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Diabetes risk test South East Alaska Regional Health Consortium. Diabetes Paper Risk Sc r eening T est Coul d Y o u H a v e Diabe t e s an d No t K n o w It ! T a k e th e te s t . Kn o w Y o u r Sco r e. A t -Risk Weight Chart Bo d y M e asurement Index. He i ght
Diabetes risk test South East Alaska Regional Health Consortium Diabetes PaperRiskScreeningTest CouldYouHaveDiabetesandNotKnowIt! Take the test. Know Your Score. At-RiskWeightChartBodyMeasurementIndex Height in feetand inches Weight in pounds Write in the pointsnextto the statement thatis truefor you. If astatementisnottrue, putazero. Thenaddyour total score. 1. Myweightis equal to oraboveYes 5 (without shoes)without clothes) that listed inthecharttotheright. I am under 65 years of ageandI Yes 5 get little or no exercise duringa usual day. I am between 45 and64 years of Yes 5 age. I am 65 yearsold or older. I am awoman who has hada babyweighingmorethanninepounds atbirth. I have a sister or brotherwith diabetes. Ihaveaparentwithdiabetes. Yes 9 Yes 1 Yes 1 Yes 1 TOTAL Diabetes is a serious disease that can lead to blindness, heart disease, strokes, kidney failure,and loss ofa limb. American Indians/Alaska Natives are 2.2more times as likely to have diabetes than non-Hispanic whites. You have thePOWERto PREVENT DIABETES by increasingyour physical activity and making healthy food choices. DIABETESPREVENTION IS PROVEN, POSSIBLEAND POWERFUL! If youareatriskfordiabetesandwantmoreinformationcontact: The Lifestyle Balance Programin Juneau:SarahPaddockat907-364-4459 Sitka:HeleenavanVeenat907-966-8914 Kake:GeorgieDavis-Gastelumat907-785-6516