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Best contractors in bhiwadi can help you accomplish your dream project. Everyone wants to get their work done at low cost. We handle all types of projects, like industrial, Commercial etc
From Director’s Desk ’’Welcome to the world of IHB INFRACON. To begin with, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to our esteemed clientele, financers, bankers and also to record my sincere appreciation for the employees who work diligently and deliver the projects to everyone’s delight. Further, I would also like to thank you all for visiting our profile and learning about our Victorious Voyage in the construction business. At IHB INFRACON, we are passionate about Quality and time bound execution: It has been our driving force of our growth and success in the civil construction industry of India. As a civil construction professional I had started the journey from the year back in 1994 associate with the group like B L KASHYAP , OMAXE GROUP, ERA INFRA ENGINEERING AND AVALON GROUP . In year 2016 , w e s t a r t e d u p s o m e n e w v e n t u r e w i t h t h e w e l l k n o w n g r o u p a n d s u c u s s f u l l y c o m p l e t e d l i k e V E C V , D A B U R I N D I A A N D P U R E A N D C U R E H E AT H C A R E P V T , B R I D G E S TO N E I N D I A LT D , S ATYA M A U TO A N D C O M P O N E N T LT D , N A P P I N O A U TO AND ELECTRONIC LTD . The journey of becoming a separate leader of the construction industry from a small group is full of challenges, Competitiveness, hard work and my commitments to deliver beyond the expectation of our clients. I strongly believe that the secrete of becoming a successful construction company is our ability to a d h e r e t h e m a r k e t demand and to accept the d i v e r s i fi e d c o n s t r u c t i o n a r e a s . Since its inception in the year 2016 we have come a long way and have emerged as a good market player. The unique amalgamation of commitment and confidence is the essence of our organization’s culture. Our close knit set of dynamic personnel is extremely capable of coordinating and understanding the objectives and needs of the clients; thereby, reinforcing a positive attitude in every single phase of our project development process. From the onset, to the work-in-progress, till the final handover of our projects, you will experience our dedication in our exceptional service levels and expert workmanship. We directly employ experienced and loyal workforce and _ sub-contractors, many of whom have worked "for us wTEh^-skiU. and a result, we have an unrivaled"" r e p u t a t i o n a s a r e l i a bd e h 3lKa l i c i v i l c"on t r a~cTo r i n I n d i a whether you choose IHB INFRACON as your contractor of choice for a major commercial/Industrial project, Fire Fighting, plumbing or just to put up a compound wall at your project premises, the same level of attention to detail and built-in quality applies. In pursuit of business excellence, customer satisfaction and enhancement of shareholder’s value, we lay our foundation on the following robust pillars of Superlative Quality of material Innovative Designs Safety and Reliability Highest Standards of Workmanship Awareness about cutting-edge technology Highest Standards at competitive prices At any point of time, during any of your process & dealings with IHB INFRACON, if you face any t r o u b l e o r i ft h i n g s a r e n o t u p t o y o u r e x p e c t a t i o n , p l e a s e d o w r i t e t o m e p e r s o n a l l y ” on ihbinfracon@gmail.com.
