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State of the Project SHARELIFE Delft, April 29th 2008 (Mathis Schröder)

State of the Project SHARELIFE Delft, April 29th 2008 (Mathis Schröder). Agenda. Timeline: detailed schedule Translation and Certification Country pilot feedback Country pilot results. Tasks and Timetable (from March 2007). Phase 1: First Pre-Test by December 2007

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State of the Project SHARELIFE Delft, April 29th 2008 (Mathis Schröder)

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  1. State of the ProjectSHARELIFE Delft, April 29th 2008 (Mathis Schröder)

  2. Agenda • Timeline: detailed schedule • Translation and Certification • Country pilot feedback • Country pilot results

  3. Tasks and Timetable(from March 2007) • Phase 1: First Pre-Test by December 2007 First survey draft: finished in July 2007 Programming: finished in September 2007 1st pilot : finished successfully in September/October 2007 2nd pilot: not in the field in January 2008, “in-house” testing • Phase 2: Main Survey ready by November 2008 survey revision and translation for country pilots: March 2008 country pre-testing: July 2008 • Phase 3: “First Results” by December 2009 data collection finished: June 2009 cleaning and first evaluation: November 2009

  4. Timeline – Pre-Test • Translations (LMU open): • Version 3.5 (changes from pilot): May 2nd to May 9th • Version 3.6 (pre-test version): May 16th to May 23rd • SMS/CAPI versions scheduled release: • Version 3.5 (generic): May 6th -> feedback until May 12th • Version 3.5 (country): May 16th (Translation!) • Version 3.6 (generic): May 16th • Version 3.6 (country): May 30th (Translation!) • SMS Server: • First version released May 9th • Final generic version May 16th

  5. Timeline – Pre-Test • Fieldwork material: • SRC prepares • To be delivered by May 13th • Preload database: • Prepared by MEA by May 16th • Checked by Agencies until pre-test starts in June • TTT: • Server SMS: May 19th, Frankfurt Airport, 10:30-16:00 • Make sure Survey Agencies know! • May 27th-29th in Mannheim

  6. Timeline – Pre-Test • Pre-Test Field Duration: • National Training Sessions (NTS) from June 2nd to 13th • Deliver Data by July 18th (50 days after TTT) • After the pre-test… • Evaluation of pre-test results in August • Edesheim 21./22.8. • Translate the changes to final version • TTT September 23rd – 26th in Mannheim • Main Field Duration: • Start in October/November 2008 • Be finished by March/April 2009

  7. Translation

  8. Adaptation • Certification • Done externally by cApStAn • Received a subset of the translated questions • Evaluate adaptations using the generic questionnaire • 14 Items in the first round, for all countries • Based on first round results, second round with 11 Items • 5 out of 10 versions went into second round • Overall, some flaws were found, some questioning the comparability of the questions across countries • For the LMU 3.5, each country will receive the results of the certification separately tomorrow (4-30)

  9. Pilot - Feedback • Thanks to all CTLs for providing feedback! • The interviewer feedback is mainly positive • Interview enjoyable • Almost no technical breakdowns • Flexible modules order was not used • Corrections were made via the calendar • The search tool is not used…

  10. Length by Country

  11. Length by Region

  12. Length by Module

  13. Accommodation

  14. Work

  15. Age

  16. Length Summary • We are overall OK in terms of time • What happened in Denmark? • Some quick stats: 2% > 2.5 h 4% > 2 h 15% > 1.5 h 26% < 45 min 3% < 30 min • But: still add CV and Grip Strength

  17. And what now…? • Cuts or changes have already been made in the… • AC module: moves starting at age 10 • RE module: some questions out, clarified others (ISCO) • HS module: deleted some questions, combined others • HC module: major cuts in the loops for preventive care • RC module: cut the stillbirths and abortion loop • RP module: improved the marriage section • Addition in the GL-module on persecution • Thanks to Radim and Michal for pointing this out • One general filter and then some follow up questions

  18. And what now…? Thanks!

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