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Zoomerang Slide Presentation. RTI Pre-Survey:  Identify your building/level. RTI Pre-Survey: Years of service?. RTI Pre-Survey: What is your role in the district?. RTI Pre-Survey: I have knowledge of the RTI framework. RTI Pre-Survey: I have had prior training with RTI Framework.

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  1. Zoomerang Slide Presentation

  2. RTI Pre-Survey:  Identify your building/level.

  3. RTI Pre-Survey: Years of service?

  4. RTI Pre-Survey: What is your role in the district?

  5. RTI Pre-Survey: I have knowledge of the RTI framework

  6. RTI Pre-Survey: I have had prior training with RTI Framework.

  7. RTI Pre-Survey: I have experience with the RTI Framework.

  8. RTI Pre-Survey: What is your level of knowledge regarding the Response To Intervention Framework?

  9. RTI Pre-Survey: Where is RTI referenced in law, regulations and/or policy? (check all that apply)

  10. RTI Pre-Survey:   Is the RTI Framework for:

  11. RTI Pre-Survey: A heavy emphasis of the RTI Framework is placed on:

  12. RTI Pre-Survey: At which grade level do you perceive a heavy emphasis to be placed on in an RTI Framework?

  13. RTI Pre-Survey: Are you familiar with the tiered interventions of an RTI Framework?

  14. RTI Pre-Survey: I believe that RTI interventions include: (check all that apply)

  15. RTI Pre-Survey: How would you describe your skill level in collecting and utilizing student data in determining a ...

  16. RTI Pre-Survey: How would you prefer to become more skilled in collecting and utilizing data?  (check all that ap ...

  17. RTI Pre-Survey: How would you prefer to learn more about the RTI framework? (check all that apply)

  18. Response to Intervention: 101 Lakeview Public Schools District Presentation September 3, 2009 Christine Kress Brown Director of Student Services

  19. Response to Intervention RtI

  20. Lakeview’s RtI Design Team(wordle.net)

  21. Why RtI? • Referenced in No Child Left Behind Act • Referenced in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (2004) • It provides a framework in which to analyze gaps in student learning.

  22. RtI represents a systematic method for evaluating the needs of all students and for fostering positive students outcomes through carefully selected and implemented interventions.

  23. What RtI is . . A framework to systematically: • assess students • analyze student data • evaluate and progress monitor throughout the year • determine appropriate instructional levels for individual students • provide intensive instruction

  24. What RtI is not . . • A new “program”. • A new way of “doing” special education. • Just another change in education! • Another fancy-shmancy acronym in education.

  25. What is different? • Instructional levels are tiered and very prescriptive. • Support becomes more intense as students demonstrate the need for more intervention. • Learning to read takes precedence over other subjects in early years. • Documenting interventions and progress is essential.

  26. RtI Pyramid of Intervention

  27. Current System is 2 Tiered • General Education Wait to fail . . . and 2. Special Education RtI Evaluation vs. Discrepancy Model (IDEA 2004)

  28. Interesting Lakeview Statistics . . . In Lakeview (under the discrepancy model): • 94 students were referred to special education between 7-07 to 7-09. • 23 were found ineligible for special education services. • 67% of referrals were boys. • 50% of boys referred were speech and language Eligible. http://www.boysproject.net/statistics.html

  29. Special Education continued . . 2008-09 Certifications: 07-0808-09 Traumatic Brain Injury 1 1 Visually Impaired 2 2 Cognitively Impaired 5 4 Physically Impaired 4 7 Autism 13 12 Emotionally Impaired 30 17 Otherwise Health Impaired 41 37 Hearing Impaired 44 43 Learning Disabled 133 127 Speech and Language Impaired 150159 428 416

  30. RtI Pyramid of Intervention

  31. Lakeview’sPlan for RtI 2009-2010 • K-12 Framework with a heavy emphasis on elementary intervention. • RtI teams in each building have already been identified to research and implement best assessment tools and instructional practices. • We will begin to dabble with collecting reading data K-2 during the first few weeks of school. • MISD will support Lakeview with training, data collection and technical assistance. Other things we strive to achieve in the RtI framework . . .

  32. We need to define our purpose as ensuring all students learn rather all students are taught.

  33. We will work together collaboratively rather than in isolation.

  34. We will monitor each student’s learning on a frequent, timely basis.

  35. We will create systematic interventions that give students extra time and support for learning.

  36. We will build continuous improvement processes into routine team practices.

  37. We will use achievement data to inform and improve our practice, establish goals, and direct team dialogue.

  38. We want to answer these essential questions without hesitation. • What is it we expect students to learn? • How will we know when they have learned it? • How will we respond when they don’t learn? • How will we respond when they already know it?

  39. Leading the Change How will we accomplish the task with fidelity?

  40. Staffing Structure • Chris Brown – Central office lead and support. • Sherry Michalowicz – Administrator in charge. • RTI Elementary Teacher – Jenn Donnelly • Reading Specialists – High School TBD Jefferson – Keri Burke Harmon and Princeton – Ann Marie Maccani Ardmore and Greenwood – Linda Pelloni • Special Education Teachers and Support Staff • General Education Teachers

  41. A few words from . . Sherry Michalowicz

  42. Things we know . . • Secondary teams will be training at the MISD with Sherry’s support. • Sherry will be training elementary teams with MISD support. • Jenn will begin to work as a co-educator in elementary classrooms where struggling learners are being identified.

  43. More of what we know. . . • Speech and Language Teachers have increased time in elementary and middle school buildings. • Reading Specialist/Consultants are now k-12.

  44. Let’s Get It Started, Mr. Paulson . . .? NO PROBLEM!

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