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This presentation outlines the performance indicators and targets achieved by the Department in the 3rd quarter of the financial year 2018/19, as well as the financial report of the third quarter expenditure.

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  2. PRESENTATION OUTLINE PART A Performance Indicators and Targets PART B: Financial Report: Third Quarter Expenditure

  3. PURPOSE • To report on the third quarter outputs of the Department against the planned targets of the pre-determined objectives in the Annual Performance Plan for financial year 2018/19. • To report on the Department’s expenditure for the third quarterof the Financial Year 2018/19.


  5. QUARTER 3 MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS… • The 2018 National Senior Certificate (NSC) Examination was administered to 624 733 full-time candidates and 176 110 part-time candidates from 22 October to 28 November 2018 in 6 888 examination centres. • The Centralised marking of selected small enrolment subjects which for the first time included the standardisation of the marking of South African Sign Language Home Language, was conducted from 02-15 December 2018. • The Systemic Evaluation pilot study was successfully completed in the quarter in a national sample of 100 schools. • The Pre-closure School Readiness Assessment visits to monitor the readiness of schools for 2019 was conducted in 208 schools in 17 underperforming districts between 19 and 30 November 2018.

  6. QUARTER 3 MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS • The following key posts were filled: Chief Director-Curriculum Implementation and Monitoring, Chief Director-Legaland Legislative Services and Director – Government Information and Technology (GITO). The post of the Director: Logistical Services was approved and the candidate will assume duty in the next quarter. • On 12 October 2018, the DBE held an indaba to open a dialogue and provide a platform to constructively engage on teacher professionalization, teacher standards and school based initial teacher education models to complement the Funza Lushaka bursary programme.

  7. PROGRAMMES OF THE DBE The ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN summarises the priorities of the DBE as aligned to theDelivery Agreement of OUTCOME 1: Improving the quality of Basic Educationand the Action Plan to 2014: Towards the Realisation of Schooling 2025. The activities of the DBE have been structured into five programmes as elaborated in the Annual Performance Plan: • PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION • PROGRAMME 2: CURRICULUM POLICY, SUPPORT AND MONITORING • PROGRAMME 3: TEACHERS, EDUCATION HUMAN RESOURCES AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT • PROGRAMME 4: PLANNING, INFORMATION AND ASSESSMENT • PROGRAMME 5: EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT SERVICES

  8. 2018/19 VALIDATED Q2 STATUS BAR FOR INDICATORS *indicator 2.4.4 is recorded as a bi-annual reporting cycle in the APP however measured on a quarterly reporting cycle due to its targets being in Q1 and Q2 • All Annual Targets are WHITE unless fully achieved. • Where 50% of the target has not been achieved, the status is reflected as RED. • Where 50% or more of the target has been realised, the status is reflected as AMBER. • Where the target has been fully achieved, the status is reflected as GREEN.

  9. 2018/19 PRELIMINARY Q3 STATUS BAR FOR INDICATORS *indicator 2.4.4 is recorded as a bi-annual reporting cycle in the APP however measured on a quarterly reporting cycle due to its targets being in Q1 and Q2 • All Annual Targets are WHITE unless fully achieved. • Where 50% of the target has not been achieved, the status is reflected as RED. • Where 50% or more of the target has been realised, the status is reflected as AMBER. • Where the target has been fully achieved, the status is reflected as GREEN.


  11. PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION The purpose of Programme 1 is to managethe Department and provide strategic and administrative support services.


  13. PROGRAMME 1... HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT, LABOUR RELATIONS AND IT SERVICES Corporate Services: • The posts of Chief Director: Curriculum Implementation and Monitoring and Chief Director Legal and Legislative Services were filled on 1 October 2018 and 5 November 2018, respectively. • The post of the Director: GITOwas filled on 1 December 2018. The post of the Director: Logistical Services was approved and the candidate assumed duty on 2 January 2019.

  14. PROGRAMME 1... HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT, LABOUR RELATIONS AND IT SERVICES … Corporate Services: • The PMDS process was finalised for both Public Service and Educator staff. • The Midterm Review System has been implemented for lower level staff members, assessments have been completed and moderation is being finalised. • The Departmental Policies on PMDS: Recruitment and Selection and Job Evaluation were reviewed at the GPSSBC Chamber and subsequently approved on 20 October 2018.

  15. PROGRAMME 1... HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT, LABOUR RELATIONS AND IT SERVICES Skills Development and Training: During the quarter under review, 106 employees attended skills development and training in nine (9) programmes that were conducted between 1 October 2018 and 31 December 2018 and as follows: • Nine (9) Monitoring and Evaluation • Forty (40)Occupational Health and Safety • One (1) Compulsory Induction Programme • One (1) Effective Stakeholder Management • Ten (10) Office Management • Fifteen (15)SQL Data Analysis • Fifteen (15) MS Excel (Advanced) • Five (5) On-line Digital Marketing • Ten (10) Supply Chain Management

  16. PROGRAMME 1 ... HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT, LABOUR RELATIONS AND IT SERVICES Social Responsibility • The Pink Drive was held on 30 October 2018 whereby 199 officials participated in cancer testing (Prostate, PapSmear, Breast Examinations and Health checks). • 210 Officials participated in the Employee Health and Wellness and Financial Campaigns on 4 - 5 December 2018. • A candle light ceremony was observed on 3 December 2018 in honour of all those who lost their lives because of HIV and AIDS. Internship and Learnership • Four(4) interns were appointed in the third quarter. Currently the Department has 62 Interns.

