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WWW.CLEANRIGHT.EU : One click to a cleaner and safer home !

1. WWW.CLEANRIGHT.EU : One click to a cleaner and safer home !. General presentation, 12 Nov. 2009. www.cleanright.eu. Why? What? For whom?. Information to End-users Current Status. Via the label

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WWW.CLEANRIGHT.EU : One click to a cleaner and safer home !

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  1. 1 WWW.CLEANRIGHT.EU: One click to a cleaner and safer home ! General presentation, 12 Nov. 2009

  2. www.cleanright.eu • Why? • What? • For whom?

  3. Information to End-users Current Status • Via the label - Dosing, tips (brand/industry), ingredients + link to individual websites, others (e.g. voluntary schemes) • Via company websites (brand or others) - Cf detergent regulation - list of ingredients - Others: tips, more in depth company information • Via company care lines • Via industry websites (e.g. washright, save energy and water, Charter…) • Others (e.g. Consumer Associations, Ministries, media, internet etc)

  4. Information to end-users Challenges & Opportunities • Not always a clear connection between different schemes • Call for greater transparency • Limited space on packs - Multilingual issues • Priority information to appear on label; more details may be found via other tools • Pertinence to provide, at European level, central reference information

  5. The external environment REACH, GHS, « Risk-based/ Safe use » Communication

  6. www.cleanright.eu • Principle: • Develop a pan-European website tool for consumers in Europe which would become the official reference source for information on detergents and cleaning products, common to all the industry • => Greater transparency • => Layered approach (from layman to semi-technical, technical) • => Relevant European-wide/industry-wide information

  7. www.cleanright.eu • Joint pan-European project by : • A.I.S.E. (European soaps, detergents and maintenance products industry association) • and Cefic (European Chemicals industry association) • Objectives : • Promote the image of both industries vis-à-vis stakeholders, regulators at EU and national levels • Communicate transparently and in an accessible way to consumers on all information common to the industry, from simple tips and tricks to more technical/scientific information through one central industry web portal. 8

  8. www.cleanright.eu: Status Nov. 09 • Work initiated in 2007 • Joint A.I.S.E./Cefic Task Force • Internal testing end 2007 • Consumer testing in April 2008 • External stakeholder consultation early Sept 2008 • Launch on 3 Dec. 2008 for: UK, France, Germany, Poland • Launch on 2 Dec. 2009 for: Be/Lux, NL, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria • Other languages/countries onwards 9

  9. Cleanright: launch at EU Level, 3rd Dec. 2008 From left to right, at the launch of Cleanright in Brussels, (3rd Dec 08) : Alain Perroy, Director General Cefic; Susanne Zänker, Director General A.I.S.E., Stefano Soro, Head of Unit, European Commission DG Health & Consumers ; Monique Goyens, Director General BEUC

  10. What? • Layered approach • Level 1: Consumer friendly Visit the house and tips • Level 2 and 3: Semi technical and technical 11

  11. How? • Level 1: Consumer friendly Visit the house and tips 12

  12. How? • Level 2 and 3: Semi technical and technical 13

  13. Promotion… • By Industry Associations: • At EU level: by A.I.S.E. and Cefic, as well as related industries (eg IFRA, CECED etc) vis-à-vis EU stakeholders • At National level: via local A.I.S.E. and Cefic associations and related industries vis-à-vis national stakeholders, media, consumers • By Companies involved in the soaps, cleaning, maintenance products industry, vis-à-vis stakeholders and consumers • By any other organisation interested in relaying such information

  14. Central « Library » of Promo Material • Concept: Provide template material available for associations and companies who could relay Cleanright locally to help drive traffic to the site • Already developed and available: • Press release • Leaflet • Poster • Web banners (english, polish, french, german) • Exhibition material • 3x4m stand display • Mascot of Mr Sponge • Promotional material • Library/material available from: www.aise.eu/cleanright

  15. Web banners- examples:

  16. www.cleanright.eu • A great project that needs promoting ! • Thank you for your help to promote it via optimal routes to consumers • THANK YOU!! For further information, the Project Team in Brussels (A.I.S.E./Cefic) remains available to answer potential questions that countries may have on Cleanright. ksa@cefic.be ; valerie.sejourne@aise.eu; sandra.dworak@aise.eu

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