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D.A.E.L . Disabled Adult in Experiential Learning Programme. LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME GRUNDTVIG 2009- Learning Partnerships Prevailing activity : mobilities of staff. D.A.E.L . Disabled Adult in Experiential Learning Programme. Partners : Casa di Carità Arti e Mestieri (IT)
D.A.E.L. Disabled Adult in Experiential Learning Programme LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME GRUNDTVIG 2009- LearningPartnerships Prevailingactivity: mobilitiesof staff
D.A.E.L. Disabled Adult in Experiential Learning Programme • Partners: • Casa di Carità Arti e Mestieri (IT) • OZARA d.o.o. Service and Disability Company (SI) • BerufsförderungswerkNürnberggemeinützigeGesellschaftmitbeschränkterHaftung (D) • Κεντρο ΜεριμναςΟικογενειας Και Παιδιου (GR) • Dél-dunántúliRegionálisMunkaügyiKözpont (HU)
D.A.E.L. Disabled Adult in Experiential Learning Programme AIMS: Objectiven° 1)to share strategies and toolsalreadyusedfromdifferent partner tocarry out supportactionsto the acquisitionofskills and to the evaluationofacquiredskilllevelsbydisabledadultinserted in workinginclusionprojects. Objective n°2)To compare strategiesalreadyusedwithframework on a European scale (levels EQF)
D.A.E.L. Disabled Adult in Experiential Learning Programme Objective n°3) Toindividualizepraxisintegrationsusedfromeveryone, recommendationsaddressedtonationaloperatorswho, alsowith the respectof the specificpraxisofeverycountry and every partner, wouldsupport the meeting ofnationalinterventionmodelstowardseuropeanframework. Objective n°4) To cooperate to the improvementof the training servicesqualityfor the acquisitionofskillsbydisabledadults on the job and ofabilityofdisabledadultstoadapttheirskills in aworkingcontexts on continuousevolution
D.A.E.L. Disabled Adult in Experiential Learning Programme 6 followingphases/focus themes: training on the job fordisabledadults evaluationofkey competenciesacquired in training on the job projects (or job insertionprogrammes) fordisabledadults evaluationofprofessionalcompetenciesacquired in training on the job projects (or job insertionprogrammes) fordisabledadults
D.A.E.L. Disabled Adult in Experiential Learning Programme • 3. benchmarkingwitheuropeanframeworkand test actions • In particular: • EQF - European QualificationFramework • KEY COMPETENCIES • ICF _ International ClassificationofFunctioning
D.A.E.L. Disabled Adult in Experiential Learning Programme 5. recommendationsfor the maistreaming 6. evalutation and disseminationactions
D.A.E.L. Disabled Adult in Experiential Learning Programme • In the CD ROM you can find: • All the Best practicespresentedbyeachpartnersabout the differentsthemes: • Phase 1- training on the job • Phase 2 - evaluationof key competencies • Phase 3 - evaluationofprofessionalcompetenciesacquired • Phase 4 benchmarkingwitheuropeanframework
D.A.E.L. Disabled Adult in Experiential Learning Programme • Within the phase 4 you can find also some working documents on: • The European QualificationsFrameworkforLifelongLearning (EQF) • the recognitionofacquiredcompetencies (RAC) in the socioculturalwork • EU Reccomandationon key competences for lifelong learning • International ClassificationofFunctioning, Disabilityand Health (ICF)
D.A.E.L. Disabled Adult in Experiential Learning Programme In eachphaseyou can findalso the commentsof the partnersconcerning the BP presentedbyotherpartners
D.A.E.L. Disabled Adult in Experiential Learning Programme • Into the CD Rom you can findalso some folderswhere are collected the documentsofeachpartners on: • National disseminationplan • Evaluation • Future intentions • Learningoutcomes (learnedlessonsacquiredbyeach partner during the project)