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Project EVITA – activities performed by LTC during the period Jan 01-Jun7, 2010

Diana Krievina LTC project manager. Project EVITA – activities performed by LTC during the period Jan 01-Jun7, 2010. EVITA 4 th project meeting, Riga, 07/06/2010.

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Project EVITA – activities performed by LTC during the period Jan 01-Jun7, 2010

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  1. Diana Krievina LTC project manager Project EVITA – activities performed by LTC during the periodJan 01-Jun7, 2010 EVITA 4thproject meeting, Riga, 07/06/2010

  2. Speakers – LTC + external speakers – experts in e-commerce (policy makers, SME- expert in web marketing, Latvian ICT Association) Dissemination of the event – not earlier than 3 weeks before the event Dissemination canals: www.innovation.lv (LTC web); EEN database (LTC clients); LETA - The National News Agency – provider of news and business information – the information source for all newspapers and web portals; through LTC co-operation partners: The Investment and Development Agency of Latvia and the Mortgage Bank www.webmarketing.lv EVITA’s dissemination event “E-commerce – policy and development trends in Latvia” in April 29, 2010 (1)

  3. EVITA’s dissemination event “E-commerce – policy and development trends in Latvia” in April 29, 2010 (2) The programme: 10.00-17.00 Speakers & Topics: 10.00-10.10: Opening of the event – Dr.Janis Stabulnieks (Ints Viksna (LTC); 10.10–10.30: Presentation of EVITA – Diana Krievina (LTC); 10.30-11.00: E-commerce State Policy and development in Latvia – Intars Eglitis, Ministry of Economics, dep. responsible for e-commerce policy; 11.00-11.30: E-commerce development in Latvia: opportunities and obstacles (from the point of entrepreneurs) – Mara Jakobsone, the Latvian Information and Communication Technology Association; 11.30-11.50: E-State potentialities for entrepreneurs – Gatis Ozols, Electronic Government Department, Ministry of Regional Development and Local Government of Latvia;

  4. EVITA’s dissemination event “E-commerce – policy and development trends in Latvia” in April 29, 2010 (3) Speakers & Topics: 11.50-12.10: E-signature development and application – Janis Lievitis, Latvia State Radio And Television Centre; 12.10–12.30: Coffee break 12.30-13.10: Success story – web marketing development – Aigars Armanovs, www.webmark eting.lv blog author (SME); 13.10-13.40: Open Calls of EU Structural Funds for entrepreneurs – Ilga Kikjauka, The Investment and Development Agency of Latvia; 13.40-14.20: The Mortgage bank offers for new established entrepreneurs – Daiga Buhholce, the Mortgage Bank; 14.20-14.45: Enterprise Europe Network in Latvia – Ints Viknsa, LTC &EEN; 14.45-15.00 Coffee break 15.00-17.00 Questionns to experts and discussions.

  5. EVITA’s dissemination event “E-commerce – policy and development trends in Latvia” in April 29, 2010 (4) Results and conclusions: 65 participants (micro, small and medium companies, individual merchants, state institutions responsible for e-commerce policy); Application of 2Bdigital initiative; Participants were very satisfied about the the content of presentations: speakers- experts in the field; The foreseen time for questions to experts and discussions; Dissemination activities – use of own network contacts + co-operation partners + web possibilities; Announcement in my presentation – the practical SMEs training after 1 month: May 27 and 28 only for micro and small SMEs and individual merchants). Topics: SEO, Google AdWords, social marketing strategy and e-mail marketing. Press release at LETA

  6. Speakers – 3 tutors from LTC: Agnese Janova, Ints Viksna and Juris Balodis + 2 external speakers: Aigars Armanovs (www.webmaketing) and Egils Boitmanis (Google AdWords expert); Organize the Training seminar in 2 days – 15 participants in each day, with own laptop, time for questions to experts. Dissemination of the event – not earlier than 3 weeks before the event Dissemination canals: www.innovation.lv (LTC web); SMEs and individual merchants from the dissemination event; LETA - The National News Agency; EEN database (LTC clients); viral marketing – participants from the dissemination event told to the colleagues, friends etc. EVITA’s training seminar for SMEs “Web marketing for entrepreneurs”May 27 and 28, 2010 (1)

  7. Criteria for SME Training seminar: micro and small companies, what haven’t vast expertise & experience in web marketing; individual merchants, even at establishment process; micro and small companies and individual merchants from different economic fields; no experienced companies in web marketing; no consultants, business incubators, technology transfer offices & contact points; no representatives from Ministries, Agencies etc. EVITA’s training seminar for SMEs “Web marketing for entrepreneurs”May 27 and 28, 2010 (2)

  8. The programm: 10.00-18.00 Speakers & Topics: 10.00-10.05: Opening of the event – Dr.Janis Stabulnieks 10.05-10.20: Practical use of the EVITA s platform – Agnese Janova (LTC) 10.20-11.20: SEO – web page optimization - Aigars Armanovs, www.webmarketing.lv blog author (SME) 11.20-12.00: Google AdWords campaign– Egils Boitmanis, EB marketing 12.00-12.30: Coffee break 12.30-13.30: Google AdWords campaign (account creation) – Egils Boitmanis, EB marketing 13.30-14.30: Social marketing strategy – Ints Viksna (LTC) 14.30-15.30: E-mail marketing – Juris Balodis (LTC) 15.30-18.00: Questions to experts and discussions. EVITA’s training seminar for SMEs “Web marketing for entrepreneurs”May 27 and 28, 2010 (3)

  9. EVITA platform - each participant has own username and password (FTZ provided); E-Learning Content for SMEs into Latvian – uploaded 11 Modules; SME training seminar in Riga: May 27 and 28 – the program, speakers’ presentations with video file, usefull web pages, the handout (PDF file) – the summary of the training seminar topics (taken from the training material content) Practical exercises by using internet: Google AdWords account creation; social media marketing: demonstration and analyze of YouTube video – the planter of grapeviners. EVITA’s training seminar for SMEs “Web marketing for entrepreneurs”May 27 and 28, 2010 (4)

  10. Results and conclusions: Internet provision - even for 15 participants wasn’t so easy– we had 2 routers Speakers – experts in web marketing Practical approach, exercises etc. Participants were very satisfied about the practical trainings – many “thank you” e-mails!  Published press release at the Newspaper “Neatkariga Rita Avize” – tomorrow, June 8!  EVITA’s training seminar for SMEs “Web marketing for entrepreneurs”May 27 and 28, 2010 (5)

  11. EVITA training platform The uploading the Training content – FTZ or partner? Suggestion – elaboration the “Guideline for EVITA partners – the practical use of Moodle” – a lot of “tricks of tehnical issues”; Available technical assistance by FTZ; Before the SME training seminar – Skype conference Call with FTZ; Uploading pictures

  12. Thank you for attention! Time to relax ! Diana Krievina LTC project manager EVITA 4thproject meeting, Riga, 07/06/2010

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