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Chapter 3. Managing Communications. COMMUNICATION FUNDAMENTALS. Communication is the transfer of information and understanding from one person to another person. Communication is a way of reaching others by transmitting ideas, facts, thoughts, feelings. And values.
Chapter 3 Managing Communications
COMMUNICATION FUNDAMENTALS Communication is the transfer of information and understanding from one person to another person. Communication is a way of reaching others by transmitting ideas, facts, thoughts, feelings. And values. Communication always involves at least two people: A Senderand a Receiver. Communication is what the Receiver understands, not what the sender says!!! Thus, Understanding is critical for success in communication.
COMMUNICATION FUNDAMENTALS The Importance of Communication Organizations cannot exist without communication. If there is no communication: - Employees cannot know what their co-worker are doing, - Management cannot receive information inputs, - Supervisors and Team leaders cannot give instructions. - Coordination of work is impossible (organization will collapse for lack of communication). - Cooperation also become impossible (Because people cannot communicate their needs and feelings to others. When Communication is effective It will tend to encourage better performance and job satisfaction( People understand their jobs better and feel more involved in them) Open Communication is generally better than restricted communication. In effect if employees know the problems an organization is facing and hear what managers are trying to do, they will usually respond favorable.
COMMUNICATION FUNDAMENTALS The Two-Way Communication ProcessIs the method by which a sender reaches a receiver with a message.The Process has always requires eight steps: • Develop an Idea (the sender wishes to transmit. ) • Encode (Convert the idea into suitable words or symbols for transmission) • Transmit (Such as Memo, phone, personal visit.) • Receive (Transmission allows another person to receive a message) • Decode (Convert the message back so that it can be understood) • Accept (Once the message is decoded it can be accepted or rejected) • Use (The receiver may or may not use and/or store information for future) • Provide Feedback (When the receipt of message is acknowledged the communication loop is completed)
COMMUNICATION FUNDAMENTALS POTENTIAL COMMUNICATION PROBLEMS Two-ways communication is not exclusively beneficial. It also can cause difficulties. Polarizationcan happen when two people disagree over something but not realized it until they establish two-way communication in which their different viewpoints can be exposed. Defensive Reasoningcan happen when people threatened with the potential embarrassment of losing an argument in which people tend to abandon logic and rationality. Cognitive Dissonance is the internal conflict and anxiety that occurs when people receive information incompatible with their value systems, prior decisions, or other information they may have. Face Saving - Communicationcauses pressure since others are judging us by our communication. Face saving is an attempt to preserve our valued self-concept from personal attack, slurs, sarcastic criticism or harmful information from people during an emotional confrontation. C
COMMUNICATION FUNDAMENTALS COMMUNICATION BARRIERS PERSONAL BARRIERS • Psychological distance PHYSICAL BARRIERS • Distracting noise • Distances Proxemics: The study of spatial separation SEMANTIC BARRIERS • Semantics • Inference
COMMUNICATION FUNDAMENTALS Personal Barriers Are communication interferences that arise from human emotions, values, and poor listening habits. Personal barriers are a common occurrence in work situation. Personal Barriers often involve a Psychological Distance which is a feeling of being emotionally separated people that is similar to actual physical distance. Physical Barrier Are communication interferences that occur in the environment in which the communication takes place. (e.g. Noise drowns a voice message temporarily) Other Physical barriers are distances between people, walls or static that interferes with radio messages) Physical Barriers can be converted into positive forces through Ecological Control, in which the surroundings are altered by the sender as to influence the receiver’s feelings and behavior. Such as Moderate tidiness, reasonable amount of status symbols, plants may all effect a visitor’s perceptions.
COMMUNICATION FUNDAMENTALS Proxemics is the study of Proper Physical distance between two parties as they communicate. Proxemics involves the exploration of different practices and feelings about interpersonal space within an across cultures. Personal Distance examples In USA : 15 – 45 Cm (Communication Distance between close friends) 100 – 130 Cm (Communication Distance between acquaintances) 130 – 400 Cm ( Communication distances at work related discussions) In Latin American and Asian culture people generally favor closer personal distances for personal conversations. Workers in Arab countries often maintain extremely close contact. The sender should be aware of cultural norms and receivers preferences.,
COMMUNICATION FUNDAMENTALS Semantic Barriers Semantics is the science of meaning, as contrasted with phonetics, the Science of sound. Semantic barrier arise from limitation in the symbols with which we communicate. Symbols usually have a variety of meanings, and we have to choose one meaning from many. Some times we choose the wrong meaning and misunderstanding occurs. For instance the slang phrase “Hell of a job” . The meaning may be misunderstood and in that instance the semantic barrier leads to emotional barrier. Semantics presents a particularly difficultchallenge when people from different cultures attempt to communicate with each other. InferenceWhenever we interpret a symbol on the basis of our assumptions instead of the facts we are making an inference. Inference Is an essential part of the most communication. We can not avoid it until all communication is factual before accepting it. Since Inference can give a wrong signal, we need to be aware of them and appraise them carefully.