GENERAL INFORMATION Company Name : IHB INFRACON Company Address : 25 FF , OMAXE GREEN MEADOW, ALWAR BY PASS ROAD BHIWADI,ALWAR -RAJASTHAN INDIA Company PAN No. : ABTPY1207H GST No. (SBBPL) : 08ABTPY1207H1Z9 ( RAJASTHAN) E.P.F. No. : RJRAJ2054322000. ESI NO: 15000642110001019 Telephone : Mobile : +919166436111.8949078438 E-mail : ihbinfracon@gmail.com URL : http://www.ihbgroup .com TURNOVER : FY: 2018-2019 Rs 1.50 Crores FY: 2019-2020 Rs 5.5 crores
ABOUT US MANAGEMENT The founder of IHB INFRACON a construction company, having more than 26 years of rich experience in D K yadav Industrial, Commercial & Housing projects of reputed organizations. (Partner) OVERVIEW IHB INFRACON is a civil construction company that has built a strong reputation for delivering a quality service, on time and at a competitive price. We also undertake architectural and other specialized jobs such as PEB works, interiors, aluminium works, false ceiling, insulation's waterproofing, water& sewage treatment plants etc. At IHB INFRACON , we never rest upon our laurels and are passionate and driven to continue the high levels of customer satisfaction we have achieved over the past years. Our unique and flexible project management systems ensure that a positive outcome is achieved regardless of size or nature of the project. IHB INFRACON . encompasses a diverse range of sectors which include: Industrial Commercial Residential Education Healthcare Malls HISTORY From humble beginnings IHB INFRACON has expanded over time to be the established serious player in the Northern, Central India.The company was founded by D K YADAV under the name of IHB INFRACON The company with the vision of becoming an even larger and more comprehensive civil construction organisation. The continuing desire for quality and professional service was reaffirmed with this change. Since 2018 IHB INFRACON . has gone from strength to strength, taking on larger and more ambitious projects like KAMDHENU LTD , CMR LTD , SUNBEAM LTD AND GRAIN span nutrient Pvt. ltd. OUR VALUES -QUALITY Quality is king at IHB INFRACON We aim to make sure that the expectations of the client, engineer and all stakeholders are fully complied with and that projects are delivered with a high standard of workmanship in a timely manner. We always use products and materials that meet or exceed the requirements of the contract documents and ensure our staff are adequately trained. Our value-added services are accompanied with proper market analysis, surveys and sales statistics HEALTH AND SAFETY The health, safety and welfare of all staff, sub-contractors, clients and visitors is significantly important to IHB INFRACON. and it is our intention to strive for excellence in the effective health and safety management of all construction sites under our control. We also aim to effectively mitigate all hazards arising from our facilities, activities and site specific environments.
EMPLOYMENT “Our staff is our most important asset” Interested in joining the dynamic, vibrant and highly motivated team at IHB INFRACON We are constantly looking for new staff with a range of skills to join our ever-expanding team OUR TEAM At IHB INFRACON we have an energetic and highly motivated team who enjoy completing projects to the highest of industry standards. Currently, we have approximately 25 staff in our team with a wide range of experience and skills to ensure we can successfully deliver on any project. At IHB INFRACON we fully believe the adage "Your staff are your most important asset". We realize that the personal and professional development of our team is imperative in ensuring the successful delivery of projects, and thus the success of our business. MISSION AND VISION jm, IHB INFRACON aims to maintain the leadership position in the construction industry by virtue of our commitment to quality and excellence through on-time delivery, excellent services and exceeding client expectations IHB INFRACON aims to expand its operation first to nearest markets, with the ultimate goal of building a a global presence and reputation in the national market.
Project Completed Client’s Name & Site Address Name & Particulars Of The Tendered Amount Remarks/type Of Construction S.no Owner & Architect
MACHINERIES & EQUIPMENTS IHB INFRACON. is well equipped with adequate modern plant & machineries. Road Roller : 1 Nos J.C.B. (Earth Mover) : 1 Nos Poclain : 1 Nos Dumper Loading : 3 Nos. Tipper Truck : 1 Nos Eicher Canter : 2 Nos Mahindra Jeep : 2 Nos Slump Test M/c : 4 Nos ■ Maruti Van : 1Nos Mahindra Tractor : 4 Nos Transit Mixture : 2 Nos. Water Tanker :2 Nos. Welding Set : 5 Nos Two Wheeler :4 Nos. DemolitionHammer(HeavyDuty)3 N
Vibrator & Nozzle : 8 Nos Theodolite : 2 Nos Optical Theodolite : 2 Nos Auto Level : 2 Nos Dumpy Level : 2 Nos Rebound Hammer : 2 Nos Cube Testing M/c : 2 Nos. Cube Moulds : 18 Nos Weight Machine : 2 Nos. Silt Content Jar : 9 Nos. Sieves for Sieve Analysis : 3 Nos. D.G. Set (100 & 62 K.V.A.) : 02 Nos Tower Hoist (Upto 75 Ft.) : 1Nos. Oven : 2 Nos. Vacuum Dewatering System 2 Nos. Earth Compactor : 5 Nos. Scaffolding (Cuplock System) 1570 NosShuttering Pipe490No M.S. Plate (3x2') : 450 Nos Steel Channel : 380 Nos