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What is a Comma Splice?

Learn how to identify and fix comma splices and sentence fragments with helpful tips and examples. Avoid common writing errors and improve your writing skills.

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What is a Comma Splice?

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  1. What is a Comma Splice? Take notes on everything in red

  2. ALERT!!!! Can you identify the literary concept being used? Just as you SHOULD NOT use Duct Tape for everything... …commasSHOULD NOT be used for every punctuation situation.

  3. Today we are going to work on correcting the most common writing error, it is made often by even the most educated people! It’s a comma splice! ________________________________ There are some important terms we’ll need to define before we can do this though...

  4. AComma Splice is created when only a comma is used to connect 2 independent clauses.* *An independent clause is a group of words that could be written as a complete sentence (contains ONE subject and ONE Predicate). *A dependent clause is a group of words that contain one subject and one predicate but CANNOT stand on its own: it does not complete a thought. (^)

  5. Commas may separate: • Items in a series • Adjectives • Numbers • Dependent clauses from independent clauses

  6. Items in a series My backpack was stuffed full of books, binders, shoes, and my lunch.

  7. Adjectives The pretty, tall woman stood in the bright, blue room and squinted at the hot, yellow sun shining on her face.

  8. Numbers The town has 2,300 residents and the oldest ones are 99,88,87, and 82 years old.

  9. Dependent clauses fromindependent clauses As long as she was well caffeinated , her customer service skills were exemplary.

  10. Commas may NOTconnect • 2 independent clauses What is the problem with this sentence? • She was well caffeinated, her customer service skills were exemplary.

  11. Think of a comma as a piece of tape …independent clauses are very important and need something bigger than a comma to join them Commas are good at holding small things together like single words but... ...

  12. 4 super glue“Fixes” stronger than duct tape:

  13. Semicolon Use a semicolon … To join 2 independent clauses if the 2 clauses are related. HINT: DO NOT use FANBOYS with semicolons. Semicolons hate FANBOYS and will beat them up if they’re too close.

  14. Period Use a period … To separate 2 independent clauses At the end of a complete sentence

  15. Coordinating Conjunctions or FANBOYS FANBOYS introduce or join independent clauses

  16. Common Subordinating Conjunctions • Sub = beneath or less important • Subordinating conjunctions connect independent clauses to dependent clause

  17. Review: 4 “Fixes” Stronger than duct tape: • ; Semi-colon • . Period • Coordinating Conjunctions or FANBOYS • Subordinating Conjunctions (If, Because, When, etc...) (^)

  18. Question: What is a CommaSplice? Answer: Using a comma to connect two independent clauses. A common splice is wrong because a comma is not “strong enough” to hold two independent clauses together.

  19. Use each method once to fix the 5 comma spliced sentences in your handout. • 1) ; Semi-colon 2) . Period 3) Coordinating Conjunctions/FANBOYS 4) Subordinating Conjunctions (If, Because, When, After, etc...) (^)

  20. Exit Slip • What is a Comma Splice? • List 2 ways you can fix a Comma Splice.

  21. What is a sentence fragment? Take notes on everything in red

  22. A sentencecommunicates a complete thought. • A fragment is just a group of words that lacks enough information to complete a thought. • Cool. • At the party.

  23. We write sentence fragments because we often speak in sentence fragments! • When we answer a question: • Q: “What are you doing?” • A: “Eating.” • When we give a command: • “No headphones!”, “No running!”

  24. How to fix a sentence fragment

  25. In order to make the sentence a complete thought… • Add information • Rewrite the sentence- this may be as simple as removing or adding a single word !

  26. Fragments • After leaving the mall. • What pet dander? • Even though you learned this in 5th grade. • Romeo and Juliet, though desperately in love.

  27. Directions: “Fixing Fragments” Handout • Place an “C”on the line before each number IF it is a complete sentence. • Place an “F”IF it is a fragment of a sentence. • Correct each fragment by adding information or rewriting in the space provided. • Each correction should be a complete sentence! (^)

  28. Part 2: Run-on or “fused” sentences

  29. Run-on Sentences are... …2 independent clauses, each of which could be a sentence on its own, joined together without adequate punctuation and/or conjunctions.

  30. Examples of run-on sentences • They are not just really long sentences those are called rambling sentences. • Grammar is confusing it is also important. • Mrs. Asfour makes learning grammar fun her students just won’t admit it.

  31. With your elbow partner, fix the run-on sentence below using 2 different “fixes” that we learned yesterday and jot down what “tools” you used.

  32. Did you use any of the following “tools”? 1) : Colon 2) ; Semi-colon 3) . Period 4) Coordinating Conjunctions or FANBOYS 5) Subordinating Conjunctions (If, Because, When, After, etc...)

  33. Time to Practice! (see handout 209-210 Sentences 1-10) • Write “RO” on the line before each run-on sentence and insert the punctuation and/or conjunctions that will correct the sentences. You may have to change capitalization as well. Some sentences require TWO punctuation corrections. • If the sentence is correct, write “C” on the blank.

  34. Exit Slip In your own words, define: 1. sentence fragment 2. run-on sentence

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