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Potential Vorticity. Barotropic Instability. Water Vapor Loop. President’s Day. http://www.atmos.washington.edu/academic/videos/PresidentsDayStorm.html. http://www.atmos.albany.edu/daes/atmclasses/atm305/climomaps.html. Positive PV Anomaly Near Trop. Negative PV Anomaly Near Trop.
Barotropic Instability • Water Vapor Loop
President’s Day • http://www.atmos.washington.edu/academic/videos/PresidentsDayStorm.html
Conservation of potential vorticity • conserved for adiabatic frictionless motion • Ratio of absolute vorticity and depth of vortex Ertel Potential Vorticity (Holton 2004, p. 96)
Conservation of potential vorticity • for a homogeneous incompressible fluid • z evaluated at constant height Potential Vorticity (Holton 2004, p. 96)
Conservation of potential vorticity • When the depth of the vortex changes following motion, its absolute vorticity must change to maintain conservation of potential vorticity (Holton 2004, p. 98)
(b) (c) (d) (e) (a) • Conservation of potential vorticity • For westerly flow impinging on an infinitely long mountain range… • (a) upstream, zonal flow is uniform (du/dy = 0, v=0), z = 0 • (b) deflection of upper q surface upstream of barrier increases h absolute vorticity must increase air column turns cyclonically (Holton 2004, p. 98)
ATMS 316- Background (b) (c) (d) (e) (a) • Conservation of potential vorticity • For westerly flow impinging on an infinitely long mountain range… • poleward drift in (b) also causes increase in f • (c) as column crosses mountain, h decreases absolute vorticity must decrease z becomes negative air column drifts equatorward (Holton 2004, p. 98)
(b) (c) (d) (e) (a) • Conservation of potential vorticity • For westerly flow impinging on an infinitely long mountain range… • equatorward drift in (c) also causes decrease in f • (d) as column crosses mountain, h increases absolute vorticity must increase z becomes positive air column drifts poleward
ATMS 316- Background (b) (c) (d) (e) (a) • Conservation of potential vorticity • For westerly flow impinging on an infinitely long mountain range… • (e) alternating series of ridges and troughs downstream of mountain range • cyclonic flow pattern immediately to the east of the mountains (lee side trough)
Alps and Smaller Ranges More Complicated With All Kinds of Baroclinic Effects • Lee cyclogenesis • Preferred regions of cyclogenesis • Alps • Narrow mountain range • Theory that applies to Alps lee cyclogenesis is modifed from that used to describe lee cyclogenesis of the Rockies • Ageostrophic effects dominate and the modification of baroclinic instability by the Alps is more difficult to analyze
Tropopause +PV anomalies often apparent in water vapor imagery
Terminology: PV Streamer • A PV-streamer is an elongated band of potential vorticity, generally in the upper troposphere. It is mesoscale in width and synoptic scale in length. • In the upper troposphere, they are associated with stratospheric–tropospheric mass exchange, particularly in the area where the tropopause folds.