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NBU 6 MP2 on Win2K Srvr. Over the weekend, all our jobs locked up on the back up server essentially stopping all backups beginning around 9 AM Saturday. All NBU processes (Windows) continued to run normally which did not allow our Nagios Monitoring system to notify us (it all seemed just fine). So my question is, is there anything we can monitor, even if by manual script, to let us know when jobs get hung? Can we do like a bpdbjobs and see how long the jobs have been running and use a script to evaluate that information? Anyone doing something like that already? What I am thinking is at the very least just get something that can monitor the jobs automatically (like a once per hour check) and if the jobs get over x hours active then it sends some e-mails out to our cell phones and inboxes. I tried to play around with bpdbjobs last night but ran out of time before our back ups finished. (Took to long getting the kids to bed ;-) Thanks. Phil Koster Network Administrator City of Grand Rapids Direct: 616-456-3136 Helpdesk: 456-3999 *****************************************************************************************************
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