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Quality Systems Specialization (QSS) Technology Management Ph.D. Update John W. Sinn, Professor Errol Samuel, Graduate Fellow Quality Systems Specialization Technology Systems Department Bowling Green State University November 1, 2001 NAIT Conference Dearborn, Michigan.
Quality Systems Specialization (QSS) Technology Management Ph.D. UpdateJohn W. Sinn, ProfessorErrol Samuel, Graduate FellowQuality Systems SpecializationTechnology Systems DepartmentBowling Green State UniversityNovember 1, 2001 NAIT ConferenceDearborn, Michigan
Quality Systems Specialization (QSS) Technology Management Ph.D. Update Topics: 1. Introduction, evolution and background 2. Mission, broader underpinnings 3. QSS content organizers, structure 4. QSS course descriptors 5. Three QSS course case studies 6. Some future plans………..
Introduction, Evolution, Background • QSS Team includes: • Bill James, NC A&TU • Ming Zhou, ISU • Mike Hayden, ISU • Marcus Tillery, NC A&TU • Bob Orhenberg, CMSU • Chuck Carlson, UWS • John Sinn, BGSU
Introduction, Evolution, Background • Indiana State University offers the degree • Original QSS proposal in spring, 1998 • QSS housed at BGSU since inception • Final QSS approved, spring, 2000 • Multiple courses proposed, 2000, 2001 • Enrollments growing, currently 15 in QSS • Two persons advanced to dissertation stage • All courses offered, in second round • Scholarly work beginning to emerge
Introduction, Evolution, Background QSS Foundations: • Ongoing relationship with ASQ, NAIT • Applied research project base growing • Various labs for applied research • Strong advisory committee base • Growing undergraduate curriculum • Increasingly portable, digital content • Several universities pursuing Baldridge
Mission, Broader Underpinnings Of The QSS…….. The mission of the QSS, as part of the broader Ph.D. in Technology Management, is to develop and prepare professionals for leadership roles in quality. The QSS is dedicated to providing corporate leadership and faculty for institutions of higher learning with global vision and abilities. The primary QSS focus, while oriented to technology management, is increased customer satisfaction in the public and private sectors for industrial and service applications.
Mission, Broader Underpinnings Ph.D. in Technology Management……... The Indiana State University (ISU) Ph.D. in Technology Management consortium prepares executive-level technical managers and researchers for industry and academia. Six separate universities are collectively organized and linked to offer the Ph.D. with specializations in: Construction Industrial training and development Human resource development Digital communication Manufacturing Quality systems
Mission, Broader Underpinnings • Ph.D. in Technology Management……... • About 80 graduate faculty at six institutions • All courses except one electronically configured • Committees and work flexibly organized at internet • Consortium offers multiple fellowships • Significant library and lab holdings in consortium • Substantial applied research, project, connections • Strong interdisciplinary base at committee level
QSS Content Organizers, Structure Quality Culture: cultural aspects such as total quality, change and organizational development Quality Systems: modeling, developing and analyzing systems for improvement Quality Leadership: synchronizing data, documentation, new product development, organizational re-engineering challenges
QSS Content Organizers, Structure Courses By Content Organizer
QSS Content Organizers, Structure Courses By Institution
QSS Content Organizers, Structure Course Offerings, Scheduled Spring, 1999 to Fall, 2003
QSS Course Descriptors INMGT 796-700C (UW-S). Strategic Concepts in Quality. A course designed to integrate international quality requirements, national quality schemes, and industry and commercial quality system requirements into defined quality system and process models. These models are designed to enable the student to identify appropriate quality system elements and best practice recommendations relative to specific industry and use applications. A strategic quality system vision is developed to plan, coordinate and implement business, and product and service processes and to evaluate effectivity. QSS 702 (BGSU). Quality change culture. Analysis and generation of model quality change culture based on actual quality and change-focused projects in organizations, primarily in service industries, through teams.
QSS Course Descriptors QSS 726 (BGSU). Quality systems. Application of data-based tools in variation reduction for process improvement within broader quality systems. Assessing and designing a model system for data-based improvement within a technical project environment quality system. QSS 727 (BGSU). Documentation-based process improvement. Generation of model system for process improvement and technical problem solving for variation reduction based on documentation in teams at one or more organizational sites. IMT 812 (ISU). Experimental design and process analysis. Design and analysis of experiments for industrial applications and applied research. Topics include single factor models, blocking, factorial design, parameter design, process analysis, and response surface methodology. Emphasis is given to problem modeling, implementation and output analysis in applied research. Prerequisite SOT 703 or 607.
QSS Course Descriptors IMT 811 (ISU) Reliability, maintainability and serviceability. This course introduces concepts, principles and techniques used in the evaluation and assessment of reliability, maintainability and serviceability in industrial systems. Emphasis is given in theory and techniques to determine time-to-failure, failure rate, reliability and availability of components/systems, including strength-stress analysis, construction of bath-tub curves (RBTC), failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA), fault tree analysis (FTA). Prerequisite: SOT 703 advanced statistical methods in technology or IMT 607 statistics for experimental research in technology or equivalent. 7XX (NC A&TU) Quality standards leadership. Management and leadership activities to create and promote quality standards. IMT 814 (ISU). Quality seminar. In-depth critical analysis of important issues in the management of quality and the research of those issues.
Tool Kit BasedIndustrial Technologists Toolkit for Technical Managers Digitized (available on CD-ROMs).Data and documentation to solve technical problems.Includes 40 Tools categorized around:Cultural Tools. Data Tools. Documentation Tools. Three QSS Course Case Studies
Web BasedConducted via the internet.WebCT for document posting, chats and bulletin board.E-mail for asynchronous communicationStudents are at different geographical location include Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, North Carolina and Wisconsin. Three QSS Course Case Studies
Team Based· Students work as a team.· Experienced students serve in leadership. Three QSS Course Case Studies Project Based, Real Industrial Projects· One student based on location of project site.· Other students provide support in: - Critical Thinking - Brain Storming - Benchmarking - Project Management Review - Tool kit and Data Analysis - Documentation
QS 702: Quality Change Culture· Conducted during Summer, 2001.· Developed a model quality system that addresses change and improvement. · Project was the development of a quality change system for a generic university.· Final project included:o Problem Statement.o Historical Indicator.o Preliminary performance quality indicator.o Model functions synthesis. Three QSS Course Case Studies
QS 727: Documentation-Based Improvement Systems· Conducted during Fall, 1999.· Encouraged the use of various quality tools, primarily oriented to documentation methods system.· The project involved assisting a small Plastic Molding company with the ISO 9002:1994 registration process.· A privately own company located in Terre Haute, Indiana with up to 80 full time employees.· The main goal of the project team was to help the company with their ISO 9002:1994 implementation. · The project proved beneficial – Company received its IOS 9002:1994 registration in Summer, 2000. Three QSS Course Case Studies
QS 726: Quality Systems· Conducted during Fall, 2000.· Focused on the basics of a quality system by developing the use of statistical tools.· Project involved implementing a statistics-oriented system into an actual injection molding company.· The actual company is located in the state of North Carolina.· The developed system was based on the course’s toolkits, and Six Sigma framework for implementation.· The objective was to reduce the hot stamping defects on one production line by 50%.· Project resulted in company generated $32,000 in annual savings and an overall reduction of 47.6% in scrap.· Proved valuable learning experience. Three QSS Course Case Studies
Some Future Plans • Reviewing, evaluating, courses • Studying linkages in certification, online courses • Conceptualizing a “learning community” • Publishing what we are learning • Bringing in other partners • Recruiting students • Seeking, developing applied research projects • Assessing role of specialization in consortium