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FISIKA TEKNIK (engineering physics)

Fakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Bandung 2009. 1. bidang keilmuan. FISIKA TEKNIK (engineering physics). TOPIK BAHASAN. Bidang Keilmuan ( Body of Knowledge ) Akademik & Kurikulum Sumber Daya, Mahasiswa & Alumni. ENGINEERING PHYSICS. Fisika Teknik. Teknik Fisika.

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FISIKA TEKNIK (engineering physics)

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  1. Fakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Bandung 2009 1 bidang keilmuan FISIKA TEKNIK(engineering physics)

  2. TOPIK BAHASAN • Bidang Keilmuan (Body of Knowledge) • Akademik & Kurikulum • Sumber Daya, Mahasiswa & Alumni

  3. ENGINEERING PHYSICS Fisika Teknik Teknik Fisika


  5. What is Engineering Physics ? Engineering Physics is primarily for the student with a strong interest in and aptitude for engineering science and mathematics and the desire to apply these disciplines to technical problems without regard to formal or historical boundaries between various fields of engineering and physics. Mathematics, Physics & Engineering Sciences ? ? ? ? ? ? @$#&^$ ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

  6. ENGINEERING PHYSICS EDUCATION Engineering Physics Education aims to produce Sarjana Teknikwith strength in basic science especially in Physics and Mathematicsas well as Engineering Science, therefore the graduates are capable : • to move across the border lines of basic sciences and engineering • science or, engineering science and applied engineering • to take roles in the development of physics based technology • to bridge new concept in physics and its application that makes • R&D process becomes more efficient • to accelerate the cultivation of new technology for which engineering • science often labeled as frontier engineering This background prepares students for careers in engineering, applied science or applied physics with positions in industry, national research laboratories, universities or even as technological entrepreneurs.

  7. Knowledge Area for Engineering Physics Stream of Technology Development Feedback from industry Engineering Physics Basic Science Engineering Science Applied Engineering INDUSTRY Technology Development/Application Knowledge creation Technology creation

  8. Engineering Physics : Field of Study • Non Conventional Engineering Education  General Engineering (ref. : ABET criteria) • Different Focus Area • Biomedical Engineering • Material Science & Engineering • Instrumentation & Control Engineering Physics • Energy System & Management • Lighting Engineering • Nuclear Engineering • Building Physics • Optics and Laser • Optoelectronics • Built Environment • Acoustics Engineering • Nano Science & Engineering

  9. Engineering Physics : Field of Study Engineering Physics in Indonesia • Instrumentation & Control • Building Physics and Acoustics • Computational and Process Materials • Optics and Laser TF-ITB • knowledge • improvement • concept • development • modeling • technology • creation • industrial • application • Instrumentation Engineering • Building Physics and Acoustics Engineering • MaterialEngineering • Energy and Environmental Engineering • Optics and Laser TF-ITS • Nuclear Engineering • Engineering Physics TF-UGM • Instrumentation Engineering • Building Physics • Environmental Engineering TF-UNAS TF- ITT

  10. Engineering Physics : Field of Study • Mc Master University – Canada • Photonics, Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) • Mechatronics, Nano-system engineering • Nuclear engineering, Sustainable energy systems • Optoelectronics, Semiconductor devices, Biophotonics • Cornell University – USA • Nanoscience & Nanobiotechnology • Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science • Optical Physics, Quantum Electronics and Photonics • Biophysics, Astrophysics and Plasma Physics, Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics • Princeton University – USA • Energy, environment, materials, microelectronics and photonics • Tsing Hua University • Nuclear Engineering Engineering Physics in the world

