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Expanding to “At Risk” Populations: What About the Guys?

Expanding to “At Risk” Populations: What About the Guys?. Region II IPP Advisory Meeting May 31, 2006 Kelly Opdyke, MPH Cicatelli Associates Inc. Region II IPP Strategic Plan 2005-2009.

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Expanding to “At Risk” Populations: What About the Guys?

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  1. Expanding to “At Risk” Populations:What About the Guys? Region II IPP Advisory Meeting May 31, 2006 Kelly Opdyke, MPH Cicatelli Associates Inc.

  2. Region II IPPStrategic Plan 2005-2009 • PRIORITY 1: Target/Expand Chlamydia Screening to Young Sexually Active Women and Men at Risk for Infection in Public and Private Settings. • GOAL: All at risk men and women under the age of 25 will be screened at least annually. • OBJECTIVE 1A: Revise regional screening criteria so that screening is targeted to the most at-risk populations by October 2006. • 1A.1c: Identify male screening practices and coverage • 1A.3b: Develop criteria for male screening

  3. Region II IPPProtocols & Guidelines (Sep. 2003) • “At this stage of development, Region II IPP funding does not cover widespread screening and treatment services for men unless they are identified as partners of infected women.” • “Region II Clinical Care Committee recommendation is to screen and treat all males attending STD clinics”

  4. Chlamydia Testing Volume by Sex

  5. Ct Screening VolumeDistribution by Sex & Project Area

  6. Male Positivity for Chlamydia byAge Group and Provider Type N = 1,233 N = 12,221 N = 20,288 N = 14,438 N = 27,917

  7. Male Ct Testing & Positivityby Project Area and Provider Type Region II IPP CY2005

  8. Male Ct Testing & Positivityfor “Other” Provider Types Region II IPP CY2005

  9. Male Ct Testing & Positivityby Project Area and Age Group Region II IPP CY2005

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