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Axiomatic Approach to Barriers in Complexity. Russell Impagliazzo (IAS & UCSD) Valentine Kabanets (IAS & SFU) Antonina Kolokolova (MUN). P ? NP. BPP = ? P. Algebrization ridge. IP=PSPACE. Relativization gorge. P EXP. Let’s compute everything! Hilbert. You can’t.
Axiomatic Approach to Barriers in Complexity Russell Impagliazzo (IAS & UCSD) Valentine Kabanets (IAS & SFU) AntoninaKolokolova (MUN)
P ? NP BPP =? P Algebrization ridge IP=PSPACE Relativization gorge P EXP
Let’s compute everything! Hilbert You can’t. Gödel, Turing Let’s prove we can’t in efficient realm, too! Cook, Karp,... The way you are trying, you can’t. BGS, RR,AW...
Proving unprovability • 1900: Hilbert’s program • Let’s axiomatize all of mathematics! • 1930: Godel’s incompleteness theorem • There are true mathematical statements that cannot be proven in a (reasonable) theory. • 1937: Turing’s uncomputability • Uses Cantor’s diagonalization as a major tool. • If both L and its complement are semi-decidable (verifiable), then L is decidable. Halt ____ Halt
Diagonalization • Idea: list all possible Turing machines • For each of them, look at the inputs it accepts (its “language”). • Show that there is a TM that is not on the list by constructing one different from any TM in the list on some input. • Therefore, there is a language D on which any Turing machine will make an error.
Scaling down to complexity • 1964-66 Cobham, Edmonds, Rabin • Polynomial time = efficient. • 1965: Hartmanis/Stearns • There are problems solvable in exponential time, but not polynomial time (use diagonalization). • Same kind of hierarchy theorems can be proven for space and non-deterministic time and space. • Can this be extended to solve P vs. NP?
P vs. NP • 1956: Yablonky (in Russia) • Thought he solvedthe “perebor” (brute-force search) problem. • Showed that for some class of algorithms it is impossible to eliminate brute-force search. • 1956: Godel’s lost letter • Do tautologies have proofs of size “not too much larger” than the size of formulas? • 1971: Cook,Levin, then Karp • Concept of NP-completeness, showing many problems are NP-complete.
The Plot Summary • c. 1971: Quest for “P NP” • 1975:Relativization • 1990s:IP=PSPACE, NEXP=MIP, NP=PCP[log n, 1], … • 2008:Algebrization ~ ~ PBNPB PA = NPA PBNPB PA = NPA
“Natural Proof” Monster … Razborov 95, bounded arithmetic framework P/poly NP [RR’97]
Oracles • 1939: Turing, already, considered allowing his machines access to a “source of intuition” • Such a machine could “ask queries” to some source of knowledge (call it an “oracle”) by writing a query on a tape and immediately getting an answer • But the diagonalization argument for undecidability works for such machines!
Relativization • 1975: Baker/Gill/Solovay • There is an oracle A such that some polynomial-time machine with access to it is as powerful as any NP machine with access to that oracle. • Take A to be any PSPACE-complete language. • There is another oracle B such that NP with access to it is provably stronger than P with access to it. • Construct B using diagonalization, or take a random oracle. • Diagonalization alone cannot be used to resolve P vs NP. • Same is true for many other complexity questions. PBNPB PA = NPA
Logically speaking … What does it mean to have contradictory relativizations ? Intuitively, “P vs. NP” should be independent of the “Relativizing Complexity Theory”. Oracle worlds ¼ models of a theory [BGS’75] PBNPB PA = NPA
AIV92 approach • Take a theory of arithmetic (unbounded) and add function symbols. • Give limited amount of information about properties of these functions. • What can be proven about these functions with the full power of arithmetic, but knowing only a few facts about them?
Relativizing Complexity Theory (RCT) [Arora, Impagliazzo, Vazirani ’92] Axiomatization of PolyTime Computation s.t. { PA | any oracle A } = { stand. models of RCT }. • Interpretation: Complexity statements provable in RCT are relativizing statements. • Consequence:Non-relativizing statements (such as P NP ) are independent of RCT.