  17. PROGRAMME 1 ... FINANCIAL SERVICES, SECURITY AND ASSET MANAGEMENT Labour Relations • Collective Bargaining: During the quarter under review, two (2) Departmental Bargaining Council meetings were held. • Disciplinary hearings: During the quarter under review, one disciplinary case was dealt with. The hearing was set down on 29 October 2018 and completed on the same day. The arguments were submitted for the chairperson to make a finding. • With regard to the disciplinary hearing that was finalised in the previous quarter, the employee was issued with a sanction of three (3) months without salary plus R25 000.00fine.

  18. PROGRAMME 1 ... Labour Relations continued • On appeal, the Minister reduced the three months to two (2) months suspension without salary. • Conciliations: One conciliation meeting was scheduled but there was no set down date. The matter was then referred for arbitration hearings in terms of section 135 (2) of the Labour Relations Act by the applicant. The matter concerns the unconstitutionality of section 138(2)(b)(i) of the Public Service Act. Arbitration isset down for 10 January 2018. • Grievances:During the quarter under review, twenty-two (22) formal grievances were lodged. These grievances were received in November 2018 and two (2) were finalised within the specified time. The rest are still unresolved and should be finalised in January 2019. Seventeen (17) of the grievances concern PMDS outcomes and the remaining four (4) are general queries of Unfair Labour Practices.

  19. PROGRAMME 1 ... Government Information Technology Officer (GITO) … Enhancement of critical business applications: Five (5) security changes, Eight (8) infrastructure capacity changes and four (4) of the six (6) system changes required by the Application Owners and their System and Development Lifecycle (SDLC) processes for the following applications were monitored, implemented and released in production: • Learner Unit Record Information Tracking System (LURITS) • National Senior Certificate (NSC) and Senior Certificate (SC(A)) • E-Exams • Funza Lushaka

  20. PROGRAMME 1 ... Government Information Technology Officer (GITO) Governance of ICT: Three (3) Monthly Service Level Agreement meetings were held with SITA; Two (2) ICT Steering Committee meetings were held; Three (3) ICT Operational meetings were held and all resolutions were implemented. ICT infrastructure of the DBE: The Disaster Recovery capability of the Secure Cloud Data Centre was successfully tested. The hardware for the Refreshment of the VOIP (IPT), VPN and the LAN infrastructure were delivered.

  21. PROGRAMME 1… Financial Services • The Minister and Management’s report on expenditureand revenue (Cash flow statements) were compiled and distributed as required by section 40(4)(c) of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999. • The Petty Cash Policy was reviewedto incorporate the implications of VAT and was approvedby the Accounting Officer on 3 October 2018. The Financial delegations were developed and approved by the Accounting Officer on 18 October 2018. • Monthly expenditure reports from Provincial Education Departments were received and submitted to National Treasury as prescribed by the Division of Revenue Act.

  22. PROGRAMME 1… Financial Services… Public Entities Quarterly reports were received and analysed in terms of Treasury Regulation 26.1 and 30.2.1. The report of the analysis was submitted to the Executive Authority. The budgets of the public entities for 2019/20 financial year were reviewed and recommended to the Executive Authority for approval. Writing offDebts: During the quarter under review 34 cases relating to car damages and no-shows were written off in terms of Treasury Regulations 12.1.1, 12.2.1 and 12.6.1. • Payment of suppliers within 30 days: During the reporting period 392 (144.12%) invoices were paid within 30 days. Logistical Services • Appointed verification agency to assist the DBE with the B-BBEE Certificate. The DBE is currently sharing the required information with the verification agency to get the B-BBEE certificate.

  23. PROGRAMME 1… Financial Services Office Accommodation • The upgrade of the fire detection and emergency system in the building, the water savings project, the painting of the exterior of the building and the upgrade of the Building Management System (BMS) were completed. • All the unitary fees were paid, and a penalty of R698 was charged to the Private Party.

  24. PROGRAMME 1… Assets and Security Management • Asset Management provided additionalsupportingdocuments to Free State Provincial Public Works after a follow up regarding section 42 transfers. • A total of 365 events were arranged at a total cost of R36,8 million. • A total of 42 Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) representatives which include First Aiders, Fire Wardens, Safety, Health and Environment Representatives (SHE reps) and SHE Supervisors were recruited and trained for any OHS related emergencies. • A Technical Surveillance Counter Measure (TSCM) of the offices of the DBE intervention team was conducted by SSA NW. The TSCM will be conducted every fortnight. All these security services are in place to secure the safety and security of the DBE Intervention Team to NW Education.

