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Beyond Green: A Business Approach to Delivering Wholesome, Sustainable and Affordable Food. Professional Associations. Food System Reality. “ The water footprint of 1kg of beef adds up to 15,500 liters of water ” The Water Footprint of Food by Professor Arjen Hoekstra 2008.
Beyond Green: A Business Approach to Delivering Wholesome, Sustainable and Affordable Food Beyond Green: Sustainable Food Partners – 1043 West Grand Ave, Chicago, IL - beyondgreenpartners.com
Food System Reality “The water footprint of 1kg of beef adds up to 15,500 liters of water” The Water Footprint of Food by Professor Arjen Hoekstra 2008
Food Miles- Dry Goods Beyond Green: Sustainable Food Partners - 1043 West Grand Avenue, Chicago, IL - beyondgreenpartners.com
Food Miles- Poultry & Meat Beyond Green: Sustainable Food Partners - 1043 West Grand Avenue, Chicago, IL - beyondgreenpartners.com
Food Miles-Fruits & Vegetables Beyond Green: Sustainable Food Partners - 1043 West Grand Avenue, Chicago, IL - beyondgreenpartners.com
Food Miles Turkey Sandwich - 8,459 miles
Food Miles Chocolate Chip Cookie - 12,210 miles “Overall, the modern food system consumes roughly ten calories of fossil fuel energy for every calorie of food energy produced.” The Oil Depletion Protocol Richard Heinberg 2006
Childhood Obesity 1963-2008 ∙ 17% ∙ Prevalence has Tripled
Current Business Reality Green-Washing “Recycle whenever possible and compost at many locations.” -Bon Appétit Big Vision? Specific goals? Self-reported or 3rd party monitored? “We strive to offer clients and customers fresh whole foods that are raised, grown, harvested, and produced locally and in a sustainable manner whenever possible. -ARAMARK “We are trying” “We recognize that reducing fuel use and emissions will have a substantial impact on the environment.” - ARAMARK 11
Sustainable Food Service Matrix Food Waste 50% of all purchases from local food sources Year 1 establish sources & 5% Year 2 15% Year 3 25% Year 4 35% Year 5 50% Niles District 219 Energy & Water Education Engagement Local Economy Cost Effectiveness Safety & Sanitation Sourcing Dining Atmosphere Waste Processing Menu Design Procurement Distribution Kitchen Prep. Meal Service
Procurement Process Existing vendor Multiple vendors Honors current relationships Vendor may need education New relationships w/local suppliers Drives competition
Average Local Procurement for D219 High Schools from September 2011-February 2012 Beyond Green: Sustainable Food Partners - 1043 West Grand Avenue, Chicago, IL - beyondgreenpartners.com
Sustainable Food Service Matrix Surveys Year 1 Create surveys around food service & sustainability for faculty, staff, students, and employees Years 1 – 5 At the beginning of the strategy period and at each semester-end solicit stakeholder feedback on food service (including menus) & sustainability initiatives through surveys and/or polls Bureau Valley CUSD340 Food Waste Energy & Water Education Engagement Local Economy Cost Effectiveness Safety & Sanitation Sourcing Dining Atmosphere Waste Processing Menu Design Procurement Distribution Kitchen Prep. Meal Service
Student Feedback at District 340 and 219 Beyond Green: Sustainable Food Partners - 1043 West Grand Avenue, Chicago, IL - beyondgreenpartners.com
Student Feedback at District 219 Beyond Green: Sustainable Food Partners - 1043 West Grand Avenue, Chicago, IL - beyondgreenpartners.com
Sustainable Food Service Matrix Food Waste Energy & Water Diversion 100% operational waste Divert waste 20% per year Niles District 219 Education Engagement Local Economy Cost Effectiveness Safety & Sanitation Sourcing Dining Atmosphere Waste Processing Menu Design Procurement Distribution Kitchen Prep. Meal Service
Waste Diversion Beyond Green: Sustainable Food Partners - 1043 West Grand Avenue, Chicago, IL - beyondgreenpartners.com
Average Percentage of Total Waste by Weight from January-April 2012 at Niles North High School
Monthly percentages of diverted kitchen waste from January-April 2012 for Niles North H.S.