Cobham’s characterization of P [Cob64]: P is the minimal class of functions that • Contain basic functions • +, |x|,x*y, bit(x,i),projection, 2|x|*|x| • Closed under function composition • If f and g are in P, then so is fo g. • And under limited recursion on notation • f(x,0)=g(x), f(x,k)=h(x,f(x,k/2)), • |f(x,k)|<poly(x,k)
RCT : more details 2-sorted FO extension of Number Theory. f,g,h,… functions from NtoN; x,y,z,…numbers. Cobham’s axioms for P’ (without minimality) • basic functions: e.g., +, -, *, # … 2 P’ • closures: e.g., f, g 2 P’ ) f o g 2 P’ Add: • Induction (unrestricted), • Length axiom (outputs of f2P’ polybounded), • Universality ( P’ has a universal function)
RCT : Defining other classes Define all complexity classes in terms ofP’. • f 2 NP’ iff9 c2 N 9 g2 P’ 8 x 2 N f(x) = 1 ,9 y |y| < |x|c & g(x,y) = 1 • f 2 EXP’ iff9 c 2 N 9 g2 P’ 8 x 2 N f(x) = 1 ,g( x, 2|x|c ) = 1 • PSPACE’ = Reachability Problems on digraphs with Adjacency(x,y)2 P’
Bounded arithmetic vs. AIV92 • Bounded arithmetic • Reasoning power of a system (induction) is restricted • If polynomial-time functions are introduced, they are exactly the polytime functions • Question: what can be proved about polytime functions with restricted power of reasoning? RCT • Reasoning power of a system is not restricted • Function symbols have some properties of polytime functions • Question: what can be proved about functions from limited known properties?
RCT : Computation is a “black box” [AIV’92]:Using RCT’s definition of PolyTime, can only prove relativizing complexity statements.
Opening up the “black box” What other properties does PolyTime have ?
Local Checkability of Computation tape symbols time 2x3 window tableu of computation Turing machine computation is correct iff all 2x3 “local windows” are legal. (Used by Cook & Levin to show 3-SAT is NP-complete)
LCT: Local Checkability Theorem [AIV’92]: Extend RCT with an axiom stating that computation is locally checkable. LCT Axiom: L NP P-uniform 3-cnf family {n} s.t. x1…xn L iffy1…ym , n+m (x1,…,xn, y1,…,ym), for m = poly(n). LCT holds in “real world” (by Cook-Levin).
LCT Theory = RCT + LCT axiom [AIV’92]: • LCT proves PSPACE=IP, NP=PCP[log n, 1], … • If oracle O satisfies LCT, then O 2 NP/poly coNP/poly. LCT is “too strong”: Provability in LCT is almost the same as provability in “real world”. Versions of LCT with more uniformity are even more restrictive.
RCT vs. LCT Theory capturing “arithmetization” ??? “Non-black-box”/ essentially all techniques “Black-box”/ relativizing techniques RCT is strictly weaker than LCT. e.g., IP=PSPACE is provable in LCT, but not in RCT.
Arithmetization • Technique used to prove non-relativizing results such as IP=PSPACE • Treat Boolean formulas as polynomials over a larger field. Over Boolean values, the two agree. • (x Æ y) turns into x*y, (x Ç y) into 1-(1-x)*(1-y). • Now, the values of the polynomial can be computed for any integer, giving extra information.
IP=PSPACE [LFKN, Shamir, 1990] • PSPACE: True Quantified Boolean Formulae problem • Interactive Proofs: L 2 IP[k] if there is a probabilistic polytime verifier V such that • x 2 L then 9prover P so that Pr(V accepts)¸ 2/3 • : (x 2 L) then 8provers P, Pr(V accepts) · 1/3 Á2 TQBF? ArithmetizeÁ as p() p(x1) V P if p(0)+p(1) is ok, send random a1 p(a1, x2) ...
Two Approaches to capturing arithmetization: [For’94 ] & [AW’08]
Fortnow’s self-algebrizing oracles ~ Def: Language A is self-algebrizing if its multilinear polynomial extension A is in PA. ( PA-computable family of multilinear poly’s {pn} over Zs.t., for all Boolean x1, …, xn , A(x1, …, xn ) = pn (x1, …, xn). ) [Fortnow’94]:For every language L, there is a self-algebrizing language A such that • L 2PA , and • A 2PSPACEL .
Self-algebrizing oracles [Fortnow’94]:For every self-algebrizing language A, IPA = PSPACEA. Say that a complexity statement Fortnow-algebrizes if it holds relative to every self-algebrizing oracle. But what complexity statements fail to Fortnow-algebrize ???
