歷史法學 楊智傑
德國歷史法學派 • The German Historical School of Law is a 19th century intellectual movement in the study of German law. With Romanticism as its background, it emphasized the historical limitations of the law. It stood in opposition to an earlier movement called Vernunftsrecht (Natural Law). • The Historical School is based on the writings and teaching of Gustav Hugo and especially Friedrich Carl von Savigny.
人民確信之表達 • The basis premise of the German Historical School is that law is not to be regarded as an arbitrary grouping of regulations laid down by some authority. Rather, those regulations are to be seen as the expression of the convictions of the people, in the same manner as language, customs and practices are expressions of the people. The law is grounded in a form of popular consciousness called the Volksgeist.(人的精神)
法律的演變發展 • Laws can stem from regulations by the authorities, but more commonly they evolve in an organic manner over time without interference from the authorities. The ever-changing practical needs of the people play a very important role in this continual organic development. • In the development of a legal system, is it the professional duty of lawyers – in the sense of the division of labor in society – to base their academic work on law on ascertaining the will of the people. In this way, lawyers embody the popular will.
分成兩派 • The German Historical School was divided into Romanists and the Germanists. The Romantists, to whom Savigny also belonged, held that the Volksgeist springs from the reception of the Roman law. While the Germanists (Karl Friedrich Eichhorn, Jakob Grimm, Georg Beseler, Otto von Gierke) saw medieval German Law as the expression of the German Volksgeist.
薩維尼 • 弗里德里希·卡爾·馮·薩維尼(Friedrich Carl von Savigny,1779年2月21日-1861年10月25日),生於美因河畔法蘭克福市,德國著名的法學家和國王顧問,歷史法學派的創始人。1803年薩維尼發表了著名的《財產法》。1808年在蘭茨胡特被正式聘為教授,教授羅馬民法,但薩維尼在那裡只教授了三個學期。1810年薩維尼受到威廉·馮·洪堡的邀請到新成立的弗里德里希-威廉-柏林大學教授羅馬法。1814年為一篇著名的論文進行答辯,該論文就是 Über die Notwendigkeit eines allgemeinen bürgerlichen Rechts für Deutschland(關於一個一般的德意志民法的必要性)。 • 1815年薩維尼與Karl Friedrich Eichhorn等一起創建立歷史法學派雜誌社,作為歷史法學派的機構。1815年出版《中世紀羅馬法歷史》第一冊,1831年完稿。1835年開始撰寫《現代羅馬法體系》一書。
反對制定民法典 • In 1814 appeared his pamphlet Vom Beruf unserer Zeit für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft (new edition, 1892). It was a protest against the demand for codification, and was intended as a reply to Thibaut's pamphlet urging the necessity of forming a code for Germany which should be independent of the influence of foreign legal systems.
反對理由 • Savigny did not oppose the introduction of new laws, or even a new system of laws, but only objected to the proposed codification on two grounds: • that the damage which had been caused by the neglect of former generations of jurists could not be quickly repaired, and that time was required to set the house in order • that there was great risk of the so-called natural law, with its "infinite arrogance" and its "shallow philosophy" ruining such a scheme.
對實證法進行歷史研究 • The enduring value of this pamphlet is that it saved jurisprudence from the hollow abstractions, and proved that a historical study of the positive law was a condition precedent to the right understanding of the science of all law.
梅因 • 梅因,全名为亨利·詹姆斯·萨姆那·梅因,生于1822年,死于1888年,是19世纪英国著名的法律史学家,历史法学派在英国的代表人物,晚期历史法学派的集大成者。
古代法 • Sir Henry James Sumner Maine, KCSI (15 August 1822 — 3 February 1888), was an Englishcomparative jurist and historian. He is famous for the thesis outlined in Ancient Law that law and society developed "from status to contract." According to the thesis, in the ancient world individuals were tightly bound by status to traditional groups, while in the modern one, in which individuals are viewed as autonomous agents, they are free to make contracts and form associations with whomever they choose. Because of this thesis, Maine can be seen as one of the forefathers of modern sociology of law.
研究方法 • 梅因的一生除参与教学和从事法律实务之外,绝大部分时间都集中精力从事法律史的研究。他对雅利安民族不同支系,特别是罗马人、英国人、爱尔兰人、斯拉夫人和印度人的古代社会的风俗、习惯、法的起源以及法律制度进行了深入系统的研究和比较,从而得出有关法的起源、演变和发展的较为科学的结论,对后市法学的发展有着深远的影响。所以,人们尊称他为近代法律史学科和比较法学科的开路先锋。