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Technical writing. December 6 , 2013. Letterhead. Begins with key information: project status. Concisely summarizes previous work for background. Summarizes current accomplishments. Identifies problems, how they were solved, and costs involved.
Technical writing December 6 , 2013
Letterhead Begins with key information: project status Concisely summarizes previous work for background Summarizes current accomplishments. Identifies problems, how they were solved, and costs involved. Specifies what work remains and when it will be completed.
Projects successful completion of work. Promises to keep reader informed
Today Writing clarity: - word choice - Prepositions (collocations – common word groupings)
Word choice i.e., vague terms The musical was good. The musical was entertaining.
Word choice i.e., Word form: Adjective vs. Noun Carey was quite anger/angry with the results of her job interview. It is important to put the happiness/happy of family above other things. It was nice to see the animals in their nature/natural environment. I have a sharp pain/painful in my shoulder.
Word choice i.e., Word form: Adjective vs. Noun vs. Verb The consultant’s predict/prediction/predictive about our current problems was correct.
Word choice i.e., prepositions: to use or not We discussed about constructing a new cafeteria. We discussed constructing a new cafeteria. The current plan is different the previous plan. The current plan is different from the previous plan.
Correcting Word Choice Errors 1. Avoid bad words 1. Avoid ambiguous/vague/unclear words i.e., good, well, hard, interesting, pretty, a lot of, a great deal Vague: When Carol left the firm, she received a good severance package. More precise: When Carol left the firm, she received a generous severance package (of $100,000).
Correcting Word Choice Errors 2. Check for misused words a) Because vs. Since Because = demonstrates cause and effect i.e., Because of its recent attempts to downsize, the airline’s payroll expenses seem relatively low.
Correcting Word Choice Errors 2. Check for misused words a) Because vs. Since Since = signifies relation to time, conditions, or circumstances. i.e., The firm has not altered its depreciation method in any way sincethe last tax audit.
Correcting Word Choice Errors 2. Check for misused words b) Affect vs. Effect Affect = influence or change. i.e., Production constraints may affectthe revenue budget.
Correcting Word Choice Errors 2. Check for misused words b) Affect vs. Effect Effect = (noun) a result. i.e., The economic effectsof discrimination against minorities and women take many forms.
Correcting Word Choice Errors 2. Check for misused words b) Affect vs. Effect Effect = (verb) cause, make happen, or create. i.e., The school board effected changes in its testing process.
Correcting Word Choice Errors 2. Check for misused words c) Amount vs. Number Amount = a bulk quantity. i.e., The article discusses the amountof crude oil offered by OPEC.
Correcting Word Choice Errors 2. Check for misused words c) Amount vs. Number Number = a countable quantity. i.e., The report mentioned the numberof people who attended the meeting.
Correcting Word Choice Errors 2. Check for misused words d) Fewer vs. Less Fewer = a smaller number of things, people, etc. (with a countable quantity). i.e., Spending cuts will mean we’ll be able to hire fewersocial workers.
Correcting Word Choice Errors 2. Check for misused words d) Fewer vs. Less Less = a smaller amount of something indefinite or uncountable, such as time, money, information, homework, food. i.e., Sales staff should spend lesstime traveling and more time selling.
Correcting Word Choice Errors 2. Check for misused words d) Maintain vs. Keep Maintain = to make something continue in the same way or at the same standard as before i.e., The firm has maintaineda high level of service for many years.
Correcting Word Choice Errors 2. Check for misused words d) Maintain vs. Keep Keep = i) to continue to have something and not sell it, give it away, or throw it away. ii) to hold something/somebody in place. iii) to store something. i.e., The company keepsrecords of all its clients.
Correcting Word Choice Errors 2. Check for misused words d) Wish vs. Expect Wish = i) to want to do something, ii) to want something to happen or want someone to do something (especially when what you want is unlikepy or impossible). i.e.,I wishI earned $1 million a year.
Correcting Word Choice Errors 2. Check for misused words d) Wish vs. Expect Expect = to believe something will happen because it seems very likely. i.e.,I expectto receive a good return on my investments.
Correcting Word Choice Errors 3. Proofread (edit) to make sure your words accurately communicate your intended meaning. i.e., The high competition in your area will threaten your expected sales. The strong competition in your area will threaten your expected sales.
Correcting Word Choice Errors 4. Check any modifying words (adverbs modify adjectives; adjectives modify nouns) i.e., Since November 2003, Tony is complete self-insured for product liability. Since November 2003, Tony is completely self-insured for product liability.
Correcting Word Choice Errors 4. Check appropriate prepositions. Especially collocations. i.e., Cammie’s Inc. provides outstanding value for its customers through delivering high-quality, authentic Greek food in reasonable prices. Cammie’s Inc. provides outstanding value to its customers bydelivering high-quality, authentic Greek food atreasonable prices.
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