Aaronson & Wigderson’s Approach ~ Def [algebrizing inclusion]:For complexity classes C and D, the inclusion Cµ DAW-algebrizes if for any A, CADA, where A is a low-degree polynomial extension of A. Def [algebrizing separation]: For C and D, C D AW-algebrizes if for any A, CADA. ~ ~
AW-Algebrization [AW’08]: Many known results algebrize (e.g., PSPACE=IP, OWF NP ZKIP, MAEXP not in P/poly, ...) [AW’08]: Many open questions fail to algebrize (e.g., P vs NP, NP vs BPP, ...). Closure under logical deduction ? Statements other than inclusions / separations ? Is all hope really lost ?
Algebrization II:Enter the Logic [AW’08] Al Jabra ~ ~ PBNPB Logic PA = NPA PA = NPA PBNPB Black Box [BGS’75]
AW-Algebrization vs. This Work [AW’08] pointed out an important new barrier to progress in complexity theory. [Impagliazzo,Kabanets,K’09]: • Axiomatizing this barrier leads to fine-tuning. • Fine-tuned placement of the barrier is less pessimistic about the possibility of progress with current techniques.
Arithmetic Checkability Axiom • For every language in NP, there exists a low-degree polynomial verifier. L NP polynomial family f={fn}, fn : Zn Z, • deg(fn) = poly(n) & f P, so that Boolean x1 …xn, x1 …xn L iff Boolean y1,…,yms.t. fn+m (x1,…, xn, y1,…, ym) 0.
Arithmetic Checkability: Example “ G has an independent set of size t ” • input variables: xi,j= indicator for edge (i,j) • witness variables: yi= indicator for i being in Independent Set f(x,y) = i,j (xi,j + yi + yj -3) * k<t (yi - k) = 0 if not Independent Set = 0 if size < t
ACT = RCT + Arithmetic Checkability • LCT implies Arithmetic Checkability Axiom. • ACT does not imply LCT. (Arithmetic Checkability holds relative to any self-algebrizing, arbitrarily powerful oracle; but LCT doesn’t.)
ACT proves the following: • PSPACE = IP, • OWF NP ZKIP, • MAEXP not in P/poly, … (similar to [AW’08])
Independence from ACT • NP vs P, • EXP vsio-P/poly, • BPP vs P, … (construct models using communication complexity lower bounds, similar to [AW’08])
NEXP = MIP … is not provable in ACT either !
NEXP vs MIP Theorem: There is an oracle A satisfying Arithmetic Checkability, but EXPAMIPA. Proof. Construct L such that EXPLMIPPSPACEL(using that MIP and PSPACE make only poly-size oracle queries). Let A be the self-algebrizing (Fortnow-) encoding of L, and so A satisfies Arithmetic Checkability. We get EXPL EXPA, and MIPA MIPPSPACEL. Hence, EXPAMIPA. QED
Local vs Arithmetic Checkability as in [AW’08]: For every A satisfying Arithmetic Checkability, NEXPA[poly] = MIPA( with only poly-length queries allowed ). But, we can construct an Arithmetically Checkable oracle A so that NEXPA[poly] =PA= MIPA ( A = { (N, x, 1L) | NTM NA accepts x on some path with oracle queries of length L } ) So ACT cannot prove MIP P …
Local vs Arithmetic Checkability [Meir’09]: Combinatorial proof of NEXP = MIP (without using “arithmetization”). Meir’s proof relies on strongly-uniform local checkability of NEXP computation.
ACT and PCP Theorems We also show that ACT does not prove the PCP Theorem that NP=PCP[log n, 1]. Cf. [Dinur’07]: Combinatorial proof of PCP Thm. Also, ( ACT + PCP Theorem ) do not prove NEXP=MIP.
Interpretation • (strong) Local Checkabilityis enough to prove any provable complexity statement. • Algebraic Checkabilityprovides a useful way to exploit Local Checkability(and show, e.g., PSPACE = IP) • However, NP = PCP and NEXP = MIP require more than just Algebraic Checkability. Moreover, [Dinur’07] and [Meir’09] show that Algebraic Checkability is not necessary for these results.
Conclusion • AIV’92 framework provides a way to formalize (axiomatize) barriers by stating which properties of (polynomial-time) computation existing techniques are using. • For example, ACT is a useful characterization of provability by using arithmetization-based techniques. • Arithmetizationalone cannot resolve most open complexity questions. Can Local Checkabilitybe used more?
Open Questions • New ways to use Local Checkability ? • Combinatorial proof of PSPACE = IP ? • Other barriers formalized in the same framework?
P ? NP BPP =? P Algebrization ridge IP=PSPACE Thank you! Relativization gorge P EXP