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Presentation to University Council On 13 th December 2010

Presentation to University Council On 13 th December 2010. Preamble. Part 2. Lessons Learnt from performance of College of Health Sciences:. Lessons Learnt from CHAS.

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Presentation to University Council On 13 th December 2010

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  1. Presentation to University Council On 13th December 2010

  2. Preamble

  3. Part 2

  4. Lessons Learnt from performance of College of Health Sciences: Lessons Learnt from CHAS • The interrelated departments which merged into Schools have been able to effect Joint, Participatory, Strategic planning (10 year Strategic Plan supported by Norwegian government). • There has been intensive cross-curriculum development due to the synergies generated by the mergers. • Up to date modes of delivery, like Problem Based Learning, COBES, and Tele-Education have been introduced due to increased team approach to teaching and learning. • Weaknesses Observed: • The anticipated cost savings and efficiency did not materialise as more units and positions were created (Deputy Deans, Support Staff for 10 offices and 2 more Accountants). The initial budget for FY 2009/10 submitted by the College was UGX 19 billion up from UGX 8 billion in FY 2008/09. • Staff deployed to the College assumed higher status in accordance to the provision of the Makerere University College Statute e.g. The Human Resource Manager at M4 (equivalent to the Salary Scale of Associate Professor - imbalance).

  5. Lessons Learnt (Cont…) These lessons have been taken into consideration for streamlining, rationalising and right sizing the New Colleges Format which is bringing together related fields of teaching and re-branding the research, innovations and the KTP functions of the university.

  6. Presentation Format The Proposed Colleges Presentation • The Proposed Structure • The Proposed Academic Establishment • The Proposed Non Academic Establishment • The Cost Implication on Academic & Non Academic Staff. • Stand alone Schools • College of Health Sciences • Emerging policy issues

  7. Order of presentation • College of Natural Sciences (CONAS) • College of Business and Management Sciences (COBAMS) • College of Computing & Information Sciences (COCIS) • College of Engineering, Design, Art & Technology (CEDAT) • College of Humanities & Social Sciences (CHUSS) • College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences (CAES) • College of Education & External Studies (COEES) • Cost Implications of Implementing Colleges • Directorate Of Research And Graduate Training (DRAGT) Stand-alone Schools • School of Law • School of Veterinary Medicine • The Current format of College of Health Sciences (CHAS)

  8. Structure of the College of Natural Sciences (CONAS) School of Physical Sciences School of Biological Sciences Dept of Physics Dept of Geology & Petroleum Studies Dept of Chemistry Dept of Mathematics Dept of Biology Dept of Biochem. & Sports Science Note: Engineering Mathematics is being transferred from CEDAT

  9. Filled Academic Staff Establishment

  10. Required Academic Staff Establishment

  11. Non Academic Staff at CONAS

  12. Structure of the College of Business & Management Sciences (COBAMS) College of Business and Management Sciences School of Economics School of Business School of Statistics & Applied Economics Dept. Economic Theory & Analysis Dept. Policy & Development Economics Dept. Accounting & Finance Dept. Marketing & Management Dept. of Planning & Applied Statistics Dept of Statistics & Actuarial Sciences Dept of Population Studies Note: It is Proposed that the following Centres will be formed Professional Business Development Centre for Population & Applied Statistics Institute of Economics & Applied Statistics Research

  13. Academic Staff Establishment

  14. Non Academic Staff Establishment

  15. College of Computing & Information Sciences (CoCIS) School of Computing & informatics Technology E.A School of Library & Information Science Dept Of Computer Science Dept Of Information Technology Dept of Records & Archives Management Dept Of Library & Information Sciences Dept Of Information Systems Dept Of Networks Centre for Professional Skills Development • Note: It is Proposed that the following Centre be formed • Tele-Education Centre

  16. Filled Academic Staff Establishment

  17. Required Academic Staff Establishment

  18. Required Non Academic Staff Establishment

  19. College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology Margaret Trowel School Of Industrial And Fine Arts School of Engineering School of Built Environment Dept . of Mechanical Engineering Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept. of Civil Engineering and Environmental Management Dept of Industrial Art & Applied Design Dept Of Fine Art Dept Of Visual Communication Design and Multi media Dept Of Construction Economics and Mgt Centre for Renewal Energy & Energy Conservation Design & Technology Development Centre Geographical Information Systems Centre Centre for Research in Transportation Technologies Dept Of Geomatics Dept Of Architecture and Physical planning Institute of Heritage, Conservation & Restoration

