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Understanding Permanent Supportive Housing

Permanent Supportive Housing effectively ends chronic homelessness by providing secure homes and ongoing supports for individuals with severe mental and physical conditions. Learn about this housing model and how it helps those in need.

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Understanding Permanent Supportive Housing

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  1. What is permanent supportive housing? PERMANENT SUPPORTIVE HOUSING permanently ends chronic homelessness with its costly, revolving door placements for people with multiple, severe mental and physical conditions. It provides the secure home and ongoing supports seriously ill people need.

  2. Can you translate that for me? AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING (standard lease, rent subsidies) + SUPPORTIVE SERVICES (Centered on maintaining housing through services in areas of mental and physical health, supported employment, tenant education, financial coaching, etc) FOR CHRONIC HOMELESSNESS (people who have a disabling condition and long and/or repeated episodes of homelessness)

  3. Can you translate that for me?

  4. A Continuum of Care (CoC) is a regional or local planning body that coordinates housing and services funding for homeless families and individuals. There are 16 CoCs in Virginia, including the “Balance of State” – which covers most of the rural areas.

  5. Federal Strategic Plan to End Homelessness • End chronic homelessness by 2015 • End Veteran homelessness by 2015 • End family and youth homelessness by 2020

  6. Virginia QAP Incentives for PSH • 50 points to developments in which the greater of 5 units or 10% of units provide rental subsidies to extremely low-income persons and are actively marketed to people with special needs. • A separate non-competitive pool is available for projects dedicating 50% (or up to 25% of 811 vouchers are used) to non-elderly disabled people that provide rent subsidies or for extremely low-income persons, and are accessible.

  7. Interested in working to end homelessness? Work with your local CoC! If you are a PROPERTY OWNER Work with the CoC to house people experiencing homelessness in your existing units. If you are a DEVELOPERWork with CoC to get resources for your projects including rental assistance as well as partners to deliver services. If you are a SERVICE PROVIDER Partner with affordable housing providers to house people experiencing homelessness.

  8. Want to learn more? Join us at our conference! Presented in collaboration with the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services ~ September 22-23, 2014 ~ Sheraton Richmond Park South Hotel Go to www.vceh.org to register

  9. Questions Contact: Jillian Fox Director of Programs and Evaluation Virginia Coalition to End Homelessness E: jill@vceh.org T: 804.332.0560 The Virginia Coalition to End Homelessness is a private, nonprofit 501 (c) 3 organization.

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