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Learn how Kanana Community Council in Lesotho is promoting gender equality and economic development through various projects and initiatives.
INSTITUTIONAL PROFILE • Country: Lesotho • Council : Kanana Community Council D08 • Gender champion : ‘Manthati Sennane • Gender focal person : ‘Malesoli Lesoli • Baseline score : 39 • Progress score : • Latest score : • Attitude score : • Number of women and men in council management Women Men Council : 7 7 Management : 1 0 Council staff overall : 6 2 • Population served : +8210 • Key characteristics: Kanana D08 Community Council is based in Maqhaka at The Principal chief’s office , Berea District. Is made up of 09 Electoral Divisions, 43 villages. 50/50 BY 2015. DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
RESOURCE ALLOCATIONS • Specify gender specific allocations amounts None • Gender in mainstream projects -Economic development projects established and managed by unemployed men and women within the areas of Kanana D08 (Ha-Foso and Marabeng). These men and women are making jewellery using paper and some plants’ seeds, as well as hats, bags and shoes using plastic -There are several other groups in different parts of the council. Piggery and poultry farming in Berea Mission (sponsored by send a cow) • Piggery farming also in Marabeng, Ntloana-tsóana and Bethele. • Poultry farming is also found in Ha-Motumi, as well as orchards • The beneficiaries from Lesotho Child grand, given by the Ministry of Social Development, have recently started projects and burial schemes for their future, and while the system stop giving them money the should continue sustaining their livelihoods. • Amount contributed in cash or in kind by partner organisation (specify) : None 50/50 BY 2015. DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
CHALLENGES • Main challenges that have been faced: Resource allocation within Councils is a serious challenge and still remain so, because funds are controlled at the District council and centrally at the Ministerial level. This on its own impacts all developments and plans of Councils • Even though this remain a challenge, the council has decided to hold fund-raising for economic groups and individuals by way of having flea markets on monthly basis in corporation with BEDCO. 50/50 BY 2015. DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
SERVICE DELIVERY • Mention how quality of service delivery has improved as a result of the COE work : • As a result of COE work the Council has managed to identify men and women who were determined to form an economic group. Therefore the Council has helped them to form structures like a committee and Constitution, which was necessary for their proper functioning. • Also women councillors are taking much part in decision making and implementation. • The Council was not aware of GBV but took part in creating awareness campaign within the communities in its jurisdiction. The Council has progressed so much that several occasions have been held to meet the public needs. • The village committees that are involved in fire wood selling report to the council, the community as well. • The Village Disaster Management Teams have been revived. Therefore the council take part in disaster awareness • More kids have been sponsored due to their best behaviour during the soccer tournaments held at Kanana D08, as a way of encouraging them even further. • Two members of our staff namely ; Itumeleng Mpholo (Clerical assistant) and ‘Mamosa Matasane (Auxilliary Social Worker) have taken liberty to learn sign language in order to facilitate in giving service to the disabled. • In every committee at village level, disabled people are expected to take part. On the 26/05/14 the general committee was elected from all 9 Eds, 43 villages of Kanana D08. 50/50 BY 2015. DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
EVIDENCE OF CHANGE IN SERVICE DELIVERY • Please provide at least three quotes from beneficiaries as evidence of change in service delivery (include name, surname and designation of beneficiary): ‘Me Lilatolo Makobane, a founder and Chairperson of Hahanang banna le basali, a group of men and women that recycle paper and plastic to make jewellery and clothing, said: “I admit that we own this but without the help from our fellow councillors we were heading nowhere. We now have the constitution and even formed a committee to take charge over our work. We are humbled indeed” Mr Molefi Mosebo, Chairperson of Kanana Community Coucil, said: “We are equal in numbers in these Council, I therefore see no problem in decision- making. Let us serve the people with dignity and pride. And let us change their lives for better.” Mr Morapeli Ts’enoli, a care-giver to one disabled Sarele Tsénoli, of Berea Mission: in receipt of a wheelchair, he said “I don’t know what to say to show how thankful I am for this child. These is an honour to receive such a gift. It