  20. Current Academic Staff Establishment

  21. Proposed Academic Staff Establishment

  22. Non Academic Staff Establishment

  23. College of Humanities & Social Sciences (CHUSS) School of Liberal & Performing Arts School of Women & Gender Studies School of Langs Lit & Comms School of Social Sciences School of Psychology Dept Of Sociology. & Anthropol Dept Of SWSA Dept Of Pol Sc. & Public Admin Dept Of Educational, Orgl , & Socl Psych Dept Of Mental Health & CommtyPsych Dept Of Hist, Archeo & Organ Stud Dept of Performing Arts Dept Of Philos & Devt Studies Dept Of Religion & Peace Studies MISR Dept of Literature Dept of Ling, ELS & Comm Skills Dept of Journalism & Communication Dept of African Languages Dept of European & Oriental Langs Proposed Centres Centre for Strategic studies Centre for Public Policy Analysis Centre for Leadership and Democratic Governance Services Centre for Cultural Studies Centre for Performing Arts Centre for Psychological Services Centre for Lang & Comm Services

  24. Filled Academic Staff Establishment

  25. Required Academic Establishment

  26. Filled & Required Staff for MISR

  27. Required Non Academic Establishment

  28. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences School of Food Technology, Nutrition & Bioengineering School of Agricultural Sciences School of Forestry, Environmental & Geographical Sciences Dept of Extension & Innovations Studies Dept of Agribusiness and Natural Resource Economics Dept of Agricultural Production Dept Of Food Technology & Human Nutrition Dept of Agricultural & Bio Systems Engineering National Bio-Diversity Data Bank Centre Dept Of Forestry, Biodiversity & Tourism MUARIK MUBFS Dept of Environmental Management Note: Proposed Centres Centre for Climate and Water Resources Geographic and Environmental Information Centre Centre for Waste Management Centre for Mountain Resources and Disaster Management Food Technology and Business Incubation Centre Centre for Environmental Community Education and Extension Rangeland Resources Centre Agricultural Policy Analysis Centre Plant Biotechnology Centre Dept of Geography, Geo-Informatics & Climatic Sciences

  29. Filled Academic Staff Establishment

  30. Required Academic Staff Establishment

  31. Filled/ Required Non Academic Staff Establishment

  32. Structure of the College of Education & External Studies (COES) College of Education and External Studies School of Education School of Distance & Lifelong Learning E.A. School of Higher Education Studies & Devt Dept of Soc Sc. & Arts Education Dept of Science Tech, & Voc Educ Dept of Found & Curricul. Studies Dept. of Open & Distance Learning Dept. of Adult & Community Education Centre for Teaching & Learning Support Centre for Lifelong Learning Note: It is Proposed that the following Institute will be formed Institute for Educational Research

  33. Filled & Required Academic Establishment

  34. Proposed Non Academic Establishment

  35. Academic Staff • Non Academic Staff financial implication 9th December.xls

  36. Admin Expenses at College

  37. Bursar’s Office Expenses at College

  38. Admin Expenses at College (Contd)

  39. Admin (Technician) Expenses at College (Contd)

  40. Total Expenses Non Academic Staff

  41. DRAGT • Graduate Functions to be devolved to college-level • Residual Function • Structure • Cost Implications

  42. Graduate Functions to be devolved / decentralized to college-level • Day-to-day administration of the postgraduate training • Review the regulations governing Graduate academic programmes and make recommendations to senate. • Review procedure of students’ registration, transfer of credit units to another study programme; and withdrawing and recommend to senate. • Collect and submit biannual reports to Senate as regards to postgraduate training • Verification of student graduation requirements • Channel of communication between the University and students on graduate training • Identify and recommend supervisors to student research projects. • Review policy guidelines on joint awards/partnership • Coordination of student support services (Induction/orientation, Guidance and counselling, council of graduate students)

  43. Residual Function of the Graduate Programs Unit • Harmonize all application and admission requirements • Liaise with Colleges/Schools in the management of graduate academic programs. • Develop guidelines and regulations on examination management. • Facilitate Colleges/Schools in the Process Internal/External Supervision. • Oversee the management of academic quality and research ethical issues. • Oversee the outreach and dissemination activities, providing a bridge between the University and public in identifying relevant research and courses to national development needs.

  44. DRAGT Required Staff Establishment

  45. Stand- Alone School – (Law)

  46. Stand- Alone School – (Vet Medicine)

  47. College of Health Sciences

  48. From the above • This Up dated establishment for Academic Staff can be presented for 50% increment proposed by Govt • Reduced admin staff at D/Dean, Dept levels leading to 45% reduction in admin costs. • To move towards paperless office of Chairs, Deans, Deputy Principal, Principal and Admin staff will inevitably require purchasing them Computers

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