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“If I Only had a Brain” Search II

“If I Only had a Brain” Search II. Lecture 3-2 January 21 st , 1999 CS250. Monotonicity. Monotonic heuristic functions are nondecreasing Why might this be an important feature? Non-monotonic? Use pathmax : Given a node, n, and its child, n’ f(n’) = max(f(n), g(n’) + h(n’)). A* in Action.

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“If I Only had a Brain” Search II

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  1. “If I Only had a Brain” Search II Lecture 3-2 January 21st, 1999 CS250 CS250: Intro to AI/Lisp

  2. Monotonicity • Monotonic heuristic functions are nondecreasing • Why might this be an important feature? • Non-monotonic? Use pathmax: • Given a node, n, and its child, n’ f(n’) = max(f(n), g(n’) + h(n’)) CS250: Intro to AI/Lisp

  3. A* in Action • Contoured state space • A* starts at initial node • Expands leaf node of lowest f(n) • Fans out to increasing contours CS250: Intro to AI/Lisp

  4. A* in Perspective • If h(n) = 0 everywhere, A* is uniform cost • If h(n) is an exact estimate of the remaining cost A* runs in linear time! • Different errors lead to different performance factors • A* is the best (in terms of expanded nodes) of optimal best-first searches CS250: Intro to AI/Lisp

  5. Proof of A*’s Optimality • Suppose that G is an optimal goal state with with path cost f*, and G2 is a suboptimal goal state, where g(G2) > f*. • Suppose A* selects G2 from the queue, will A* terminate? • Consider a node n that is a leaf node on an optimal path to G • Since h is admissible, f*>=f(n), and since G2 was chosen over n: f(n) >= f(G2) • Together, they imply f* >= f(G2) • But G2 is a goal, so h(G2) = 0, f(G2) = g(G2) • Therefore, f* >= g(G2) CS250: Intro to AI/Lisp

  6. A*’s Complexity • Depends on the error of h(n) • Always 0: Breadth-first search • Exactly right: Time O(n) • Constant absolute error: Time O(n), but more than exactly right • Constant relative error: Time O(nk), Space O(nk) • See Figure 4.8 CS250: Intro to AI/Lisp

  7. Branching Factors • Where f ’ is the next smaller cost, after f CS250: Intro to AI/Lisp

  8. Inventing Heuristics • Dominant heuristics: Bigger is better, if you don’t overestimate • How do you create heuristics? • Relaxed problem • Statistical approach • Constraint satisfaction • Most-constrained variable • Most-constraining variable • Least-constraining value CS250: Intro to AI/Lisp

  9. Improving on A* • Best of both worlds with DFID • Can we repeat with A*? • Successive iterations: • Increasing search depth (as with DFID) • Increasing total path cost CS250: Intro to AI/Lisp

  10. Iterative Deepening A* • Good stuff in A* • Limited memory CS250: Intro to AI/Lisp

  11. Iterative Improvements • Loop through, trying to “zero in” on the solution • Hill climbing • Climb higher • Problems? • Solution? Add a touch of randomness CS250: Intro to AI/Lisp

  12. Annealing an.neal vb [ME anelen to set on fire, fr. OE onaelan, fr. on + aelan to set on fire, burn, fr. al fire; akin to OE aeled fire, ON eldr] vt (1664) 1 a: to heat and then cool (as steel or glass) usu. for softening and making less brittle; also: to cool slowly usu. in a furnace b: to heat and then cool (nucleic acid) in order to separate strands and induce combination at lower temperature esp. with complementary strands of a different species 2: strengthen, toughen ~ vi: to be capable of combining with complementary nucleic acid by a process of heating and cooling CS250: Intro to AI/Lisp

  13. Simulated Annealing (defun simulated-annealing-search (problem &optional(schedule (make-exp-schedule))) (let* ((current (create-start-node problem)) (successors (expand current problem)) (best current) next temp delta) (for time = 1 to infinity do (setf temp (funcall schedule time)) (when (or (= temp 0) (null successors)) (RETURN (values (goal-test problem best) best))) (when (< (node-h-cost current) (node-h-cost best)) (setf best current)) (setf next (random-element successors)) (setf delta (- (node-h-cost next) (node-h-cost current))) (when (or (< delta 0.0) ; < because we are minimizing (< (random 1.0) (exp (/ (- delta) temp)))) (setf current next successors (expand next problem)))))) CS250: Intro to AI/Lisp

  14. Let* (let* ((current (create-start-node problem)) (successors (expand current problem)) (best current) next temp delta) BODY ) CS250: Intro to AI/Lisp

  15. The Body (for time = 1 to infinity do (setf temp (funcall schedule time)) (when (or (= temp 0) (null successors)) (RETURN (values (goal-test problem best) best))) (when (< (node-h-cost current) (node-h-cost best)) (setf best current)) (setf next (random-element successors)) (setf delta (- (node-h-cost next) (node-h-cost current))) (when (or (< delta 0.0) ; < because we are minimizing (< (random 1.0) (exp (/ (- delta) temp)))) (setf current next successors (expand next problem)))))) CS250: Intro to AI/Lisp

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