • Participant Countries: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Mongolia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinean, Timor Leste, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Philippines, Sri Lanka • Participants from UNICEF, giz, Water Aid etc Singapore, UK, USA, German, Nepal, Afganistan, Australia, Uganda, Netherland, Thailand

  3. Participants from Bangladesh 1. Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Mannan (Team Leader) Director (Secondary) Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education(DSHE) Bangladesh, Dhaka 2. Mr. EheteshamulRussel Khan (Member of the team) Project Director, UNICEF assist WASH Project DPHE, Bangladesh 3. Dr. Jahangir Hossain (Member and country paper presenter) Deputy Director (Planning and Development) Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education(DSHE) Bangladesh, Dhaka

  4. Evolution of ILE on WinS

  5. Presentation Outline • Enabling Environment • WinS Coverage Estimates • WinS within the SDGs • Three Pillars of Health School • Health School Programme through WinS • Project Activities (both software and hardware) • the Three Star Approach for WASH • MHM indicators under SDGs • Key messages

  6. WASH in Schools Enabling Environment Building Blocks for Country Action Planning

  7. WinS within the SDGs: Target 4.a Build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and provide safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all 4.a.1 Proportion of schools with access to:… (e) basic drinking water; (f) single-sex basic sanitation facilities; and (g) basic handwashing facilities (as per the WASH indicator definitions) Target 6.1 By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all 6.1.1 Proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services Target 6.2 By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations 6.2.1 Proportion of population using safely managed sanitation services, including a hand-washing facility with soap and water

  8. Service ladders allow for progressive realization Drinking water Sanitation Hygiene Advanced service To be defined at national level Advanced service To be defined at national level Advanced service To be defined at national level Basic service Drinking water from an improved source is available at the school Basic service Improved facilities, which are single-sex and usable at the school Basic service Handwashing facilities, which have water and soap available Limited service There is an improved source (piped water, protected well/spring, rainwater, bottled water), but water not available at time of survey Limited service There are improved facilities (flush/pour flush, pit latrine with slab, composting toilet), but not sex-separated or not usable Limited service Handwashing facilities with water, but no soap No service No water source or unimproved source (unprotected well/spring, tanker-truck surface water source) No service No handwashing facilities at the school or handwashing facilities with no water No service No toilets or latrines, or unimproved facilities (pit latrines without a slab or platform, hanging latrines, bucket latrines) The WASH Sustainable Development Goals– UNICEF for every child

  9. THREE PILARS of HEALTH SCHOOL Programme • Source: Agreement 4 Ministry about coaching and development School Health Unit No. 73 year 2014

  10. Health School Programme through WinS 1 Clean Environment Healty Student Quality Generation 3 2 Management Operational Hygiene Promotion Cozy Environment Infrastructure Hardware : Infrastructure Software : Hygiene Promotion Management Operational

  11. Project Activities (Hardware) • Double/ Triple Block latrine • Urinal Room • Group Hand Washing Station • Over head tank Installation • Piping System

  12. Software Activities • Participatory Hygiene education sessions well arranged for school children to promote WASH related practices such as hand washing, proper use and maintenances of WASH facilities in line with 3 Star approach • Train teachers as WASH focal person and Parents-Teacher Associations to support and promote WASH in school and O&M and sustainability of WASH facilities • Ensure that schools initiated (Thant Shin Star-3 Star approach) for WASH in schools with proper plans • Community mobilization (PTAs, local authorities and community)

  13. Software Activities • Encourage and support to ensure daily group hand washing activities before meal time supervised by teachers and students leaders (Aim: repetition of good practice towards behavior change) • Daily supervised use of drinking water • (1-2 liters/child/day) • Safe disposal of waste • Encourage school teachers to support girls in MHM knowledge and facilities

  14. Three Stars innovating WASH in Schools worldwide

  15. SIMPLE Small doable changes Cost-effective Evidence-based Systems Approach Intersectoral Multi-stakeholder Community involvement The principles of the Three Star Approach for WASH in Schools Sustainable Realistic budgeting Saving resources Contributing to national & international goals Scalable Stepwise & modular Adaptable Predictable cost

  16. First step: reaching Basic (SDG) WinS Services (1 star) National Standards for WASH in Schools 3 Stepwise realization of National Standards Enhanced WASH in Schools Services 2 Minimum WASH in Schools Services 1 0 Services below minimum or noservices

  17. 3- Star Approach for WASH in Schools Step-by-Step Improvement to reach National Standard

  18. 3 Star Approach provides innovative opportunities • Focus on operation & maintenance of existing facilities strengthens school management/governance • Realistic/attainable minimum standards encourage action • Streamlined monitoring aligned with SDGs and national WinS policies • Accreditation and benchmarking of schools to ensure quality • Use of systemic incentives for incremental improvements

  19. Our hands our future!!Lets work together to realize our VISION!

  20. Innovative solutions to Menstrual Health & Hygiene • November 2017

  21. A comprehensive approach to MHM: Five elements:

  22. Suggested MHM indicators under SDGs

  23. Key Messages (1) • WinS Knowledge Management: • SDG WinS baseline report and support improved monitoring mechanisms for WinS • Update and disseminate the Call to Action for WinS • Sponsor research on WinS to improve the knowledge base for enhanced programme design and more effective advocacy