COMMUNICATION FUNDAMENTALS • COMMUNICATION SYMBOLS • Words, Pictures and Actions • WORDS • Words are the main communication symbol used on the job. Many employees spend • more the 50 percent of their time in some form of verbal communication. • A major difficulty occurs, however, since nearly every common word has several • meanings. Multiple meaning are necessary because we are trying to talk about an • infinitely complex world while using only a limited number of words. • Thus, “Context” , which is the environment surrounding the use of word is important. • The complexities of single language are compounded when people from diverse • backgrounds such as different educational levels, ethic heritages, or cultures- attempts • to communicate.
COMMUNICATION FUNDAMENTALS • Guidelines for Readable Writing • Use simple and familiar Words and Phrases, such as “improve” instead of “ameliorate” and “like” instead of “ In a manner similar to that of” these ease the readers risk, and make comprehension more likely. • Use personal pronouns such as “you” and “them”, if the style permits. These help the receiver relate to the massage. • Use illustration, example, and charts. Remember that “ a picture speaks a thousand • words”. • Use short sentences and paragraphs. You want to express your thoughts efficiently Avoid excessive conjunctions and divide long paragraphs. • Use active verbs such as “ the manager decided… Rather than” the manager came to the conclusion that…” active words carry more impact. • Use only necessary words. For example , in the sentence “Bad weather conditions served to prevent my trip” the word” conditions” is not needed and “ served to prevent” can shortened. Say “ bad weather prevented my trip.
COMMUNICATION FUNDAMENTALS PICTURES A second type of symbol is the picture, which is used to clarify word communication. Organization make extensive use of pictures, such as Blueprints, Progress charts, Fishbone diagrams, Causal maps, Visual aids in training programs, scale models of products, and similar devices. Pictures can provide powerful visual images, as suggested by the proverb “A picture is worth a thousand words”. To be most effective, however, pictures should be combined with well chosen words and actions to tell a complete. ACTIONS (Nonverbal Communication) A third type of communication symbol is action, also known as nonverbal communication. Often people forget that what they do is a means of communication to the extent that such action is open to interpretation by others. For example, a handshake and a smile have meaning. A raise in pay or being late for an appointment also has meaning. An important aspect of non verbal communication is BodyLanguage, by which people communicate meaning to others with their bodies in interpersonal interaction. Body language is an important supplement to verbal communication in most part of the world.
COMMUNICATION FUNDAMENTALS In an organization the information flows from higher to lower levels of authority . Almost one half of Managerial communications are with subordinates, with the remainder divided among superior , peers, and external recipients. To communicate downward , some Executive rely on colorful booklets, flashy PowerPoint presentations, and elaborately planned employees meetings. These approaches, while attention getting, often fail to achieve employee understanding- which is one of the goals of effective communication. The key to better communication lies not just in the use of color, action and electronic aids, but in the “Presentations of information” by more sensitive manages who prepare carefully and convey their message with candor and warmth. Managers who communicate successfully are sensitive to human needs and open to true dialogue with their employees. DOWNWARD COMMUNICATION
COMMUNICATION FUNDAMENTALS • PREREQUISITES AND PROBLEMS • Part of Management’s failure has been that It has not prepared for effective • communication. It has failed to lay a good foundation. • A solid foundation has four cornerstones that act as Prerequisites for an effective • approach. • Managers need to develop a positive communication attitude.(Managers must convince themselves that communication is an important part of their jobs). • Manages must continually work to get informed.(They need seek out relevant • information of interest to employees, share it, and help employees feel informed) • 3. Managers need to continuously plan for communication at the beginning of • a course of action • 4. Managers must develop trust. If sub-ordinates do not trust their superiors, • they are not as likely to listen to or believe management's messages.