is going to change his life, and it has brought much happiness for him, even though he cannot say it himself. But by the look upon his face its beyond. Thank you Kanana!” Mr Nqosa Morienyane, District cordinator for disabled persons , Berea District. “I believe Kanana is lucky or is all about good stuff. It is the first council in Berea to have such a drive and concern about the participation of the disablbled. This therefore means my work has begun. In every Electoral Division I will visit we are going to strengthen our union. The disabled are part of the society and therefore must be part of decision makers.” Mr Sam Letima, Vice president , LNFOD Board; “kanana D08 may you not show-off but do what you are expected to do. You are the Local Authority that seem to be promising . Serrve this communities with pride and dignity. Be the example and good luck in doing what you do best.” Mr Nkhasi Sefuthi, Executive Director LNFOD; “we are here to stay and enjoy life like every individual Mosotho, we therefore seek assistance that we be included in all aspects of life that concerns every being in the community, as well as the population at large. May there be in this country laws that protects us and that servers us . We are here today in this Council to once more extent the mark of our presence by way of joining hand in lifting up the forgotten and the abandoned. Watch the space, there is more to come. Kanana will lead us somewhere. 50/50 BY 2015. DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT • Detail how women have been empowered as a result of the COE work: -The Council has managed to identify these group of men and women there have been several other groups that have also been discovered of which in most of them women are in charge. -Further, the women Councillors are part of these groups in their villages. As well as big part of decision-making in the council -Out of 7 construction jobs that were allocated by the Council for water supply and maintenance, one was done by a woman owned company (MasoeuCivils). Several other women owned companies supplied and catered at our Council 50/50 BY 2015. DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
EVIDENCE OF WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT • Provide at least one quote from a woman beneficiary to support your statement on women’s empowerment: Mrs ‘Mathabo Liphoto 67 years said : “ In the past years while our husbands were miners all we had to do was to stay home and took care of children. In later stage they were retrenched and our livelihoods changed to worse. But since I am mother and a widow now, I have to put effort into providing for my family” Mrs ‘Manthati Sennane, a Councillor and a member of Social Services Committee in the Council; “ Even out there in our villages we strive for better lives upon which we empower each other at village level. Today Kanana D08 Community Council is a center of exellency, therefore, it’s a must to ensure development of the communities in its jurisdiction, mainly ensure of women, children and disabled welfare.” Mrs ‘Mapaballo Makhesi; owner of Masoeu Civils. “It is tough out here, domineering and dog-eat-dog world. Its been forever to challenge men in construction jobs, women belonged in kitchens and nowhere else. But that is about to change. Bit-by-bit we come out of kitchen cocoons to make men feel our presence. Here I am putting that challenge out there, specifically to men. As a reminder we forever hold the sharp end. 50/50 BY 2015. DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
MEN FOR CHANGE • Detail how men have become supportive of gender equality as a result of COE work. In our societies duties of family members were distinguished but as a result of COE work men and women work in one place, with similar duties. Men have taken initiative of involving women in decision making and in leadership. Most of all they have taken part in small corporatives that were founded by women. Men also take a bigger part in care giving. In a way of being in support groups, and counselling. Therefore, there in a strong belief that men do understand the concept of gender and they both as men and women do benefit from the COE 50/50 BY 2015. DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
