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TECHNOLOGY. AND YOUR CLASSROOM BY: JODI ALLISON MISHKIN. Top 8 Definitions of Technology. Technology is from Techne and Logic, i.e. Greek techne (= Latin ars = English art) and Greek Logos (which among others translates as "reason" and thence Logic)
Top 8 Definitions of Technology • Technology is from Techne and Logic, i.e. Greek techne (= Latin ars = English art) and Greek Logos (which among others translates as "reason" and thence Logic) • Technology is Tools that a civilization has made. • Technology is electronics n stuff • Technology is the knowledge how to do things • Technology is how we adapt to the world to make life easier. • Technology is people using knowledge, tools, and systems to make their lives easier and better. • Technology is the ability to accomplish a task in a more efficient manner • Technology is "information of any kind that can be used, or adapted for use, in the design, production, manufacture, utilization, or reconstruction of articles or materials. Technology can be either "tangible" or "intangible." Models, prototypes, blueprints or operating manuals (even if stored on recording media) are examples of tangible technology. Intangible technology consists of technical services, such as training, oral advice, information guidance and consulting.
What Technology Is To Us? • Technology can be defined as “any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially modified or customized, that is used to aide, enhance, or improve the education of a child.” • Technology is all around us and can be anything from a pencil grip to a computer. • Technology is one medium to help teachers effectively communicate, present and promote a lesson.
The Untraditional ClassroomThinking out of the BOOK! Paint Colored Paper Word Processing TV DVD VCR Markers Chalk Felt Boards Overheads Computer Games Taking Video Internet Staples Poster Board Dry Erase Boards Tape Recording Presentation Software Games Tape Tapes Crayons Imagination Computers CD
Jewish teachers are competing with public schools, sports, extracurricular activities, social lives and family lives when trying to teach Judaism. Technology can add a new edge to your teaching and capture the mind of an uninterested child. Technology can help put the fun back in learning! Why Use Technology in My Classroom? Assess what is going on around you. What is happening in your field? What kind of technology are people using? What is out-of-date and what are the new trends?
How Can I use Technology in my classroom? ~ Technology can be used in the creation, facilitation, or motivation of your lesson ~ Teachers can use technology and students can use technology Show a video Create an overhead Create Games Record sound or video Make worksheets Make puzzles Take pictures Web of the week
Software MULTIMEDIA ISRAEL a useful and fun learning program for children and adults. Teaches some Hebrew and a surprisingly large amount of the history and geography of Israel. Some nice pictures and sounds.
Software • All 26 volumes integrated into a unified text - plus updated text, new features articles, powerful search capabilities, interactive timeline, full multimedia program, all on one CD! The Encyclopaedia Judaica CD-ROM Edition unveils a complete treasure of information that enables the user to experience the legacy of the Jewish people, all from one source. The text of the Encyclopaedia Judaica CD-ROM Edition is distinguished from other Jewish sources by its unequaled presentation of the entire gamut of the Jewish world and civilization. It represents the culmination of over 30 years of intensive work by scholars from around the world, and provides a comprehensive picture of all aspects of Jewish life. From the young person preparing for a Bar or Bat Mitzvah to a college student conducting research for a class presentation, to the scholar collective data for a Ph.D. thesis to anyone just interested in learning about the Jewish World.
Software Developed by the National Jewish Outreach Program, this exciting new program presents a "virtual" Shabbat experience. From the lighting of the Shabbat candles to the recitation of Kiddush, from the synagogue experience to singing Zemirot at the Shabbat table, this program will serve as an interactive guide to the basics of Shabbat.
Software BARMITZVAH TUTORThe Program includes complete Maftir and Haftorah Readings. Comes with BOTH Ashkenazi and Israeli (Sefard) accents. Teaches Torah Reading Trop. Teaches Haftorah Trop. Teaches Holiday & Special Trop. Includes CD quality recording of readings.Teaches all the Torah & Haftorah Brachot.Special English Translation of Readings.Background information about your Bar Mitzvah.
Software • Learning to Read Hebrew is a comprehensive program that teaches all aspects of Hebrew reading. All of the letter and vowel sounds are taught, as well as how they are combined to form words and phrases. The Hebrew pronunciation is taught according to the Sephardic practice used in modern Hebrew conversation. Learning to Read Hebrew includes full-featured audio! With a click of a button, your computer will pronounce the Hebrew words and phrases on your screen. Plus, pleasant Israeli music plays in the background, making the entire course an enjoyable and relaxing experience. Quizzes and review lessons are presented at the end of each lesson, as well as at the conclusion of the program. This ensures that material studied will be retained and understood. For ages 10 to adult.
World Wide Web • http://www.revelations.org.za/Prayers.htm This amazing program lets you: Select the required Hebrew Blessing or Prayer from the required category Hear professional Male/Female read in Hebrew - syllable by syllable See each spoken syllable highlighted and transliterated Color code every Hebrew syllable Print out any Hebrew Prayer or Blessing Choose your style of transliteration Record your voice samples Hear yourself read in Hebrew and much much more...
World Wide Web • http://www.aish.com/literacy/judaism123/Learn_the_Hebrew_Letters.asp Learn the Hebrew Letters by Rob Nacher Learn The Hebrew Letters Learn the Hebrew Letters The first step in learning the Hebrew language is to learn the names of the letters. The sound of the letter is usually the beginning sound of the letter's name. About Pronounciation There are different dialects of the Hebrew language. The two most common pronunciations are the Ashkenazic dialect, used by European Jewry and their descendents, and the Sefardic dialect, used by Jews from the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern areas. Modern Hebrew uses the Sefardic pronunciation, whereas the pronunciation of prayer or reading from the Torah is dependent on one's descent. The first stage of this ulpan presents the Ashkenazic pronunciation.
World Wide Web • http://www.akhlah.com/
World Wide Web • http://www.inner.org/HEBLETER/HEBLETRS.HTM
World Wide Web • http://www.virtualjerusalem.com/
World Wide Web http://www.nmmc.net/Guide/jtic.html
The Technology Challenge: Technology has the potential to radically transform teaching and learning. How can you use technology in your classroom? • Group Work • make a list of 10 ‘real’ ways you can incorporate technology into your classroom • ~ Gimilut Chasidim: Giving of your time is the biggest mitzvah of all ~ • Use the next 15 minutes to create a useable lesson in your classroom which incorporates the use of technology by either you (the teacher) or the students *Technology can be used in the creation, facilitation, or motivation of your lesson*