  11. ENGINEERING PHYSICS Institut Teknologi Bandung

  12. EP - ITB ENGINEERING PHYSICS ITB : Historical Background Global : post industrial revolution era Indonesia : early independence era with rapid development in infrastructure including buildings and housing industries Global: Global job market and knowledge based economy Indonesia: economic crisis. Set back in industrial development and lagging in technology advancement Global : energy issues with nuclear fusion as one of energy alternatives Indonesia: early industrial development in oil and gas industries Global: digital and information technology Indonesia: rapid manufacturing industrial development in various areas including aviation global and domestic issues Engineering : expertise in building design, construction and utility Engineering science : building physics, indoor and outdoor tropical climate as well as human comfort Engineering : advance information and communication based technology. Engineering science : interdisciplinary knowledge with in-depth comprehension in engineering science Engineering : expertise in electronics and digital technology & communication Engineering science : instrumentation and control, room acoustics and noise control, medical instrumentation, optics External Demands Engineering : expertise in process, oil & gas industries Engineering science : industrial instrumentation, nuclear engineering graduate’s knowledge and competence requirement Internal Development ‘70s ‘50s ‘60s ‘90s ‘80s 2000 Body of Knowledge: Instrument. and control Building Physics and Acoustics Thermal Environ. Eng. Material Science Nuclear Science & Eng. Body of Knowledge: Instrument., control & automation Building Physics Indoor & Outdoor Lighting Acoustics & Noise Control Energy Utilization & Conservation Computational & Process Material Body of Knowledge : Physics and Mathematics Building Physics Thermal Environ Eng. Measurement and Calibration Body of Knowledge: Industrial Instrument. Building Physics Thermal Science Material Science Nuclear Science & Engineering

  13. EP - ITB ENGINEERING PHYSICS ITB : Historical Background Global: Global job market and knowledge based economy, global warming and energy crisis. Indonesia: democratic era, food & energy security, safety – health – environment issues global and domestic issues Engineering : advance information and communication based technology, renewable energy Engineering science : interdisciplinary knowledge with in-depth comprehension in engineering science External Demands graduate’s knowledge and competence requirement Internal Development 2000 NOW Body of Knowledge: Instrument., control and automation Built Environment Safety, Health & Environment Tech Acoustics & Noise Control Energy Utilization & Conservation Computational & Process for new functional Material

  14. ENGINEERING PHYSICS ITB : timeline • Pendidikan sarjana Fisika Teknik berdiri tahun 1950, atas prakarsa ketua Fakulteit Teknik Universitas Indonesia Prof. Dr. Ir A. Nawijn seorang ahli Fisika Teknik (natuurkundig ingeniur) dan Ir. M.U. Adhiwijogo (sarjana Teknik Sipil) dengan namaNatuurkundig Ingeniur Afdeling.

  15. ENGINEERING PHYSICS ITB : timeline • Pada tahun 1959 pendidikan Fisika Teknik diberi nama Bagian Fisika Teknik yang tergabung dalam Departemen Fisika/ Fisika Teknik, dengan ketua Prof Ir. M.U. Adhiwijogo. Prof. M. U. Adhiwijogo (Go Pok Oen) (1910 – 1974) Pelopor bidang Fisika Bangunan di Indonesia Pendidikan : 1935 Sarjana Teknik Sipil ITB Pekerjaan : Mendirikan Fisika Teknik ITB 1950/1965 Ketua Jurusan/Bagian Fisika Teknik ITB Guru Besar Fisika Teknik ITB Pendiri Lembaga Instrumentasi Nasional (LIN) LIPI

  16. ENGINEERING PHYSICS ITB : timeline • Pada tahun 1963, Bagian Fisika Teknik menjadi bagian dariDepartemen Fisika Teknik dan Teknologi Kimia.

  17. ENGINEERING PHYSICS ITB : timeline • Pada tahun 1972, Bagian Fisika Teknik menjadi Departemen Fisika Teknik, salah satu departemen di bawah Fakultas Teknologi Industri. • Pada tahun 1983, Departemen Fisika Teknik berubah nama menjadiJurusan Teknik Fisika.

  18. ENGINEERING PHYSICS ITB : timeline • Pada tahun 1990, dibuka program studiMagister (S2) Instrumentasi dan Kontroldibawah pengelolaan Departemen Teknik Fisika ITB.

