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Performance of Load and Net Load Forecasting 15-minute, 30-minute ‘look ahead’

Performance of Load and Net Load Forecasting 15-minute, 30-minute ‘look ahead’. ERCOT. Summary. Charts show comparisons of Load and Net Load forecasted values to corresponding SCED actuals for calendar year 2013

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Performance of Load and Net Load Forecasting 15-minute, 30-minute ‘look ahead’

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  1. Performance of Load and Net Load Forecasting 15-minute, 30-minute ‘look ahead’ ERCOT Loads in SCED v2

  2. Summary • Charts show comparisons of Load and Net Load forecasted values to corresponding SCED actuals for calendar year 2013 • Load and Net Load forecasts are inputs to indicative ‘look-ahead’ price application • Charts compare forecasted values to first interval, and 15-minute & 30-minute ‘look-ahead’ • Errors are shown in terms of MW as well as % of actual demand (or actual net load) Note: • Results show that improvements to forecast values will be needed in order to move forward on a Real-Time multi-interval optimization framework • Current Short-Term Load forecast application methodology (5 minute granularity) was developed in the Zonal market • There is currently no Short-Term Wind forecast (5 minute granularity) Loads in SCED v2

  3. Terminology • MW Forecast Error in GTBD = Forecast Demand – Actual Demand • % Forecast Error in GTBD = MW Error in Forecast Demand / Actual Demand • Net Actual Load = Actual Demand – Total Telemetered Wind MW output • Forecast Net Load = Forecast Demand – Forecast Wind MW output • MW Forecast Error in Net Load = Forecast Net Load – Net Actual Load • % Forecast Error in Net Load = MW Error in Net Load / Net Actual Load • Actual demand is the GTBD used by SCED Loads in SCED v2

  4. Summary Loads in SCED v2

  5. Forecasted Demand Error (MW) : First Interval Mean = 0.01 MW Standard Deviation = 2.58 MW Loads in SCED v2

  6. Forecasted Demand Error (MW) : 15 minute “look ahead” Mean = -3.22 MW Standard Deviation = 251.85 MW Loads in SCED v2

  7. Forecasted Demand Error (MW) : 30 minute “look ahead” Mean = -2.53 MW Standard Deviation = 369.07 MW Loads in SCED v2

  8. Forecasted Demand Error (%) : First Interval Mean = 0.000035 % Standard Deviation = 0.00751 % Loads in SCED v2

  9. Forecasted Demand Error (%) : 15 minute “look ahead” Mean = -0.0031 % Standard Deviation = 0.6842 % Loads in SCED v2

  10. Forecasted Demand Error (%) : 30 minute “look ahead” Mean = -0.0037 % Standard Deviation = 1.00126 % Loads in SCED v2

  11. Forecasted Demand Error (MW) : First Interval Mean = 0.01 MW Standard Deviation = 2.58 MW Loads in SCED v2

  12. Forecasted Demand Error (MW) : 15 minute “look ahead” Mean = -3.22 MW Standard Deviation = 251.85 MW Loads in SCED v2

  13. Forecasted Demand Error (MW) : 30 minute “look ahead” Mean = -2.53 MW Standard Deviation = 369.07 MW Loads in SCED v2

  14. Forecasted Demand Error (%) : First Interval Mean = 0.000035 % Standard Deviation = 0.00751 % Loads in SCED v2

  15. Forecasted Demand Error (%) : 15 minute “look ahead” Mean = -0.0031 % Standard Deviation = 0.6842 % Loads in SCED v2

  16. Forecasted Demand Error (%) : 30 minute “look ahead” Mean = -0.0037 % Standard Deviation = 1.00126 % Loads in SCED v2

  17. Net Load Forecast Error Loads in SCED v2

  18. Forecasted Net Load Error (MW) : First Interval Mean = 0.01 MW Standard Deviation = 2.58 MW Loads in SCED v2

  19. Forecasted Net Load Error (MW) : 15 minute “look ahead” Mean = -3.22 MW Standard Deviation = 284 MW Loads in SCED v2

  20. Forecasted Net Load Error (MW) : 30 minute “look ahead” Mean = -2.59 MW Standard Deviation = 456.8 MW Loads in SCED v2

  21. Forecasted Net Load Error (%) : First Interval Mean = 0.000044 % Standard Deviation = 0.00894 % Loads in SCED v2

  22. Forecasted Net Load Error (%) : 15 minute “look ahead” Mean = -0.00478 % Standard Deviation = 0.8855 % Loads in SCED v2

  23. Forecasted Net Load Error (%) : 30 minute “look ahead” Mean = -0.01206 % Standard Deviation = 1.4363 % Loads in SCED v2

  24. Forecasted Net Load Error (MW) : First Interval Mean = 0.01 MW Standard Deviation = 2.58 MW Loads in SCED v2

  25. Forecasted Net Load Error (MW) : 15 minute “look ahead” Mean = -3.22 MW Standard Deviation = 284 MW Loads in SCED v2

  26. Forecasted Net Load Error (MW) : 30 minute “look ahead” Mean = -2.59 MW Standard Deviation = 456.8 MW Loads in SCED v2

  27. Forecasted Net Load Error (%) : First Interval Mean = 0.000044 % Standard Deviation = 0.00894 % Loads in SCED v2

  28. Forecasted Net Load Error (%) : 15 minute “look ahead” Mean = -0.00478 % Standard Deviation = 0.8855 % Loads in SCED v2

  29. Forecasted Net Load Error (%) : 30 minute “look ahead” Mean = -0.01206 % Standard Deviation = 1.4363 % Loads in SCED v2

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