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Eco-Geomorphic Analysis of Badlands in Sub-Humid Climates: Bridging Short- to Medium-Term Erosion Rates

Investigating the interactions between vegetation, erosion, and weathering in badlands within sub-humid climates to understand the eco-geomorphic system dynamics. The study focuses on the Upper Ebro, Spain, to analyze badland hotspot dynamics and assess the impact on reservoir sedimentation. Through event-based soil erosion modeling and model coupling for soil-moisture, vegetation, and geomorphic processes, the research aims to identify tipping points influenced by climatic, land-use, and geological factors.

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Eco-Geomorphic Analysis of Badlands in Sub-Humid Climates: Bridging Short- to Medium-Term Erosion Rates

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  1. Ecogeomorphic analysis of badlands in sub-humid climatesVegetation – erosion – weathering interactions Dr. Eva Nora Müller Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Potsdam visiting Land surface dynamics group, University of Edinburgh

  2. Problem: Sedimentation of Reservoirs → Reduced water availability: drinking water supply & irrigation → Problems for hydro-power stations

  3. Connectivity of hydrological systems DFG - SESAM II Project (2010-14) Bronstert, Güntner, Batalla, de Araujo, Förster, Müller, Francke, Brosinsky, Werb

  4. Hotspot dynamics of badlands

  5. Study site: Upper Ebro, Spain Francke, 2009

  6. Study site: Upper Ebro, Spain Francke, 2009 Distribution of badlands Geologic map of the Isabena Catchment

  7. Objectives • Bridging the gap between short- and medium-term erosion rates event – 150 years • Evolution of humid badlands as a function of vegetation dynamics ecohydro – ecogeomorphic system‘s approach • Assessment of tipping points climatic, land-use, geological

  8. Approach • Event-based soil erosion modelling MAHLERAN1 • Model coupling I: soil-moisture dynamics HydroVeg2 • Model coupling II: vegetation dynamics EcoHyD3 • Model coupling III: geomorphic processes PDZ-CAZ4 1 Wainwright et al. 2008 2,3 Tietjen et al. 2009, 2010 4 Yoo and Mudd 2008

  9. The Mahleran Model Model for Assessing Hillslope to Landscape Runoff, Erosion and Nutrients Event-based, process-based soil erosion model Picture by J. Wainwright et al.

  10. Flow chart for Mahleran Model Spatial resolution: grid with 0.5-2 m cell size Temporal resolution: 1 sec – 1 min

  11. Flow chart for Mahleran Model Spatial resolution: grid with 1m cell size Temporal resolution: 1 sec – 1 min

  12. Flow chart for Mahleran Model Spatial resolution: grid with 1m cell size Temporal resolution: 1 sec – 1 min

  13. Flow chart for Mahleran Model Spatial resolution: grid with 1.5 m cell size Temporal resolution: 1 sec – 1 min

  14. Badlands in Villacarli valley

  15. Badlands in Villacarli valley

  16. Badlands in Villacarli valley High-resolution DEM: 1.5 metres (LIDAR data)

  17. Testing data for individual storms • Field campaign by Francke et al., 2008 & SESAM Project (2004-2008): • 1-sec rainfall data • 2-min discharge data • 10-min sediment data

  18. Model coupling II: vegetation dynamics EcoHyD * Britta Tietjen et al. (2009) WRR 45, W01418 HydroVeg* Mahleran Peter Biro‘s project work

  19. Model coupling II: vegetation dynamics EcoHyD Mahleran HydroVeg* EcoHyD* Peter / my current task *Britta Tietjen et al. (2009) WRR 45, W01418 and (2010) Ecohydrology 3, 226-237

  20. Model coupling III: geomorphic processes PDZ-CAZ Yoo and Mudd *Yoo and Mudd (2008) Toward process-based moeling of geochemical soil formation across diverse landforms: A new mathematical framework. Geoderma 46(1-2): 248-260

  21. Bridging the gap: event-based versus medium-term soil erosion Scenario calculations: • Water and soil budgets for 100 years • Seasonal variations • Dominant processes Relate to: Sedimentation cores of Barasona Reservoir Analysis of old air photos (1950s, 1920s)

  22. Badlands and Land-use Badlands in 2010 Badlands in 1953

  23. Analysis of vegetation dynamics

  24. Analysis of vegetation dynamics When do the boundaries become unstable?

  25. Analysis of vegetation dynamics When do the boundaries become unstable?

  26. Analysis of vegetation dynamics When do the boundaries become unstable?

  27. Assessment of tipping points Ecogeomorphological system analysis: • Alterations in climate increased droughts, storms, temperature • Alterations in land-use cropping, land abandonment, afforestation • Geomorphic long-term developments

  28. Bioengineering application How to stabilise the badlands? Vegetation! Endurers: perennial, able to survive on moving substrate, very low densities, no effects on soil evolution and sediment deposition Builders: can only be established in fairly stable substrates, high density that helps sediment deposition and soil evolution Studies on plant function traits required e.g. Guerrero-Campo et al. (2008) Plant traits enabling survival in Mediterranean badlands in northeastern Spain suffering from soil erosion. J Vegetation Science 19: 457-464

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