  19. ENGINEERING PHYSICS ITB : timeline • Pada tahun 2001, nama Jurusan Teknik Fisika berubah menjadiDepartemen Teknik Fisika. • Program Studi Teknik Fisika diselenggarakan oleh Departemen Teknik Fisika dengan kurikulum nasional yang ditetapkan oleh Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan1995.

  20. ENGINEERING PHYSICS ITB : timeline • Pada tahun 2003 dibuka Magister (S2) Teknik Fisika, yang memiliki opsi keahlian • Otomasi Proses Industri • Fisika Bangunan • Disain Tata Cahaya • Komputasi dan Proses Material • Pada tahun ini juga dibuka program Doktor (S3) Teknik Fisika • Pada tahun 2006, perubahan organisasi ITB dengan unit terkecil adalah fakultas, dimana program studi Teknik Fisika (S1, S2 & S3) serta program studi Instrumentasi & Kontrol (S2) langsung di bawah Fakultas Teknologi Industri

  21. ENGINEERING PHYSICS ITB : Institut Teknologi Bandung Faculty / School Faculty / School Faculty of Industrial Technology Chemical Engineering Research Group A… Engineering Physics Research Group B… Research Group Study Program Industrial Engineering Instrumentation & Control Research Group Other Study Programs Other Research Group 2006 : Program Studi Teknik Fisika berada di dalam Fakultas Teknologi Industri

  22. FIELD OF STUDY Instrumentation & Control Built Environment & Energy System Material Science & Engineering

  23. INSTRUMENTATION & CONTROL • Instrumentation is a science and engineering deals with a system used for detecting, measuring, monitoring and controlling the quantities or physical properties thus including identifying, optimizing and the like. • Control engineering is the engineering discipline that focuses on mathematical modeling of systems of a diverse nature, analyzing their dynamic behavior, and using control theory to create a controller that will cause the systems to behave in a desired manner Instrumentation Industrial & medical applications &Control

  24. Graphics Images INSTRUMENTATION & CONTROL • Identification • Modeling & Simulation • Optimization • Control INFORMATION Numerical Data Actuator Measurement & Data Acquisition Systems Data Processing & Computation Physical Phenomena


  26. INSTRUMENTATION & CONTROL Ex. : Industrial Instrumentation System Ultrasonic Flowmeter

  27. Ultrasonography INSTRUMENTATION & CONTROL Ex. : Medical Instrumentation

  28. INSTRUMENTATION & CONTROL Ex. : Optical Instrumentation Optical based sensors and measuring system Image processing using optical devices Development of 3 D surface profile measurement technique


  30. BUILT ENVIRONMENT & ENERGY SYSTEM • Built Environment is a Science and Engineering deal with multi modes physical phenomena (physical properties such as thermal, acoustic and lighting) for human comfort and industrial application • Energy System is a science and engineering deal with a system used for energy generation, supplying, distribution and conservation in a building and industries Built Environment Energy System

  31. Noise Control Architectural Acoustics Acoustic Signal Processing silence voiced unvoiced Acoustics Computational & Modeling Music & Sound System Physiological & Psychological Acoustics BUILT ENVIRONMENT & ENERGY SYSTEM ACOUSTICS



  34. MATERIAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING • Material Science and Engineering deal with physical properties and phenomena for developing, designing, processing and constructing a new functional material Material Design and Computation Material Processing Ceramic Material Magnetic Material Composite Material Nanotechnology, etc

  35. MATERIAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Metallurgy • Metal Material • Solar cell CdS • Fuel cell Carbon Porous • Moleculer Dynamics • Magnetism & Magnetic material’s • Fine Ceramic (PZT base material’s) • Thin film processing • Crystal Growing

  36. MATERIAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING • Computational Materials : Simulation in Molecule Dynamics • Prosess Material • Fine Ceramic (zirconia base materials) • Bahan sensor (sensor gas) • Magnetic substabce During the next 10 years Excellence Research Topic Simulation on molecule dynamics and production process of nano-clay-polymer composite

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