EVIDENCE • Provide at least one quote from a man involved in the COE process : Mr Potsane Molupe 52 years said; “ As a deputy chairperson in a committee of this corporation, I have witnessed the power vested in women. I am disabled physically but that never stopped me from using my hands. With the support and motivation I get and see from these ladies we together have no limits. And as a matter of fact, COE work has favoured us men by opening our eyes from rigidity of backwardness and stereotype. ” Mr Mohapi Mojaki, a care giver to one ‘Makemang Mojaki, who is his mother. As he received the wheelchair on behalf of his mother he stated that, “previously the job of care giving was solely for women but now I am taking care of my own mother, and I am proud. Men can and will. Thank you Kanana for I am going to take care of my mother with dignity.” 50/50 BY 2015. DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION • How have you involved the community in the COE work? As a result of COE work the community is aware if recycling paper (calendars and egg trays) and plastics as part of the materials the corporation use. And has taken part in environmental protection The council has also involved the communities in rural water supply and maintenance which the community members took part in reporting the impact upon the maintenance done in their areas recently. Moreover, through the help of Makhalanyane family, the tournaments are held annually in Kanana, whereby the youth is brought together for so many reasons, one being to sway them from all sorts of crime. Communities are also involved in policing within their areas in reporting all sorts of crime working hand-in-hand with the police. 50/50 BY 2015. DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
EVIDENCE • Provide evidence of community involvement through at least one quote from a community leader ( remember name, surname, organisation and designation) : Mofumahali ‘Mamolapo Majara, Principal Chief of Ha Majara; “Being part of this community in this Council, I have witnessed change and perception within the surrounding communities or society at large, and I have seen progress is so many areas of peoples lives.” Chief Sekhobe Majara, chief of Maqhaka; “This is an honour to have such leaders amongst us. We are chiefs, born and bred to lead, but our own councillors here have proved to be good examples to their fellow voters. I am proud to have you on my side to lead this people. Proud that you strive to balance our livelihoods. Keep up the good work.” 50/50 BY 2015. DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
CHANGES AT THE WORK PLACE • Detail changes that have taken place at the work place as a result of the COE work : -Due to equal representation in the council, it has been every member’s concern to find more of women to empower, economically and socially. With the COE work the Council has identified even more men and women in corporation. And it is even more willing to empower more. Decisions are shared as well as they are implemented. -In every work that the council undertakes, the community and the chiefs are involved. -The Council has been capacitated with an Auxilliary Social worker from the Ministry of Social Development. -LNFOD has asked Kanana to jointly work together in support of the disabled. The disabled have been involved in decision making at community level. And soon to be on Council level. 50/50 BY 2015. DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
EVIDENCE OF CHANGE AT WORK PLACE • Please provide at least one quote from a Council functionary ( Provide name, surname, organisation and designation): GBV campaign at Ha-Makebe Mr Chephane Mothae, Chairperson Berea District Council on the 7th December 2012 Kanana was celebrating lives of women that lost their lives due to GBV. But mostly the life of one of the Councillors ‘Mamotlatsi Ramanki who was robbed, assaulted with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. She later on lost her life on hospital bed. Ha said; “Even out there where the boys are herding the flock, a loss of one sheep is devastating. What more about a loss of a co-worker, a mother, a wife and a fried. Its tainting to me because I am a man. What kind of a man is that who raise a hand to a woman, rob, rape and kill her. This kind of crime has to stop. I am proud to amongst you men and women campaigning today against this crime. No more violence against women and children!!” Mr Selibe Mochobororoane, Minister of Communication and the former Deputy Minister Local Government, on the same day he said; “I took liberty to walk the walk of the late Councillor, trying to understand how such a thing can happen to her. I am sorry ladies and gentlemen I came out with nothing because I am a man and father. I tried to so hard to get to the mind of a wrongdoer. Still I am blank. Prisons are full of men, what have we done to deserve such a blasphemy. Please men, respect yourselves, take a good care of your women, respect her like you do to your own mother. Senior Police officer here today with all your colleagues, there is much to do here. If need be, then we will extent the prisons cells. But we hope mostly to see these men change for better.” At a Christmas Celebration held at the Council for the Disabled people and orphans, The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Local government, Chieftainship and Parliamentary affairs, Mr Mothejoa Metsing said;“ With nothing you have proved beyond doubt that this Council can work wonders and appreciates all corners of the societies within. Ladies and gentlemen keep up the good work because we as a Government we appreciate