COMMUNICATION FUNDAMENTALS PREREQUISITES AND PROBLEMS Communication Overload Managers sometimes operate with the philosophy that more communication is better communication. They give employees enormous amounts of information until employees find that They are overwhelmed with data, but understanding is not improved. What happens is a communication overload, in which employee receive more communication inputs than they can process or more than they need. The keys to better communication are “Timing” and “Quality”, not “Quantity”. It is possible to have better understanding with less total communication if it is high quality and delivered at the appropriate moment.
COMMUNICATION FUNDAMENTALS • PREREQUISITES AND PROBLEMS • Acceptance of a Communication • Acceptance of a message by the receiver is critical since without acceptance, • communication breaks down. Several conditions encourages Acceptance of Communication: • Acknowledge legitimacy of the sender to send a message • Perceived competence of the sender relative to the issue • Trust in the sender as a leader and as a person • Perceived credibility of the message received • Acceptance of tasks and goals that communication is trying to accomplish • Power of the sender to enforce direct or indirect sanction on the receiver • If Overload can be prevented and the likelihood of acceptance ensured through the • above six conditions, then Manager's can turn their attention toward the satisfaction • of four important Communication Needs of Employees.
COMMUNICATION FUNDAMENTALS • COMMUNICATION NEEDS • Employees at lower levels have a number of Communication needs. Managers think • that they understand employees’ needs, but often their employees do not think so. • This fundamental difference in participation tends to exist at each level in • organizations, thereby making communication more difficult. It causes Downward • communicators to be overconfident and probably not take enough care with downward • messages. • Job Instructions • Employees need of proper instruction regarding their work. The consequence of • inadequate job instructions can be disastrous. • Performance feedback • Employees need feedback about their performances. Feedback helps them to know • what to do and how well they are meeting their own goals. Good Performance • feedback enhances employees self image and feelings of competence.
COMMUNICATION FUNDAMENTALS • COMMUNICATION NEEDS • News • Managers should reach employees as fresh and timely news rather than as a stale • confirmation of what already has been learned from other sources. Nowadays • closed- circuit television , daily recorded telephone messages by dialing a certain • number , email and Websites can be used to provide fresh news to employees. • Social Support • Another communication needs that employees need at work is Social Support, which • is the perception that they are cared for, esteemed, and valued. • Managers must establish an interpersonal warmth and trust with their employees • in order to have a positive impact on employees’ psychological and physical health, • as well as job satisfaction and better performance.
COMMUNICATION FUNDAMENTALS UPWARD COMMUNICATION If the two way flow of information is broken by poor upward communication, Management loses touch with Employee needs and lacks sufficient information to make sound decisions and also provide needed task and social support for employees. Management also needs to tune into employees in the same way a person with a radio tunes in. This process requires initiative, positive action, sensitive to weak signals, and adaptability to different channels of employee information. It primarily requires an awareness and belief that upward messages are important. Management has to develop effective procedures early enough to encourage Upward communication.
COMMUNICATION FUNDAMENTALS • UPWARD COMMUNICATION DIFFICULTIES • Several problems plague upward communication, especially in larger, more complex organization. • Delay • Filtering • Short-Circuiting • Need for response • Dissertation • Delayis the unnecessarily slow movement of information to higher levels. • Indecisive Managers hesitate to take a problem upward because doing so implies an administration failure, therefore each level delays the communication while trying to decide how to solve the problem. • Filteringis partial screening out information . It occurs because of the natural tendency for an employee to tell a superior only what the employee thinks the superior wants to hear. • However there maybe legitimate reasons for Filtering. The total message may be technically overwhelming, or the information may be speculative and require addition confirmation.
COMMUNICATION FUNDAMENTALS UPWARD COMMUNICATION DIFFICULTIES Short-Circuiting – Sometimes,in an effort to avoid Filtering, people Short-circuit around their superior, which means they skip one or more steps in the communication hierarchy. - On the positive side, Short Circuit reduces Filtering and Delays ; - On the negative side, since it upsets those who are bypassed, employers usually discourage it . Need For Response- Since employees initiate upward communication, they are the Senders, and they have strong expectations that feedback will occur. - If Management provides a quick response, further upward messages be encouraged. Otherwise, lack of management response suppresses future upward communications. Distortion – This is the wilful modification of the message so as to achieve one’s personal objectives. Message Distortionrobs a manager of accurate information and the capacity to make enlightened decisions. Distortion is also represents unethical behaviour that can destroy trust between two parties.
