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2nd Market Information Symposium “Marketing Information as a Leverage in National Food Security Planning and Regional Sustainable Trade” September 15th – 16th, 2011 at Silver Springs Hotel, Kampala. THE ROAD TO THE MARKET Small scale farmers and cell phones in developing countries
2nd Market Information Symposium“Marketing Information as a Leverage in National Food Security Planning and Regional Sustainable Trade”September 15th – 16th, 2011 at Silver Springs Hotel, Kampala THE ROAD TO THE MARKET Small scale farmers and cell phones in developing countries Bjorn Van Campenhout, IFPRI-Kampala
Importance of ICT for development “The single most transformative technology for development” – Jeffrey Sachs <-> Africa has problems that need priority (eg. Low productivity of small scale farmers, basic health care, education,...)
Framework: technology threadmill • Idea: productivity increasing technology is no solution without a consumer market • Effect of inovations is dependent on price elasticity of demand: • Inelastisc: quantity demanded increases marginally with a given reduction in price • Elastisc: quantity demanded increases substantially with a given reduction in price • > determines effects of innovation on well-being of innovator
Framework: technology threadmill • Ag. Commodities, like eg. maize generaly have low price elasticity • Long run: supply increases and prices collapse • Innovating farmer is left worse off than before inovation (<-> consumers) • > condition: sufficiently integrated markets – arbitrage: information is key!
Use • In developed countries: social/status symbol • In developing countries: • First real broad based technological innovation • Sector itself has substantial effect on the (informal) economy: • Public phone services • Prepaid selling points, accessories shops,... • Battery charging services,... • Technology adapted to local circumstances (in terms of power supply, ease of use,...)
Adapted services • M-pesa • MIS • Health monitoring • Prepaid – very small amounts • Flexiebele systemes to reload • Mobiel internet (tethering)
Impact • Lots of anecdotic evidence in popular press (technology quarterly of economist magazine, BBC world,...) • Fishermen in Zanzibar • Taxi drivers in Dar es Salaam • Butchers and producers of various other perishable products • Etc...
Impact - macro • Roller and Waverman (AER 2001): impact of telecom infrastructure – only for fixed lines • Fush, Meschi and Waverman (2005): 10 percent increase in cell phone adoption-> 0.6 % increase in growth • Qiang (2009): 10 increase in cell phone adoption -> 0.8 % increase in GDP/capita BUT: direction of causality?
The man in the middle • Middlemen are not liked – not productive, parasites, liars,... • BUT: very important function in economy! • Study in Tanzania that focusses on the negotiation process between farmers and middlemen
Semi-subsistance farmers in Tanzania • 1100 farmers interviewed, focus on maize marketing • Focus op onderhandelingspositie van de boer • Economic as well as behavioural characteristics: • Attitudes towards risk? • Impatience of farmer? • Knowledge of prices in other markets? • Outcome variable: • Difference between farm gate price and consumer price (arbitrage over space) • Difference between price at time of harvest and time of sales (arbitrage over time)
Sold to who? Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)(Intercept) 25709 5617 4.577 6.14e-06 ***to_soldlocal market 1411 38997 0.036 0.97115to_soldlocal trader 38469 12476 3.083 0.00217 **to_soldexternal trader 25850 9842 2.626 0.00893 **to_soldexternal market 4828 16485 0.293 0.76974
Owns mobile phone Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)(Intercept) 13920.8 5971.8 2.331 0.02020 *to_soldlocal market -12881.9 38112.6 -0.338 0.73553to_soldlocal trader 34318.2 12186.9 2.816 0.00508 **to_soldexternal trader 26198.9 9591.4 2.731 0.00656 **to_soldexternal market -210.2 16096.8 -0.013 0.98958own_phoneyes 43468.5 8803.6 4.938 1.12e-06 ***
Access to mobile phones Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 13519 13068 1.034 0.30148to_soldlocal market 2527 39101 0.065 0.94851to_soldlocal trader 38200 12514 3.053 0.00241 **to_soldexternal trader 25897 9878 2.622 0.00905 **to_soldexternal market 3622 16561 0.219 0.82700access_phoneyes 13843 13255 1.044 0.29688
Interactions Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)(Intercept) 22138 6342 3.491 0.000531 ***to_soldlocal market -8338 59153 -0.141 0.887964to_soldlocal trader 18825 14908 1.263 0.207377to_soldexternal trader 6996 11071 0.632 0.527805to_soldexternal market -21041 20107 -1.046 0.295943own_phoneyes 13166 12178 1.081 0.280233to_soldlocal market:own_phoneyes 9034 76896 0.117 0.906535to_soldlocal trader:own_phoneyes 50146 25393 1.975 0.048922 *to_soldexternal trader:own_phoneyes 72048 21477 3.355 0.000864 ***to_soldexternal market:own_phoneyes 62886 32998 1.906 0.057339 .
Conclusion/discussion Should policy makers encourage marketing cooperatives and empower farmers to organise trade themselves? Or does private price information encourages trade by providing a “first mover advantage” in a competitive market?