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5/29/2012. 2. Physics of MRI, Lecture 1. Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceNuclear spinsSpin precession and the Larmor equationStatic B0RF excitationRF detectionSpatial EncodingSlice selective excitationFrequency encodingPhase encodingImage reconstruction. Fourier TransformsContinuous Fourier Tr
1. Magnetic Resonance Imaging:Physical Principles Richard Watts, D.Phil., Yi Wang, Ph.D.
Weill Medical College of Cornell University,
New York, USA
2. 5/29/2012 2 Physics of MRI, Lecture 1 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Nuclear spins
Spin precession and the Larmor equation
Static B0
RF excitation
RF detection
Spatial Encoding
Slice selective excitation
Frequency encoding
Phase encoding
Image reconstruction
Fourier Transforms
Continuous Fourier Transform
Discrete Fourier Transform
Fourier properties
k-space representation in MRI
3. 5/29/2012 3 Physics of MRI, Lecture 2 Echo formation
Vector summation
Phase dispersion
Phase refocus
2D Pulse Sequences
Spin echo
Gradient echo
Echo-Planar Imaging Medical Applications
Contrast in MRI
Bloch equation
Tissue properties
T1 weighted imaging
T2 weighted imaging
Spin density imaging
3D Imaging
4. 5/29/2012 4 Many spins in a voxel: vector summation
5. 5/29/2012 5 Phase dispersion due to perturbing B fields
6. 5/29/2012 6 Refocus spin phase echo formation
7. 5/29/2012 7 Spin Echo Spins dephase with time
Rephase spins with a 180° pulse
Echo time, TE
Repeat time, TR
(Running analogy)
8. 5/29/2012 8 Frequency encoding - 1D imaging
9. 5/29/2012 9 Slice selection
10. 5/29/2012 10 3rd dimension phase encoding
11. 5/29/2012 11 Gradient Echo FT imaging
12. 5/29/2012 12 Pulse sequence design
13. 5/29/2012 13 EPI (echo planar imaging)
14. 5/29/2012 14 Spin Echo FT imaging
15. 5/29/2012 15 Spin Relaxation Spins do not continue to precess forever
Longitudinal magnetization returns to equilibrium due to spin-lattice interactions T1 decay
Transverse magnetization is reduced due to both spin-lattice energy loss and local, random, spin dephasing T2 decay
Additional dephasing is introduced by magnetic field inhomogeneities within a voxel T2' decay. This can be reversible, unlike T2 decay
16. 5/29/2012 16 Bloch Equation The equation of MR physics
Summarizes the interaction of a nuclear spin with the external magnetic field B and its local environment (relaxation effects)
17. 5/29/2012 17 Contrast - T1 Decay Longitudinal relaxation due to spin-lattice interaction
Mz grows back towards its equilibrium value, M0
For short TR, equilibrium moment is reduced
18. 5/29/2012 18 Contrast - T2 Decay Transverse relaxation due to spin dephasing
T2 irreversible dephasing
T2/ reversible dephasing
Combined effect
19. 5/29/2012 19 Free Induction Decay Gradient echo (GRE) Excite spins, then measure decay
Rapid signal decay
Acquisition must be disabled during RF
Dont get central echo data
20. 5/29/2012 20 Spin echo (SE)
21. 5/29/2012 21 MR Parameters: TE and TR Echo time, TE is the time from the RF excitation to the center of the echo being received. Shorter echo times allow less T2 signal decay
Repetition time, TR is the time between one acquisition and the next. Short TR values do not allow the spins to recover their longitudinal magnetization, so the net magnetization available is reduced, depending on the value of T1
Short TE and long TR give strong signals
22. 5/29/2012 22 Contrast, Imaging Parameters
23. 5/29/2012 23 Properties of Body Tissues
24. 5/29/2012 24 MRI of the Brain - Sagittal
25. 5/29/2012 25 MRI of the Brain - Axial
26. 5/29/2012 26 Brain - Sagittal Multislice T1
27. 5/29/2012 27 Brain - Axial Multislice T1
28. 5/29/2012 28 Brain Tumor
29. 5/29/2012 29 3D Imaging Instead of exciting a thin slice, excite a thick slab and phase encode along both ky and kz
Greater signal because more spins contribute to each acquisition
Easier to excite a uniform, thick slab than very thin slices
No gaps between slices
Motion during acquisition can be a problem
30. 5/29/2012 30 2D Sequence (Gradient Echo)
31. 5/29/2012 31 3D Sequence (Gradient Echo)
32. 5/29/2012 32 3D Imaging - example
33. 5/29/2012 33 Spectroscopy Precession frequency depends on the chemical environment (dBcs) e.g. Hydrogen in water and hydrogen in fat have a ?f = fwater ffat = 220 Hz
Single voxel spectroscopy excites a small (~cm3) volume and measures signal as f(t). Different frequencies (chemicals) can be separated using Fourier transforms
Concentrations of chemicals other than water and fat tend to be very low, so signal strength is a problem
Creatine, lactate and NAA are useful indicators of tumor types
34. 5/29/2012 34 Spectroscopy - Example
35. 5/29/2012 35 Future lectures Magnetization preparation (phase and magnitude, pelc)
Fast imaging (fast sequences, epi, spiral
Motion (artifacts, compensation, correction, navigator
MR angiography (TOF, PC, CE) Perfusion and diffusion
Functional imaging (fMRI)
Cardiac imaging (coronary MRA)