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Living in harmony with the environment in a precarious situation?

Living in harmony with the environment in a precarious situation?. Example of Eastern Chad by Arnold Egli, Consultant for natural and renewable resources management with SHA and UNHCR. Chad. 7 Mio habitants 110 different ethnically different populations Land locked country 1‘280‘000 km2

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Living in harmony with the environment in a precarious situation?

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  1. Living in harmony with the environment in a precarious situation? Example of Eastern Chadby Arnold Egli,Consultant for natural and renewable resources management with SHA and UNHCR

  2. Chad • 7 Mio habitants • 110 different ethnically different populations • Land locked country • 1‘280‘000 km2 • main activities: live stock keeping, agriculture for subsistence and the market, cotton as a cash crop • Exploitation of petrol since July 2004 • Important, not yet exploited gas resources • One of the poorest country in the world • Again affected by a drought and hunger!!!

  3. East of Chad • Land area: 60'000 km2 • Border with Sudan 600 km • Local pop. density: < 4 h / km2 • Big animals: 3.5 Mio • Rainfall: 0 and 600 mm,Irregular distribution

  4. Refugee's Operation of UNHCR and contribution of SHA • approx. 220'000 refugees • 60 -80‘000 IDP since 2006 • First camp opens in January 2004, newest in April 2005 • Camp size: 12 and 30'000 people • Camps equiped with nutrition center, first aid station, primary schools, police guard, community services, • Water supply: 11 to 18 l/p/d(drinking water quality) • Food supply approx. 2000 kcal/p/d • Costs: 80 Mio US $ (2004); 55 US $ (2005); 40 Mio US $ (in 2006); 2011 ? • Contribution SHA- 1 site planner 2004- 1 water specialist 2004 to 2010 • - 1 environment specialist 2004 to 2006 and 2011

  5. Zustand und Anfälligkeit der Ökosysteme (Sahel Tschad) Nach Norden abnehmender Niederschlag und zunehmende Anfälligkeit des Ökosystems

  6. Main Refugee’s Zones • 12 camps répartis en 4 zones avec des caractéristiques propres (unités d’analyse)

  7. Estimated Wood Production et Consumption at Eastern Chad

  8. Main activity since 2004Wood collecting and distribution

  9. Wood saving 1Traditional fire place

  10. Wood saving 2…by improved mud stove

  11. Wood saving 3… and more of these wood saving stoves! • Metallic stove "Save80" • Metallic stove "Central African Stove„ • Mud stove mobil

  12. Wood saving 4The new member of the group:AFRAH since 2011

  13. Wood substitution 1Briquettes of different materials • Cardboard, Doum kernel, mixture of…

  14. Wood Substitution 2Solar cookers – Different Types

  15. Wood Substitution 3Solar water heater

  16. Wood substitution 4Biogas digester /

  17. Wood restoring activities 1Tree production, planting and protection

  18. Wood restoring activities 2Forest land protection and managment

  19. Estimated Wood Production et Consumption at Eastern Chad

  20. Thank you for your attention! Sustainably yours!

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