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Education now and then. By: M onica Velasquez- J imenez. Roman education .
Education now and then. By: Monica Velasquez- Jimenez
Roman education • Stages/subjects-there are four stages and unlike modern american schools that each have free education a roman had to pay for their childs education. Unlike american schools tehre were options on certain electives for example everyone had to take speech and in plano you can get your speech credit through avid,comm apps, or even during summer in the first stage reading and writing were taught in latin and greek,basic math was taught as well.in the second stage lititure as well as history to understand the lititure was taught in the thirs stage the most important thing taught was speech and although few went to the fourth stage science was mainly taight. • Teachers- a teacher could be a slave is the family could afford it,it was most likley a greek slave. However if the family could not afford it then they would hire a tutor. The earliest teachers was the mother or father that tought them somewhat how to read and write. • Tools-papryus ( a scroll used to learn to read),wax tablet made of wood,and wax, metal stylus was used to write in on a tablet. • Classrooms- most classrooms took place in the home with a private titorhowver if one did could not afford a private tutor they would pay teachers who held classes outside in noisy areas where distractions were held or in 1 room classrooms. A roman classroom was held outside during the first stage Wax tablet used for writing Roman numerals
Modern education introduction • Every place in the world provides a different cost for education teaches teach different subjects and recive different education. Examples…. • In africa or mexico it is not requerd by law for a child to attend school. • Unlike americans who attend school 5 of the seven days of the week asiansuttend 6 days of the week some that request or requireextra help help go to school Sunday as well
Modern education (u.s) • Stages and subjects- Education is divided into four sections elementary school,middle school, high school,and college some places like plano however add a fith stage by dividing 9th -10th grade and 11th-12th grade. Schools in america have 4 core classes (math,science,english and social studies) however pysicalpe is in every school and as a stage advances more classes (electives) such as speech,forighn language, fine arts, and etc • Teachers- here in america its requiered for a teacher to have at least a bachlorsdegrree.some however even recive up to a ph.d,although its mainly proffessers that teach at a college level. • Tools- with the advancement in technology in the us most schools have tools such as computers. other tools for writing include pencials or pens, journal or notebook paper . In a class of arts or social studies color pencials are requiered by teachers.for reading there are books and although white boards are more common some places may still use chalk boards In order for a student to carry their materials and stay organized folders,binders, and a backpack are recommended and sometimes requiered supplies. • Classroom- an education is given in a large school with many classrooms-begginig in the middle school education level. Most but not all schools will have a cafeteria,gym and other rooms for classes such as orchestra.schools may also have a small section of offices so that people that handle discapline for example may have a place to work as well as the nurse.
The history and facts of modern education • Punishment- as a student advances a stage punishment gets harder, in a public school however no teacher or administrator can hit a child instead detentions are given and if it is nessesary a child is sent to an administrator where he or she decides the childs punishment. • americans only go to school 180 days of the year , with breaks during each season a fall,winter,spring,and summer break as well as national holidays like presidents day,martinluther king day,etc. school is held 5 days a week in most states and each school day runs about 7 hours and 45 mins most schools however allow a lunch break. • In 1635 the first public school opened yet most people did not go to school in 1821 the first public high school opened in bostn. After the industrial revolution education became more important and by the year 1870 all states had free public elementary school. however school laws were not written until the 1900s only 34 states had rules 30 states requiered for childern to go to school untill the age of fourtenn but by 1918 all schools requiered students to attend school untill elementary schools.
History and facts of roman education • Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y56wd3q7DfU • Punishment-When a student answered the wrong answer he would be hit with a cane when a student spoke without permission he would be hit with a cane or a whip many childern grew a fear towrds school if a child often came up with incorrect answers the were held down by a slave and whiped. • The first schools in rome opened in the middle of the fourth century bc. In 3rd century BC, an ex-slave namedSpuriusCarviliusopened the first fee-paying school. • The romans adapted many greek techniques they served as a model on holding higher standerds for education • Children went to school from sunrise to sundown with only a short lunch break in between.they attended school seven days a week however they recived a summer holiday from july to october as well as religious holiday.
Who went to school? • In roman times it was very important to recive a primary education to be able to reads and write girls however recivced different education. Most people that received a higher education had money. • In america everybody recives free education untill college or the 4th stage. However some chose to spend money in earlier education or private schools.
Sources • 2013. ibss gift shopWeb. 12 Feb 2013. <http://www.bibleandscience.com/store/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=207>. • carr, karen. "roman schools." . portland state university, 4 september 2012. Web. 13 Feb 2013. http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/romans/people/school.htm • . history on the net. history on the net , 02 12 2012. Web. 14 Feb 2013. <http://www.historyonthenet.com/Romans/education.htm>.. • "education in ancient rome." wikipedia. wikipedia , 6 2 2013. Web. 14 Feb 2013. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Ancient_Rome>. • the ancient world . mckay library . Web. 14 Feb 2013. <http://www.lib.byui.edu/exhibits/writing/ancient.html • trueman, chris. "roman education ." history learning site . history learning site . Web. 15 Feb 2013. <http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/roman_education.htm>. • "the history of education ." wikipedia. wikipedia , 3 1 2013. Web. 15 Feb 2013. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_education_in_the_United_States>.