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Comparing Interventions to Improve the Well-being of Custodial Grand-families (Caring for others as a Positive Experience – COPE). An Intervention Program for Custodial Grandparents and their Grandchildren in San B ernardino and Riverside Counties California, USA.
Comparing Interventions to Improve the Well-being of Custodial Grand-families(Caring for others as a Positive Experience – COPE) An Intervention Program for Custodial Grandparents and their Grandchildren in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties California, USA
Caring for others as a Positive Experience – COPE • Researchers Awarded $2.5 Million For Custodial Grandparents Study (KSU Press Release Posted Mar. 10, 2011) • The study is a multi-site, four-year long clinical trial in which several mental health interventions will be delivered to custodial grandmothers and then compared.
Caring for others as a Positive Experience – COPE • The goals are to examine the effects on the mental health of these grandmothers and the grandchildren they provide full-time care to in complete absence of the grandchild’s birth parents. • Grandparents from diverse racial, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds in four states will be recruited to test for cultural differences in response to these interventions.
Caring for others as a Positive Experience – COPE • This study is funded by the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), a division of the National Institutes of Health, and it is anticipated that more than 500 custodial grand-families in four sites across the USA will partake. • This study is important because there is growing evidence that custodial grandchildren are at-risk for psychological difficulties due to neglect and abuse by birth parents, challenges to parenting faced by grandparents, and limited access to needed services.
Caring for others as a Positive Experience – COPE • At Project C.O.P.E., our goal is to provide excellent programming to grandmothers raising their grandchildren, and to find out if our programs improve the lives of custodial grandmothers and the grandchildren they care for. • COPE will provide information that can help grandmothers get through the difficult job of caring for grandchildren in changing times.
Caring for others as a Positive Experience – COPE • Weekly Meetings : Participants in our groups will attend 2-hour meetings over a ten week period. Groups will be made up of 8-10 grandmothers and will be held at convenient times and locations. • Professional group leaders as well as grand-mothers have been trained in programs we think will help you
Caring for others as a Positive Experience – COPE • Child Care: Grandmothers are welcome to bring their grandchildren to the meetings. Trained child care providers will be available during meetings. • Meals : Each meeting will include a light meal for grandmothers and grandchildren to enjoy together.
Caring for others as a Positive Experience – COPE • Interviews: Prior to attending group sessions, we will ask grandmothers to participate in a 30-40 minute telephone interview and a one hour in-person interview with their grandchildren . These interviews will be scheduled for convenient times and locations . • In appreciation to help cover travel costs grandmothers will receive a $35 payment for every interview session. We would like to keep in touch to find out how well these programs work long-term and we will contact you just after you complete the program, and every 6 months for two years. • At each contact we will repeat the telephone and in-person interviews. You will receive a $35 payment for each time you agree to be interviewed.
Caring for others as a Positive Experience – COPE • Who We Need: • Grandmothers who are providing full-time care to at least one grandchild between the ages of 4 and 12 years. • Grandchildren's birthparents should not be involved in their care. • Grandmothers should consider this a long-term care situation. • Grandmothers should have the ability to get to meetings on a weekly basis.
Caring for others as a Positive Experience – COPE How to Contact Project C.O.P.E. Please call or email: Dr. Julian Montoro-Rodriguez Toll-Free: 1-855-537-5580 Email: cope@csusb.edu
Caring for others as a Positive Experience – COPE • RESEARCH TEAM: • Gregory Smith, PI • (Kent State University) • Bert Hayslip Jr. PI • (University of North Texas, Denton) • Frederick Strieder, CO-PI • (University of Maryland, Baltimore) • Julian Montoro-Rodriguez, CO-PI (California State University, San Bernardino) • Karie Feldman, Project Director • (Kent State University)