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Enhancing Education Quality and Equity in Latin America and the Caribbean

Explore the intertwined issues of quality and equity impacting social development in Latin America and the Caribbean, with a focus on educational inequalities. Join key experts and stakeholders to advance regional dialogue, reinforce joint efforts, and create a technical-political forum for educational evaluation.

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Enhancing Education Quality and Equity in Latin America and the Caribbean

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction Atilio Pizarro Section Chief for Planning, Management, Monitoring and Evaluation OREALC/UNESCO Santiago

  2. Quality and equity • key issues which are highly intertwined and deeply affecting the social development of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). • Patterns of inequalities in society are reflected on the patterns of inequalities in education. • Despite the progress made in many spheres of educational development in the region, some learners continue to experience disadvantaged positions in learning experiences. • Evaluation can play a key role in understanding, and improving the quality and equity in education, both as a diagnostic tool for understanding where systems stand and as a driver of educational change.

  3. Goals and objectives Enhance regional understanding of the concept of quality and equity and how this can be measured. The specific objectives are: • Advance the regional dialogue. • Create a technical-political forum. • Reinforce joint efforts. • Ideally, the meeting will result in a joint report. • These topics have been proposed by the Ministries of Education of the region in the recent: • II Meeting of the Board of EFA/ PRELAC, Rio, 26 Nov. 2010 • ECOSOC meeting, Buenos Aires,12 and 13, May 2011

  4. Participants • Key experts from UNICEF and UNESCO. • Country representatives, with expertise in educational evaluation. • Academic expert with a track record in this area in the region. • A number of strategic partners relevant to the area of the educational evaluation in the region.

  5. Agenda

  6. Agenda

  7. Agenda

  8. Thank you ______ 8

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