都市原住民青少年飲酒行為之質性研究-以臺北都會區阿美族為例都市原住民青少年飲酒行為之質性研究-以臺北都會區阿美族為例 • 本研究主要目的是藉由質性研究的深入訪談法,來探討都市原住民青少年的飲酒行為,並藉由研究來探討這些都市原住民青少年的社會建構及飲酒行為歷程。研究採「滾雪球」方式來收集個案,訪談主題包括遷移的原因、對臺北印象深刻事件、對學校及生活的適應、週遭環境對飲酒的看法、自己的飲酒經驗及過程。研究結果發現個案們雖由原鄉移居到臺北都會區,但很快就能適應都市生活,因此並未出現「都市」與「鄉村」生活交換上的適應不良。在學校生活適應上,個案大致認為臺北課業多又難,老師較兇,有都市原住民青少年認為老師並不主動關心,且有部份都市原住民青少年個案在校有偏差行為。另外,家庭對其飲酒行為大多默許,甚有家長也讓孩子飲酒,在豐年祭若大人倒酒給青少年被拒,也視為一種對長輩不尊重的行為。都市原住民青少年的飲酒是將原鄉的飲酒文化複製到現在的都會生活,家長與孩子有著共同的觀念喝「一點點」是沒關係的,但對於這「一點點」卻沒有一個標準。此外,對於飲酒的議題對這群都市原住民青少年來說仍是隱晦的,對他們而言,飲酒並非原住民會喝而已,事實上在飲酒時,亦有漢人同學一起同享,甚至有個案認為漢人學生喝的也很多。飲酒對都市原住民青少年而言是複製過去原鄉文化的生活,或是對生活的一種反抗傳統價值觀的一種方式,在教育上應更主動關懷這群青少年,並反省主流文化對其行為的標籤。
A Qualitative Research of Urban Indigenous Adolescents''Drinking Behaviors-Examples of Taipei Amis Tribes • The purpose of the present qualitative study was to explore urban indigenous adolescents’ drinking behaviors by the method of in-depth interview. In addition, this study also explored these adolescents’ social construction and the process of drinking behaviors. Snowball sampling method was employed in order to select subjects, and total 12 adolescent were interviewed. The interviews were guided and focusing on their drinking behaviors, including the reasons why they moved from their hometown, their impression of events happening in Taipei, their acclimation for school and life, other people’s viewpoints for drinking behaviors, and their own drinking experiences and process. The result of the research found that these subjects had gotten used to urban life after they moved from their hometown to Taipei city, the maladjusted phenomenon did not show when they moved from rural area to urban area. In school life, they thought the homework is difficult and too much and the teachers are more serious. Furthermore, some subjects thought their teachers do not care about them enthusiastically, and some of them also have the deviation behaviors at school. Besides, their families acquiesced in their drinking behaviors, and even some parents let them drink as well. During the harvest festival, it is also considered as an impolite behavior if adolescent refused the wine served by elder generation.Urban indigenous adolescents duplicate the drinking custom from their hometown to their urban life. Parents and their children have the same concept of “drinking a little bit is fine.” However, they do not have the definition of “a little bit” The drinking issue is still a taboo for these urban indigenous adolescents. To their points, not only indigenous people drink but also the Han people drink. In fact, some Han people also like to drink with them, and even some subjects thought that Han people drink a lot as well.In conclusion, drinking behaviors to these urban indigenous adolescents is to copy their past hometown culture or a way to oppose the traditional ethic. We have to care more about these adolescents in educational level and introspect the labeling of the mainstream culture to their behaviors.