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二、计算机制作地质图. 1 .遵循地质图制作过程中的基本原则 图名、 图例 ( 颜色规范 ) 比例尺, 2mm ,交、切、截关系 2 .图层 3 .矢量图与位图. 计算机地图制图 computer cartography. 要求,以计算机及其外围设备作为主要的制图工具,应用数据库技术和图形的数字处理方法,实现地图信息的获取、转换、传输、识别、存储、处理和显示,最后输出地图图形的过程和方法。同义词:自动制图;数字地图制图. 图式. Note. RGB (Red,Green,Blue)
二、计算机制作地质图 1.遵循地质图制作过程中的基本原则 图名、 图例 (颜色规范) 比例尺,2mm,交、切、截关系 2.图层 3.矢量图与位图
计算机地图制图 computer cartography 要求,以计算机及其外围设备作为主要的制图工具,应用数据库技术和图形的数字处理方法,实现地图信息的获取、转换、传输、识别、存储、处理和显示,最后输出地图图形的过程和方法。同义词:自动制图;数字地图制图
Note • RGB (Red,Green,Blue) • CMYK (Cyan,Magenta,Yellow,blacK) • HSB (Hue, Saturation, Brightness) • HLS (Hue, Lightness, Saturation) • Lab (CIE L*a*b)A color model created by the Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIE). It contains a luminance (or lightness) component (L) and two chromatic components: "a" (green to red) and "b" (blue to yellow). The Lab color mode is based on the Lab color model.
对定义好的线条、花纹、颜色和图元记录在系统库文件之中,应作好备分,否则系统改变就会丢失。如MAPGIS系统中,图案库:FILLGRPH.LIB,线型库:LINESTY.LIB,子图库:SUBGRAPH.LIB,颜色库:COLORLIB.LIB和PCOLOR.LIB。不要使用定性的颜色,如浅兰,各人画出的结果不尽一致。对定义好的线条、花纹、颜色和图元记录在系统库文件之中,应作好备分,否则系统改变就会丢失。如MAPGIS系统中,图案库:FILLGRPH.LIB,线型库:LINESTY.LIB,子图库:SUBGRAPH.LIB,颜色库:COLORLIB.LIB和PCOLOR.LIB。不要使用定性的颜色,如浅兰,各人画出的结果不尽一致。 • Clib 矢量字库 • Slib 线条花纹等 • Defaut.cps(MAP光栅化的色彩选择);
Uniform Coordinate System (it is useful for many maps in the database)
数字填图系统是根据路线剖面中界线点位置和地质体产状参照等高线在计算机中直接形成矢量地质图;数字填图系统是根据路线剖面中界线点位置和地质体产状参照等高线在计算机中直接形成矢量地质图; 地理底图,地质图,属性数据管理 另一种是根据地质底图矢量化而形成矢量地质图。
CorelDraw 地质图矢量化 图件分为两大类,一类是位图如*.tif , *.jpg, *.gif, *等。Bitmap images are formed by defining each point (or bit) in an image.这类图是以点阵方式整体存储的,用起来简单。但占空间大,且图形放大以后会失真。如
但有时位图也是不可缺少的,如照片, 有时也需要进行计算机处理,如色彩、对比度等。 可以用相应软件处理。
另一类为矢量图,如CorelDraw, Photodraw, GIS ,Grapher等软件作的图。它是以特定的格式记录曲线和形状的(函数),其存储空间小,且放大缩小不变形 Vector images are formed by defining the start, end, and characteristics of each line(or vector) in an image.
1 New 2 文件导入(与导出,tif jpg *.dxf for autocad, surfer, GIS) 3 改变底图颜色(选中后,轮廓画笔对话框,选取颜色,only for 1 bit map.) 4 建立新图层(版面-对象管理器-新建图层,关闭图层1的打印和修改属性,确定新图层曲线性质,放大至适当比例) 5 利用贝塞尔工具画线F5(Straight lines and Curves in Bezier mode ), you can use the CTRL key while drawing to constrain a line to an angle in increments of 15 degrees in freehand.
The Shape tool lets you edit the shape of objects.(F10) The Knife tool The Eraser tool The Free Transform tools lets you transform your object by using the Free Rotation, Angle Reflection, Scale, and Skew tools.
Edit Edit -Shape tool To smooth or distort any shape, add rounded corners to rectangles, convert a circle into a wedge or arc, modify a curve, or kern individual characters in a text string. You can select the shape tool by clicking on it or by pressing F10. )
The Zoom tool lets you change the magnification level in the Drawing Window.(F2, F9-magnify, F3-reduce) The Pan tool lets you move the display of the Drawing Window.
The Bezier tool lets you draw curves using a connect-the-dots style of drawing.
Bezier The principle of Bezier drawing is that you place a node, set a pair of control points that determine the slope and height or depth of the curve, and then place the next node.
The method is to place the crosshair where you want a node, press and hold the mouse button while you drag the control points until you are satisfied with their positioning, release the mouse button, and go on and do the same thing for next node. When you have two or more nodes, curves appear between them reflecting your settings.
To draw two or more Bezier line If you want to draw two or more Bezier line segments that are not connected, press the SPCEBAR twice, then draw your second line.
The Artistic Media tool provides access to the Brush, Sprayer, Calligraphic, and Pressure tools.
The Dimension tool lets you draw vertical, horizontal, slanted, or angular dimension lines.
The Connector tool lets you join two objects with a line. The Flow Chart tool lets you join two objects with a flow chart line.
The Outline Tool opens a flyout that lets you set the outline properties.
The Fill Tool opens a flyout that lets you set the fill properties.
To fill color and pattern • 充填颜色和图案 • 颜色(纯色,渐变色-喷泉式填充) • 图案充填、底纹(注意充填物与对象一起变换,否则水平层理变成垂直层理, )
When you weld, trim, or intersect objects, you can create completely new shapes that are irregular and unusual.
welding 焊接几个重叠的对象是通过把它们捆绑到一起来创建一个对象。 该对象使用被焊接对象的边界作为它的轮廓。 所有交叉的线条都消失。
trimming 修剪对象时,可以移除被其它选定对象重叠的区域。 这些区域被剪切后会创建出一个新形状。 修剪是快速创建不规则形状对象的一个很好的办法。可以利用修剪进行剪裁(群组后修剪,再取消群组。比单个截断效果好得多. Public line.) 它在地质图制作中有什么作用呢?
How to edit attribute of segment in the line? 记住位置,复制并充填一个无色多边形,剪断有色多边形,编辑其线段属性。 这不是最好的办法。
Intersecting objects “交叉” 命令使用两个或多个对象的重叠区域来创建对象。 新建对象的形状可以简单,也可以复杂,这取决于交叉形状的类型。