too, and we do realise you need more support to give back to the people.” A member of Parliament, Mr Matela Khojane of Berea #27: “Bo-’me le bo-ntate Kanana is paradise. In this place u have to enjoy every single drop of honey. For those who have just received gifts, I wish u a blessed time. Councils have nothing but with help from business people and some members of the society it has come up with something that has greatly changed people’s lives. I feel honoured too to be part of this lucky community.” European Union week celebration with LNFOD ‘Me Karen, EU representative ,from Germany; said on this day; “Thank you ladies and gentlemen thank you for showing such support to the disabled, thank you for making an effort to accept them as part of your lives. You have made a huge impact in their lives. Hold on to that for a better local governance and tomorrow will be Nationally. They need us.” Mrs ‘Maleballo ; acting District Asministrator Berea; “I am proud to be part of this community and district. We are much disabled because we are scared and ashamed of our own children. I have learned a huge lesson today. So lets stop discriminating the disabled and lets stop defying themtheir rights.” 50/50 BY 2015. DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
OUTREACH THROUGH THE MEDIA • Detail how you engage with the media to popularise the SADC Gender Protocol and the work on gender equality : The council through its several occasions has engaged the media to popularise gender equality and SADC gender protocol. The media was engaged in celebrating life of women in jurisdiction of Kanana D08 , that died due to GBV. Was also engaged in celebrating Christmas with the disabled, orphans and vulnerable children Further, was engaged in tournerments held for the youth of Kanana D08, as a way of attracting men to take part in public participation. And also trying to curb the crime against women. While celebrating European Union week with disabled people, pening doors and breaking barroies to an inclusive society. Media was also engaged in this event. Provide a photograph/s 50/50 BY 2015. DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
EVIDENCE • Provide at least one example of media coverage resulting from your work : Coverage from Lesotho Television on celebrating Christmas with the community. On the 07-12-12 informative news paper took part in honouring the laid women that died due to Gender Based Violence. Notice send to Radio Lesotho and other Radio stations (attached) Coverage from Information Office, Ministry of Local Government, chieftainship and Parliamentary Affairs during EU week celebration • Url, pdf, You tube We have none of this coverage 50/50 BY 2015. DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
CHANGES AT HOUSEHOLD LEVEL • Detail, with a few example, how the work of COE has resulted in changes in power relations at household level: In this area there is much to do in order to change the way men think . But Mr Tsénoli, Mr Mojaki and Mr Molupe are the good examples that in household there are no more demarcations. If we all are able therefore we all can do. 50/50 BY 2015. DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
CAPACITY BUILDING • Detail how the COE work has helped build skills, create voice, agency, enhance leadership and empowerment: Gender training was conducted for men and women at the council as part of COE work. Councillors as leaders were empowered and they too managed to identify men and women who were willing to form an economic group. The council helped with guidance to form structures to assist them for better functioning. Some women Councillors have found their voices, they couldn’t talk in public or even communicate with their chiefs. Training session was held to capacitate the Councillors about the disabled persons. That they should be treated like any humans not differently. Also they were capacitated by the officers from the Ministry of forestry, about the role they play in making the projects a success. Auxiliary Social worker holds several gatherings for councillors, chiefs, beneficiaries as well as care givers. The reason being to empower them in all aspects 50/50 BY 2015. DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
