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Learn about the guidelines and procedures for inmate mail correspondence outlined in Administrative Regulation 750, ensuring secure and compliant communication in the correctional institution.
Administrative Regulation 750 Inmate General Correspondence and Mail
Authority • NRS 209.131 & NRS 209.365 • Administrative Regulation 750 ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION 750
Responsibility • All inmates are responsible to comply with mail and correspondence procedures. All correspondents are responsible for the contents of and compliance with procedures applicable to mail items sent into Department Institutions. • All designated mailroom staff at each institution are responsible over daily mailroom operations. ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION 750
750.01 General Provisions • All mail shall be processed pursuant to current State and OSHA biohazard guidelines and procedures. • Each institution will designate a secure mailroom location. • The Mailroom should be open eight (8) hours per day, five (5) days a week and will be closed on weekends and holidays. • Each institution will designate a secure mailbox for outgoing inmate mail. • Mail will only be collected by staff. • Mail will be collected at least once a day. • No personal delivery of inmate mail to another inmate will ever be done by staff or inmates. Unless its legal mail which will be delivered by the Law Library Supervisor. ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION 750
Continued………. • There are no limits to the number of letters an inmate may send or receive, except as specifically authorized by this regulation. • No mail will be left on tables or in other areas unattended where inmates have access. • Records that will be maintained by staff and that may be kept electronically. • A log shall be kept of all incoming or outgoing registered, insured or certified mail using Form DOC-3088. • A log shall be kept of all unauthorized mail using Form DOC-3086. • A log shall be kept of all inmate to inmate approved correspondence using Form DOC-3087. • A log shall be kept of all rejected mail using Form DOC-1740. • A log shall be kept of all mail that is monitored using Form DOC-3022. • Unauthorized Mail Notification Form to Inmate is the DOC 1518 form. ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION 750
CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!! • Violations of rules or policies, governing mail procedures, may result in the suspension or termination of correspondence between the parties involved. • Refer to AR 722 for specific procedures for managing inmate privileged correspondence. • Refer to AR 711 for package procedures. • Inmates may correspond in their primary language. ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION 750
Prohibited Mail • Each institution will establish a process for review of questionable items of mail received. • Mail items that contain matter detrimental to the security, good order, or discipline of the institution, or that facilitates Criminal Activity are prohibited. What do you think would be prohibited mail? ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION 750
Content that depicts or describes procedures for the construction or use of weapons, ammunition, bombs or incendiary devices. • Content that depicts, encourages, or describes method of escape from correctional institutions, or blueprints, drawings or similar descriptions of prison institutions. • Contents that depicts or describes procedures for the brewing of alcoholic beverages, or the manufacture of drugs or unlawful substances. • Content that is written in code. • Content that describes or encourages activities which may lead to the use of violence or promotes hate groups or gang activities. ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION 750
Content that encourages or instructs in the commission of or depicts criminal activity. • Content that displays realistic pictures of guns or knives, or that is suitable for use in the making of weapons. • Content that is sexually explicit, which by its nature poses a threat to the security, good order, rehabilitation or discipline of the institution. ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION 750
Sexually Explicit Defined……… Any depiction of intercourse, penetration, oral sex, beastiality, child molestation, sodomy, or rape. Why is the above not allowed? ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION 750
Content that includes instruction relating to tattooing. WHY? • Content that advocates terrorism, racial, religious, or national origin hatred, or that creates an unsafe environment for offenders or prison staff. • Content that provides institutions for military, police or security tactics for riots, hostage negotiation, or any Homeland Security drills. • Content related to survival guide info. ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION 750
750.02 Outgoing Mail • All envelopes must be properly addressed. • Must be stamped on the back with the name of the institution from which it is being sent and the date of mailing. • Must have the offenders name, offender #, Institution name and institution mailing address in the return address portion of the envelope. ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION 750
All outgoing mail must be sent via the U.S. Postal Service and requires the appropriate postage. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • The Warden/Designee may prohibit outgoing mail under appropriate circumstances. ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION 750
750.03 INCOMING MAIL • All incoming mail, including “Return To Sender” will be opened for the inspection of contraband, unauthorized items, cash, coin, checks and money orders, and scanned by the mailroom staff. Disposal of unauthorized items will be pursuant to section 750.07 of this regulation. ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION 750
Inmates are not allowed to receive, from any source, confidential information, which includes but is not limited to personal information about: • Current or past inmates • Any other person without that person’s knowledge and written consent. ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION 750
Enclosures Per Envelope • Not to exceed ten pages, excluding the letter, article or advertisement such as from a newspaper or magazine, or printouts from websites, or one pamphlet. ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION 750
Personal Photographs • A maximum of ten per envelope not including pictures in enclosed articles or advertisements. • Not to exceed 8”x10” in size. • If computer generated on paper no larger than standard 8 ½” x 11”, which may contain up to ten (10) photographs on one page, but each photograph counts as one of the ten maximum allowed. • All must have the inmate’s name and NDOC # on the back. ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION 750
Photographs Of Nude Persons • Shall not depict sexual activity • Shall have inmate’s name and back # on the back of each photo. • Shall not be traded or sold. Jane Doe # 123456 ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION 750
PUBLICATIONS • The institution will review all publications for suspicious or objectionable content. If such is found, the publication will be forwarded to the Publication Review Committee (PRC) for appropriate disposition. • The committee must have a minimum of three (3) members, one of whom shall be appointed by the Warden and one of whom shall be an Associate Warden or above. • The committee shall convene within seven (7) days from when a publication is referred by mailroom staff. ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION 750
750.04 INMATE TO INMATE CORRESPONDENCE • Is limited to immediate family members. • Legal correspondence is allowed if they are co-defendants or co-plaintiffs in active litigation or pursuant to court orders. • Common law relationships are not considered immediate family. • The approval of both Wardens from both institutions is required. ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION 750
Do We Pay For Inmate Mail? • Sadly yes, its called indigent inmate mail. • Indigent inmates will be provided postage, paper and envelopes for a maximum of two personal letters per week. • The mailroom officer will put the institutions budget # on the top right hand of the envelope and send it to the state mailroom for processing. ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION 750