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Welcome! Please take part in this Activating Strategy:. DIRECTIONS:
Welcome! Please take part in this Activating Strategy: DIRECTIONS: Place a sticker (on each chart displayed around the room) in the area of the rubric that corresponds to your level of knowledge and expertise in reference to the Delaware Prioritized Curriculum and the Common Core State Standards.
THE DELAWARE PRIORITIZED CURRICULUM & THE COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDSComponent TwoTrain The TrainerSummer 2010 Denise DiSabatino Allen Gregory Fulkerson Deb Hansen Library/Media/Technology World Languages Visual and Performing Arts Juley Harper Crystal Lancour April McCrae English Language Arts Mathematics Science Diana Roscoe Dusty Shockley John Moyer Mathematics Social Studies Science
Why Are You Here? • Delaware is a participating member in the 48-state consortium focused on development and adoption of rigorous, K-12 Common Core Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics • You are here to receive training about the Delaware Prioritized Curriculum and the Common Core State Standards
What will you get out of this Training? • You will receive an overview to the scope, purpose and implementation plan for proposed Delaware Prioritized Curriculum and the Common Core State Standards in ELA and Math following their adoption by the State Board of Education. • You will learn about where to access the adopted Delaware Prioritized Curriculum and the Common Core State Standards on the DOE website. • You will become familiar with the general format of the Delaware Prioritized Curriculum and the Common Core State standards.
What will you get out of this Training? • You will learn more about the Common Core Comparison that was completed to create a crosswalk between the existing Delaware Prioritized Curriculum and the Common Core State Standards. • You will become familiar with the impact of the Delaware Prioritized Curriculum and the Common Core State Standards on the new DCAS state assessment in ELA and Math • You will explore next steps related to the Delaware Prioritized Curriculum and the Common Core State Standards for planning for the upcoming year’s teaching and learning.
Race to the Top Scope of Work (SOW) • Implement rigorous college and career ready standards and link with high-quality formative and summative assessments (SOW Areas 1, 2) • Implement and provide training in rigorous new Common Core Standards, align grade-level expectations to guide curriculum • Delaware will train all teachers on new standards in August 2010 http://www.doe.k12.de.us/rttt/default.shtml
Component One… • Is a series of online modules using Blackboard® • Available July 16, 2010 • Estimated to take 2 hours to complete • Provides an overview of the scope, purpose, and implementation plan for the Delaware Prioritized Curriculum and the Common Core State Standards in ELA and Math http://www.doe.k12.de.us/infosuites/staff/ci/de_prit_comstandards.shtml
Do you have new staff members? As you make changes with staff, just let us know via our help email, component1help@gmail.com
Do you still want to register staff for Train the Trainer Sessions? • Please contact Shervon Bolden for registration, 735-4196, sbolden@doe.k12.de.us • http://www.doe.k12.de.us/infosuites/staff/ci/de_prit_comstandards.shtml
Orientation to the DE Prioritized Curriculum And Common Core Standards http://delaware.blackboard.com
Component 1 Modules • Module AIntroduction to the Delaware Prioritized Curriculum in ELA, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies and the Common Core State Standards for ELA and Mathematics Essential Question: What are the Common Core Standards and Prioritized Curriculum?
Component 1 Modules • Module BPrioritized Curriculum and Common Core State Standards and Comparisons Essential Question: How does the Prioritized Curriculum compare to the Common Core State Standards in ELA and/or Mathematics?
Component 1 Modules • Module CImpact of Standards Prioritization and Adoption of Common Core State Standards on the DCAS State Assessment Essential Question: How will adopting the Prioritized Curriculum and the Common Core State Standards impact DCAS?
Component 1 Modules • Module DNext Steps for Teaching and Learning Essential Question: How will the Prioritized Curriculum and the Common Core State Standards impact my next steps in planning for instruction?
What is Component 2? • A deeper discussion of the standards within each assessed content area. • Secondary teachers and specialists will participate in a half-day session in their primary content area. • Elementary teachers will be provided with a full-day equivalent of component #2, with coverage of all four assessed areas (English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies).
What is your role? You will… • lead the structured activities for Component Two in your district • receive a toolkit of materials needed to lead the trainings in your district and schools. • involve your teachers in a deeper discussion of the standards within each assessed content area. • provide secondary teachers and Specialists in your district/schools in a half-day session in their primary content area. • provide elementary teachers will be provided with a full-day equivalent of Component Two with coverage of all four assessed areas (English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies).
Who are your facilitators? Delaware Center for Teacher Education • ELA- Carol Vukelich, Bonnie Albertson, Chris Evans • Math/Science- MSERC-Jon Manon and staff • Social Studies- Fran O’Malley Southern Delaware Professional Development Center (SDPDC) • ELA- Tracy Hudson, Patti Bunting, Ann Lewis • Math- Molli Carter • Science- Mike Buoni • Social Studies- Tim Young