EVIDENCE • Provide a quote from a community leader as evidence of community involvement (remember name, surname, organisation and designation) Chief Chaka Makebe; a councillor and chief of Ha-Makebe; “we have departed greatly upon the ways to get through to the minds of people in our societies. We have neglected our ways of life. I am honoured indeed to see people matching to my village with intention to get through to my community. To come together with an intention to change bad ways we have adopted. I will continue to hold public gatherings in this village and that is a way and only way to capacitate them.” Mr Mahlomola Rapholo, a Councillor, sports coordinator within the council and the Chairperson of land allocating committee. “youth has a humongous mountain to climb. They are the mostly challenged and worst wrongdoers. They are involved in the all sorts of crime. But with sports we are diverting them to do the right thing. We are also using sports to come through to men to stop crime against theÿ mothers and children, as we have realised that public gatherings are not attended well. We will keep on until there is zero crime in our societies. Mr Thabiso Mosoka, Councillor and Chairperson of Social services committee said: “I am part of the community, the council is within the community, therefore we need each other to strive for a better balanced change. Lets work together bo-’me le bo-ntate to capacitate each other. Together we can, apart we shall fall.” • Provide a photograph/s 50/50 BY 2015. DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
CHANGES IN ATTITUDES • Are community attitudes changing as a result of COE work? Please provide at least one example: Due to COE work the public has changed its attitudes towards gender stereotype. The community feels it is everyone’s responsibility to act against gender discrimination, disability and crime. Attitudes have changed, everyone in leadership is respected regardless of sex. Chiefs also do understand their purposes in the communities differ from that of Councillors Decisions met at community level is inclusive of all members of the society. Nothing is imposed upon the community. All is brought to their attention and will be well accepted. • Provide a photograph/s 50/50 BY 2015. DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
EVIDENCE • Provide at least one quote that demonstrates changes in attitude: Mofumahali ‘Mahlabathe Majara, Chief Mokhethoaneng said: “ Men do know that women are lionesses, they hold it at the sharper end. This is prove beyond reasonable doubt that, deep in them they value and respect us in their own way. The stereotypeness and rigidity in their being can never be changed over night. I am a chief and a woman but the support I get from them is great. They respect my decisions as well as to see to it that all is in order. I value their input and their respect. They have changed really but please don’t look too hard in it.” • Provide a photograph/s 50/50 BY 2015. DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
ANY OTHER CHANGES AS A RESULT OF COE WORK • Detail any other changes that have come about as a result of the COE work: As a result of COE work the rate of public participation in communal activities has increased. -This can be seen through men campaigning with women against crime. - Women being part of community policing. • Men and women in leadership positions. • Disabled being part of decision makers • Community involvement • Projects being done to improve lives • Provide a photograph/s 50/50 BY 2015. DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
LESSONS LEARNED AND INNOVATION • Detail lessons learned in the COE process: COE work couldn’t be achieved without the buy-in and participation of the community. Women and men are equal in all aspects of life. Councillors consult communities and chiefs before implementing • How are these lessons being applied: Through Public gatherings, meetings, campaigns and working together not excluding each other. • Provide a photograph/s 50/50 BY 2015. DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
LEARNING AND SHARING WITH OTHER COUNCILS • Detail how you have learned from and shared with other councils involved in the COE process; Kanana D08 invited all Berea Councils to an awareness campaign that was held in Kanana celebrating 16 days of activism on crime against women and children on the 07-12-12. • Give names of the councils, where and how you have met. Mokhotlong Urban Council Sanqebetu C. Council Seate C. Council Butha-Buthe U. Council Likila C. Council Tsá-le-moleka C. Council Ramapepe C .Council Maoa-mafubelu C. Council Berea U Council Senekane C. Council Thaba-Tseka C Council Litsoetse C Council From the 9-16th of March 2014, these Local Authorities were at a first annual District Summit in Lesotho. This was held in Botha-Buthe, Crocodile inn. And from 14-17/ 04/14 at Maseru sun cabbanas. • Provide a photograph of sharing and learning with other councils 50/50 BY 2015. DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
SUSTAINABILITY AND REPLICATION • Detail how the COE work can be sustained within your organisation: • COE work can be sustained through public gatherings, awareness campaigns, community policing, capacity building, sports and partnerships • How can the COE work be cascaded to other Councils and how can you council contribute to the cascading process? : • Through gender training COE work can be cascaded and liaising with other councils can be a way in which my council can contribute. Also through monitoring and evaluation of council’s work, by gender officials. 50/50 BY 2015. DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA