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Announcements. See Chapter 5 of Duda, Hart, and Stork. Tutorial by Burge linked to on web page. “Learning quickly when irrelevant attributes abound,” by Littlestone, Machine Learning 2:285-318, 1988. Supervised Learning. Classification with labeled examples.

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  1. Announcements • See Chapter 5 of Duda, Hart, and Stork. • Tutorial by Burge linked to on web page. • “Learning quickly when irrelevant attributes abound,” by Littlestone, Machine Learning 2:285-318, 1988.

  2. Supervised Learning • Classification with labeled examples. • Images vectors in high-D space.

  3. Supervised Learning • Labeled examples called training set. • Query examples called test set. • Training and test set must come from same distribution.

  4. Linear Discrimants • Images represented as vectors, x1, x2, …. • Use these to find hyperplane defined by vector w and w0. xis on hyperplane: wTx + w0 = 0. • Notation: aT= [w0, w1, …]. yT = [1,x1,x2, …] So hyperplane is aTy=0. • A query, q, is classified based on whether aTq > 0 or aTq < 0.

  5. Why linear discriminants? • Optimal if classes are Gaussian with same covariances. • Linear separators easier to find. • Hyperplanes have few parameters, prevents overfitting. • Have lower VC dimension, but we don’t have time for this.

  6. Linearly Separable Classes

  7. Linearly Separable Classes • For one set of classes, aTy > 0. For other set: aTy < 0. • Notationally convenient if, for second class, make y negative. • Then, finding a linear separator means finding a such that, for all i, aTy > 0. • Note, this is a linear program. • Problem convex, so descentalgorithms converge to global optimum.

  8. Perceptron Algorithm Perceptron Error Function Y is set of misclassified vectors. So update a by: Simplify by cycling through y and whenever one is misclassified, update a  a + cy. This converges after finite # of steps.

  9. a(k+1) a(k) Perceptron Intuition

  10. Support Vector Machines • Extremely popular. • Find linear separator with maximum margin. • Some guarantees this generalizes well. • Can work in high-dimensional space without overfitting. • Nonlinear map to high-dim. space, then find linear separator. • Special tricks allow efficiency in ridiculously high dimensional spaces. • Can handle non-separable classes also. • Not as important if space very high-dimensional.

  11. Maximum Margin Maximize the minimum distance from hyperplane to points. Points at this minimum distance are support vectors.

  12. Geometric Intuitions • Maximum margin between points -> Maximum margin between convex sets

  13. This implies max margin hyperplane is orthogonal to vector connecting nearest points of convex sets, and halfway between.

  14. Non-statistical learning • There are a class of functions that could label the data. • Our goal is to select the correct function, with as little information as possible. • Don’t think of data coming from a class described by probability distributions. • Look at worst-case performance. • This is CS’ey approach. • In statistical model, worst case not meaningful.

  15. On-Line Learning • Let X be a set of objects (eg., vectors in a high-dimensional space). • Let C be a class of possible classifying functions (eg., hyperplanes). • f in C: X-> {0,1} • One of these correctly classifies all data. • The learner is asked to classify an item in X, then told the correct class. • Eventually, learner determines correct f. • Measure number of mistakes made. • Worst case bound for learning strategy.

  16. VC Dimension • S, a subset of X, is shattered by C if, for any U, a subset of S, there exists f in C such that f is 1 on U and 0 on S-U. • The VC Dimension of C is the size of the largest set shattered by C.

  17. VC Dimension and worst case learning • Any learning strategy makes VCdim(C) mistakes in the worst case. • If S is shattered by C • Then for any assignment of values to S, there is an f in C that makes this assignment. • So any set of choices the learner makes for S can be entirely wrong.

  18. Winnow • x’selements have binary values. • Find weights. Classify x by whether wTx > 1 or wTx < 1. • Algorithm requires that there exist weights u, such that: • uTx > 1 when f(x) = 1 • uTx < 1 – d when f(x) = 0. • That is, there is a margin of d.

  19. Winnow Algorithm • Initialize w = (1,1, …1). • Let a = 1+d/2. • Decision: wTx > q • If learner correct, weights don’t change. If wrong:

  20. Some intuitions • Note that this is just like Perceptron, but with multiplicative change, not additive. • Moves weights in right direction; • if wTx was too big, shrink weights that effect inner product. • If wTx too small, make weights bigger. • Weights change more rapidly (exponential with mistakes, not linear).

  21. Theorem Number of errors bounded by: Set q = n Note: if xiis an irrelevant feature, ui = 0. Errors grow logarithmically with irrelevant features. Empirically, Perceptron errors grow linearly. This is optimal for k-monotone disjunctions: f(x1, … xn) = xi1V xi2V … V xik

  22. Winnow Summary • Simple algorithm; variation on Perceptron. • Great with irrelevant attributes. • Optimal for monotone disjunctions.

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