Sustainable Food Service Matrix Food Staff sustainability training Year 1: D340 establishes sustainability training objectives for foodservice staff Years 1-5: Within 4 weeks of hiring, foodservice employees must participate in 1 hour of sustainability training which includes food education and cooking from scratch skills Years 1-5: 1 hour of sustainability training/semester Bureau Valley CUSD340 Waste Energy & Water Education Engagement Local Economy Cost Effectiveness Safety & Sanitation Sourcing Dining Atmosphere Waste Processing Menu Design Procurement Distribution Kitchen Prep. Meal Service
Education and Engagement D340's foodservice staff has participated in nearly 50 hours of sustainability training with Beyond Green. • scratch cooking • reviewing knife skills • new recipes • Storage • processing and shipping to satellites • procurement education • avoiding waste from single portion servings
Sustainable Food Service Matrix Food Reduce electricity & natural gas usage by no less than 25% Year 1: Reduce energy usage intensity (EUI) by 5% , compared to baseline Years 2 through 5: Reduce EUI by a minimum of 25%, compared to baseline, by the end Niles District 219 Waste Energy & Water Education Engagement Local Economy Cost Effectiveness Safety & Sanitation Sourcing Dining Atmosphere Waste Processing Menu Design Procurement Distribution Kitchen Prep. Meal Service
Reduce Electricity and Natural Gas Beyond Green: Sustainable Food Partners - 1043 West Grand Avenue, Chicago, IL - beyondgreenpartners.com
Kitchen energy usage in kilowatt hours (kWh) at Niles North High School
Sustainable Food Service Matrix Food Waste Energy & Water 100% of servicewear is reusable Year 1: Establish options of reusable compartment trays and bowls to reduce use of single-portion cups Years 2-5: 100% of servicewear will be reusable Bureau Valley CUSD 340 Education Engagement Local Economy Cost Effectiveness Safety & Sanitation Sourcing Dining Atmosphere Waste Processing Menu Design Procurement Distribution Kitchen Prep. Meal Service
Money Saved from Using Reusable Bowls at Bureau Valley District 340
Money Saved from Using Reusable Compartment Trays at Bureau Valley High School
Sustainable Food Service Matrix Food Waste Energy & Water Reduce water usage by no less than 30% Year 1: Reduce water usage by 5%, compared to baseline Years 2-5: Reduce water usage by a minimum of 30% compared to baseline by end of year 5 Niles District 219 Education Engagement Local Economy Cost Effectiveness Safety & Sanitation Sourcing Dining Atmosphere Waste Processing Menu Design Procurement Distribution Kitchen Prep. Meal Service
Reduce Water Usage Beyond Green: Sustainable Food Partners - 1043 West Grand Avenue, Chicago, IL - beyondgreenpartners.com
Sustainable Food Service Matrix Food Scratch-Cooking Incorporate scratch-cooking into cafeteria’s operations in order to serve only 1 entrée a week of pre-cooked food Year 1: 3 entrées per week pre-cooked Year 2: 2 entrées per week pre-cooked Year 3: 1 entrée per week pre-cooked Bureau Valley CUSD340 Waste Energy & Water Education Engagement Local Economy Cost Effectiveness Safety & Sanitation Sourcing Dining Atmosphere Waste Processing Menu Design Procurement Distribution Kitchen Prep. Meal Service
Bureau Valley School District 340 Scratch Cooking Video
Summary ∙ Envision ∙ Gap Analysis ∙ Plan ∙ Execution -Find Efficiencies -Training ∙ Measurement Quantitative and Qualitative Results
Beyond Green: Sustainable Food Partners Greg Christian 1043 West Grand Avenue, Chicago, IL 60642 greg@beyondgreenpartners.com 312 275 6801 http://beyondgreenpartners.com Twitter: @BeyondGreen_sfp www.facebook.com/BeyondGreenPartners