UPWARD COMMUNICATION PRACTICES Questioning Managers can encourage Upward Communication by asking good questions. This practice shows employees that management takes an interest in their opinions, desire, additional information, and values their input. Questions can take several forms, but the most common types are Open Questions (invokes a broad response in many ways) and ClosedQuestions (gets specific response). Listening (Active listening) Listeningis more than hearing, it requires use of the ears and the mind. Effective listening works on two levels it helps receivers understand both the factual idea and the emotional message the sender intended. Good listeners not only hear what the person is saying but also learn about the feelings and emotions of that person Managers who listen effectively send a key signal that they care about employee.
UPWARD COMMUNICATION PRACTICES Employee MeetingsOne useful method of building Upward Communication is to meet with small groups of employees.In these “town hall” meetings employees are encouraged to talk about job problems, needs, and management practices that both help and interfere with job performance. The meeting attempt to probe in some depth the issues that are on the minds of employees. As a consequence employee attitude improves and turnover declines. An Open Door PolicyAn open- door policy is a statement that encourages employees to come to their supervisor or higher management with any matter that concerns them. Usually , employees are encouraged to see their supervisor first. If their problem is not resolved by the supervisor, then higher management may be approached. The goal is to remove blocks to upward communication. Open Door is not easy to be implemented because of real or perceived barriers between managers and employees.
UPWARD COMMUNICATION PRACTICES The Managers door may be physically open, but psychological and social barriers exist that make employees reluctant to enter. This is because some employees lack information, they are afraid of incurring manager’s disfavour if they raise disruptive issues. One of the more effective Open-Door Policy for managers is to walk through their own doors and get among their people. This practice is described as Management By Walking Around (MBWA). MBWA enables management to learn more than they ever would learn by simply sitting in their offices, besides projecting a supportive atmosphere. Participation in Social GroupsInformal, casual recreational events furnish superb opportunities for unplanned Upward communication. This spontaneous information sharing reveals true conditions better than most formal communications. There are departmental parties, sports events, picnics and other employer sponsored activities.
OHER FORMS OF COMMUNICATION 1. LATERAL COMMUNICATION Managers engage in a large amount of cross-communication, which is communication across chains of command. Lateral Communication is necessary for job coordination with people in other departments. It is also is done because people prefer the informality of lateral communication rather than Up and Down communication process of the official chain of command. Employers who play a major role in Lateral communication are referred to as Boundary Spanners. Boundary Spanneremployees have strong communication links with their department, with people in other units, and links with external communities. Networks Whereas Boundary spanners acquire their roles through formal task responsibilities, much other Lateral communication takes place in less formal ways. A network is a group of people who develop and maintain contact to exchange information informally, usually about shared interest. An employee who become active in such a group is said to be networking. Although networks can exist within as well as outside a company, usually they are built around external interest, such as recreation, social clubs, minority status, professional groups, career interest and trade meetings.
LATERAL COMMUNICATION OmbudspersonAnother device for aiding communication is the use of an Ombudsperson. This position is created to receive and respond to inquiries, complaints, request for policy clarifications or allegations of wrongdoing from employees who do not feel comfortable going through normal channels of communication. Ombudsperson investigates and intervenes, where necessary to right or wrong to correct the system to prevent future errors. In this way a streamlined alternatives to the chain of command is created, and employees feel that their problem will receive a fair and impartial hearing
OHER FORMS OF COMMUNICATION • 2. ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION • Electronic Mail (e-mail) is a computer based communication system that allows you to some one or to hundreds of people almost instantaneously. It is stored within the Computer system until the recipients turn on their networked personal computer and read the message at their convenience at which they can respond in the same manner. • The primary advantages of email are their speed and convenience. • However email has a number of disadvantages such as- • - The loss of face-to-face contact, • - The temptation to send flaming messages , • - The risk of using acronyms and emotions that will be misunderstood
OHER FORMS OF COMMUNICATION • 2. ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION Telecommutingis also called the Electronic Cottage. • Telecommuters accomplish all of part of their work at home, or at a satellite location, through computer links to their offices. • Telecommuting has both the Personal, Corporate and Social Advantages . • Personal Advantages of Telecommuting include: • - Freedom from the distraction of the work place, • - Reduction in the time and money spent on commuting, • - Opportunity to reduce expenditure for the work relevant clothing, • - Opportunity to spend more time with family members to provide care at home. • Corporate Advantage of Telecommuting include: - Improved productivity, • - Reduced office space requirements, • - Opportunity to hire key personnel from distant cities • - Increased employee loyalty because of employers commitment to telecommuting • - Job opportunity for disable workers
OHER FORMS OF COMMUNICATION • 2. ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION • Social Advantages of Telecommuting - • - Reducing traffic and pollution , • - Creating employment opportunity for people who are unable to work outside due to other commitments (i.e. Mothers with young children etc….) • Virtual officesThe impact of technological developments on communication offers both great promise beyond Telecommuting with some problem as well. • Some companies, such as Compaq, IBM and AT&T have implemented virtual offices, in which physical office space and individual desk are being replaced with an amazing array of portable communication tools, electronic mail, cellular phones, think pads, voice mails systems, laptop computers fax machines and video conferencing. • Employers armed with this kind of communication tools can perform their work not just in their homes, as telecommuters do but almost anywhere. One significant risk is the loss of an opportunity for social interaction; since employees still need to gather informally, exchange ideas and experiences face-to-face , and develop a sense of teamwork.