  24. Key Messages (2) • Advocacy & Partnerships: • Advocacy to raise the profile of WinS and resources mobilization together with the Education sector • Encourage institutionalization of WASH within the Education Sector. • Strengthen partnerships around WinS through regional and global network like the WASH in School Network, Sanitation and Water for All and the 'Call to Action' for WASH in Schools. • Promoting WinS at Scale: • advocate and support the expansion of proven cost-effective interventions • Work at school level to further develop and refine evidence-based intervention models e.g. the Three Star Approach

  25. Key Messages (3) • Focus on Improving WinS Enabling Environment: • Develop models to reduce bottlenecks for upscaling, such as the high cost of water supply. • Promote and support the development and continuous functioning of coordination platforms • Continued technical support to national governments to strengthen enabling environment

  26. Second Part Overview of WASH In Schools Bangladesh

  27. Contents of 2nd Part • Country Profile • School WASH Profile • Knowledge, Behavior & Practices at School • Enabling Environment • Institutional Arrangement • WinS Partnerships & collaboration • SCALABLE MODELS • Main Challenges • Way Forward • Key Issues, Learning and Take Home Message

  28. Country Profile

  29. School WASH Profile 12% schools have separate toilets for girls 84% schools have improved Latrines 35% Schools have Hand washing locations with water and soap available 80% Schools have improved & functional water sources Source: National Hygiene Baseline Survey -2014

  30. Knowledge, Behavior & Practices at School • Low knowledge on menstruation and menstrual hygiene management: 36% schoolgirls heard about menstrual health before menstruation • 40% school girls missed (approx.) 3 school-days in each menstrual cycle • 6% of school girls have received menstrual hygiene lesson in schools and one-thirds of school girls perceive that menstrual problems interfere with their school performance . • Inadequate toilet facilities in schools affect usage, operation and maintenance: For secondary school, the average student to toilet ratio is 200 students to one toilet; For Primary school; it is about 182 students to one toilet. • 44% schools had waste disposal locations; but only 7% disposed waste into those locations • 86% of schoolgirls do not change in schools mostly because of having no proper changing room and 5% of schools girls dispose menstrual materials at schools inside the school latrines Source: National Hygiene Baseline Survey -2014

  31. Enabling Environment

  32. Institutional Arrangement • Primary Education: • Ministry of Primary and Mass Education (policy and enabling environment) • Directorate of Primary Education (Service delivery) • Secondary Education: • Ministry of Education (policy and enabling environment) • Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (Service delivery) • Technical Partner: • Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives • Department of Public Health Engineering (Service delivery, WASH in school) • Education Engineering Department (EED) (Service delivery, WASH in school) • Local Government Engineering Department (Service delivery, WASH in school) • Ministry of Health and Family Planning (Health and hygiene education)

  33. WinS Partnerships & collaboration • With the Governments Ministries, Departments and Agencies: • Ministry of Primary and Mass Education • Ministry of Education • Ministry of Health and Family Planning • Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives • Collaboration with Development Partners: • World Bank • Asian Development Bank • DFID • EU • UNICEF • USAID • Collaboration with NGOs (Brac, WSUP; WaterAid, Verc, DSK, NGoFetc) • Collaboration with Private Sector: Unilever

  34. WinS Programme Highlights • Government-led PEDP3 has WASH in Schools component with focus only on hardware components. • The WASH component of PEDP4 which will commence in 2018 has been designed with more integrated approaches comprising of both the software and hardware components. • The proposed government-led Secondary Education Development Programme (2018 to 2023) to have WASH in Schools component funded by GoB, World Bank and Asian Development Bank. • UNICEF and other NGO partners have implemented successful WinS models comprising of gender-friendly and inclusive designs taking into consideration the special needs of adolescent girls and disability. • Generation Breakthrough (GB) project in secondary implement menstrual hygiene management issue and train teacher for menstrual hygiene education at school • WASH indicators have been incorporated in Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIs) of 4th Adolescent Health and Nutrition Sector Programmesat both the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Ministry of Education supported by the World Bank. • Education Information Management System (EMIS) for both primary and secondary schools exist-for tracking better information on WASH situation in school

  35. Main Challenges • Non-compliance of approved national WASH standards mainly because of inadequacy of school WASH facilities. • Lack of effective mechanism for operation and maintenance (O&M) • Weak coordination mechanism • Inadequate attention to the software components: Hygiene promotion including MHM; • Weak monitoring and reporting system • Inadequate utilization of EMIS

  36. Way Forward • Sustained advocacy and sensitization • adequate, gender and disability friendly WASH facilities • effective operation and maintenance • Updating the National Standards on • Empowerment of School Management Committee (SMC) and Parents Teachers Association (PTA) • Establishment of effective monitoring and reporting system • Strengthening the coordination mechanism

  37. SummaryKey Issues, Learning and Take Home Message • Key Issues/ Challenges: a) WASH infrastructure b) knowledge of student and teachers about WASH c) O&M d) superstition and shyness about menstrual hygiene e) planning and budgeting f) proper database • Learning: a) Aligning WinS to SDG 4 and SDG 6 b) Good practice from several countries experience c) Community involvement for O & M d) Several methods to change human behavior e.g. nudging, training etc e) Several ways of developing WASH infrastructure f) Three star approach for better WASH facilities • Take Home Message: Introducing Three Star Approach for implementing national WASH standard

  38. Thanks Key Contacts Dr. Jahangir Hossain jahangir_55555@yahoo.com, DSHE; Kawsar Sabina,kawsarsabina@gmail.com, DPE

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