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Movie-Goer Trends in 2000: Changing Demographics & Viewing Habits

Explore the shift in movie-goer demographics in 2000 with a rise in audience diversity and frequency of attendance. Understand the impact of age, gender, and ethnicity on movie-watching habits.

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Movie-Goer Trends in 2000: Changing Demographics & Viewing Habits

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  1. Movie-Goers Movies appealed to a broader audience in 2000, with a record number of US residents counting themselves as movie-goers - an increase of about 20%, or 27 million people since 1990. Total Population Ages 12+ (millions) MPA Worldwide Market Research

  2. Movie-Goers The overall composition of movie-goers has changed substantially over the last decade. In 2000, those in the 40+ age group accounted for 40% of total moviegoers, compared to only 32% in 1990. MPA Worldwide Market Research

  3. Movie-Goers When looking at the US population by age group, adults age 18+ accounted for 86% of all movie admissions in 2000. MPA Worldwide Market Research

  4. Frequency A higher percentage of the US population classified themselves as frequent or occasional movie-goers, compared to last year. Frequency of Movie-Going Among Total Public Age 12 & Over Frequent = at least once per month (12x/year) Occasional = at least once in six months (2-11x/year) Infrequent = less than once in six months MPA Worldwide Market Research

  5. Frequency In 2000, the majority of ticket sales were again generated by frequent moviegoers -- who comprised 30% of the US population, but 83% of all movie admissions. Frequent = at least once per month (12x/year) Occasional = at least once in six months (2-11x/year) Infrequent = less than once in six months MPA Worldwide Market Research

  6. Frequency At the beginning of the decade, 12 to 24 year olds accounted for almost half of all frequent movie-goers. In contrast, frequent attenders came from a more even mix of ages in 2000. Total Frequent Moviegoers by Age Group MPA Worldwide Market Research

  7. Frequency More than one-half of all US residents, age 12 to 24, were frequent movie-goers in 2000 -- as compared to 33% of all 25 to 39 year olds. Total Frequent Moviegoers by Age Group MPA Worldwide Market Research

  8. Frequency Almost 65% of both males and females age 12 and over classify themselves as frequent or occasional movie-goers. On average, men attended 9 movies last year, compared to 8 by women. Total Public Age 12 and Over Female Male MPA Worldwide Market Research

  9. Frequency Consumers of other entertainment options tend to be more frequent movie-goers as well. Percent of Frequent Movie-Goers Among Other Home Entertainment Consumers MPA Worldwide Market Research

  10. Ethnicity Hispanic movie-goers continue to view the most films per person each year, with an average of about 9 films attended in 2000. Average Admissions By Race/Ethnicity MPA Worldwide Market Research

  11. Ethnicity Hispanics purchased almost 14% of all movies tickets sold in 2000 -- representing a bigger portion of attendance than their share of the population. Source: 2000 MPA Demographic Study MPA Worldwide Market Research

  12. Ethnicity Over 40% of the Hispanic population are frequent movie-goers -- a significantly higher percentage compared to other ethnic groups. Frequency of Moviegoing by Ethnicity (ages 12+) White Black Other Hispanic MPA Worldwide Market Research

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