INFORMAL COMMUNICATION The Grapevine is an Informal Communication system. It coexist with Formal Communication system. It arrives from social interaction , it is fickle, dynamic, and varied . The term “Grapevine” applies to all Informal Communication, including company information that is communicated informally between employees and people in the community. Although Grapevine information tends to be sent orally, it may be written, hand written or typed notes sometimes are used, but in the modern electronic office these messages typically are flashed on computer screens, creating the new era of the Electronic Grapevine. Electronic Grapevine can not replace Face-to-face Grapevine for two reasons: - Not every employee has access to network at work - Many workers enjoy the more personal social interaction gained through the traditional grapevine,
INFORMAL COMMUNICATION • FEATURES OF THE GRAPEVINE • Several aspects distinguish the Grapevine and help us to understand it better . • The pattern that grapevine information usually follows is called Cluster Chain • Only a few people called Liaison Individuals are active in grapevine • Only 75% of grapevine information is accurate • Information may be incomplete (carries truth but not the whole truth) • It is fast, flexible, and personal. It speed cannot be stopped undesirable rumours • FACTORS THAT ENCOURAGE GRAPEVINE ACTIVITY • - Excitement and insecurity • - Involvement of friends and associates • - Recent information • - Procedure that brings people into contact • - Work that allows conversation • - Job that provides information desired by others • - Personality of communicator • Majority of Management considers Grapevine as a negative factor in the organization.
INFORMAL COMMUNICATION RUMOR The major problem with the Grapevine and the one that gives the Grapevine its poor reputation is ‘’Rumor’’. The word Rumor is used as a synonym for Grapevine. But technically there is an important differences between them. Rumor is a grapevine information that is communicated without secure standards or evidence being present. It is unverified and untrue part of the grapevine. It could be by chance be correct, but generally it is incorrect; thus it is presumed to be undesirable. Rumor is primarily aresult of two factors ‘’ Interest’’ and ‘’Ambiguity’’ both present in a situation. Rumor is created when a subject is not important or has no interest to a person.
INFORMAL COMMUNICATION RUMOR Rumor is subject to Filtering by which it is reduced to a few basic details that can be remembered and passed on to others . Theme of the subject is usually maintained but detail are changed details to fit their own interest and view of the world. People also add new details , often making the story worse in order to include their strong feelings and reasoning . This process is called Elaborating. TYPES OF RUMORS - Historical and Explanatory (Attempts to make meaning out of incomplete prior events) - Spontaneous and Action Oriented Rumors (Attempts to change current situation) Rumors are generally negative. They destroy loyalties and perpetuate hostilities. However, in some limited events Rumors has positive effects. (Such as speculating about the beneficial effects of a new product just released).
INFORMAL COMMUNICATION CONTROL OF RUMOR A major outbreak of Rumor can be a devastating epidemic that sweeps through an organization as fast as a tornado. Rumor should be dealt with firmly and consistently, but how and what to attack must be known. It is a serious mistake to strike at the whole grapevine merely because it happens to be the agent that carried the Rumor. This approach would be as unwise as throwing away a computer’s keyboard. The best approach is to prevent Rumor by removing its causes (Use Preventive Approach). However, when Rumors do circulate a face-to-face supply of facts (if provided early) help answer the ambiguity in each person’s mind.
INFORMAL COMMUNICATION • GUIDELINES FOR CONTROL OF RUMOR • Remove its causes in order to prevent it • Apply efforts primarily to serious Rumors • Refute Rumor with facts • Deal with Rumor as soon as possible • Provide facts from reliable sources • Refrain from repeating Rumor while refuting it • Listen to all Rumors to understand what they may mean. • Emphasize Face-to-face supply of facts, (Confirmed in writing if necessary) • Encourage assistance of Informal and Union leaders if they are • cooperative.