  25. PROGRAMME 1… LEGAL AND LEGISLATIVE SERVICES Equal Education and others V Minister of Basic Education and others:The Applicants brought an application to court to declare the Regulations Relating to MinimumUniform Norms and Standards for Public Schools Infrastructure is inconsistent with the Constitution and unlawful and invalid, in the alternative reviewed and set aside. • This case was argued in the Bisho High Court on 11-13 March 2018 and judgment was delivered on 19 July 2018. • The Court set aside certain sub-regulations of Regulation 4 on the basis that the sub regulations are amongst others unconstitutional. • An application for leave to appeal was lodged with the Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court dismissed the application for leave to appeal, with costs as it bears no prospectsof success. • As the Constitutional Court is the highest Court in the land on all constitutional matters, the matter is considered finalised.

  26. PROGRAMME 1… LEGAL AND LEGISLATIVE SERVICES SANCB V Minister of Basic Education and others: The DBE received a Notice of Motion from the South African National Council for the Blind (First Applicant) and others, applying for an order in terms of which: • It is declared that the Respondents’ conduct in respect of their failure to provide Braille textbooks to learnersis unconstitutional. • A settlement agreement was reached and was made an order of court. In terms of the settlement agreement: • Anaudit must be conducted of the 22 schools for the blind within two months from the date of signing of the agreement i.e. by 19 November 2018. The audit was completed and the report was filed with the Court • an audit of the 103 full service schools must be conducted within five months of the date of signature of the agreement i. e by 19 February 2019 and a report must be filed with the court by 19 March 2019 on compliance with this requirement.

  27. PROGRAMME 1… LEGAL AND LEGISLATIVE SERVICES continued SANCB V Minister of Basic Education and others: The DBE received a Notice of Motion from the South African National Council for the Blind (First Applicant) and others, applying for an order in terms of which: • It is declared that the Respondents’ conduct in respect of their failure to provide Braille textbooks to learnersis unconstitutional. • A settlement agreement was reached and was made an order of court. In terms of the settlement agreement: • The Respondents will ensure delivery of textbooks where master copies exist to special schools for the blind and full service schools for the 2019 academic year by 30 November 2018.A report must be filed on this requirement within three months of signature of the agreement i.e. on or before 15 December 2018. Reports on delivery of textbooks were received from WC, GP, MP and NC and were filed in Court accordingly.

  28. PROGRAMME 1… LEGAL AND LEGISLATIVE SERVICES… Centre for Child Law V MEC Social Development and others: The Minister is the third Respondent in the matter. The Applicant sought relief against the Ministers of Social Development, Health and Basic Education in the following terms: • That the Ministers be ordered to take reasonable measures in order to give effect to the rights of children with severe or profound disruptive behaviour disorders by drafting an inter-sectorial policy that ensures that attitudinal and environmental barriers that hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others are removed • A settlement agreement was reached in the matter. In terms of the settlement agreement the Department of Social Development (DSD), Department of Health (DOH) and the DBE will form an Intersectoral Project Steering Committee (IPSC) that will comprise of a project leader which the Minister for Social Development will appoint.

  29. PROGRAMME 1… LEGAL AND LEGISLATIVE SERVICES Centre for Child Law V MEC Social Development and others: continued • The IPSC will be responsible for developing a project plan for the development of an Intersectoral Policy (which will be submitted for commentary to the Applicants) and for drafting the policy within three years from the date of the settlement agreement. • The first meeting took place on Friday, 30 Nov 2018. Centre for Child Law V Minister of Basic Education: The Applicants applied for an order directing that the 37 children to the Notice of Motion be admitted to public schools in the Eastern Cape. The Grahamstown High Court ruled in favour of the Department. The CCL has filed an application for leave to appeal.

  30. PROGRAMME 1… Legislative Services • BELA Bill: The BELA Bill was published on 13 October 2017 to call for comments. DBE received more than 5000 submissions from the general public and education stakeholders. A Task Team that consisted of representatives from the PEDs has already started with the process of perusing the comments and consolidating the Bill. Out of the 5000 comments received, 1 967 are still to be considered. • Draft and amend regulations in accordance with the relevant Act: The Task Team appointed to draft regulations on safety pertaining to special public schools hostels is currently consolidating comments received from schools and PEDs on the 4th draft. • Admission Policy:The consultation process is about to be concluded with all the stakeholders. The admission policy (1st draft) has been sent to all stakeholders for comments. It is also important to note that the admission policy also addresses the issue of undocumented learners.

  31. PROGRAMME 1 ... STRATEGIC PLANNING, RESEARCH AND CO-ORDINATION Strategic Planning and Reporting Institutional Planning: • Submittedthe second draft 2019/20 APP to the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) and National Treasury on 30 November 2018. • The DBE developed Systems Descriptions to assist the AGSA during the preliminary audit of the 2018/19 performance indicators. • The DBE submitted System Descriptions to AGSA to enable them to perform preliminary audit that commenced in November 2018. Institutional Reporting: • Submitted the 2018/19 departmental final first and preliminary second quarterly performance reports to the DPME and National Treasury on 31 October 2018.

  32. PROGRAMME 1 ... STRATEGIC PLANNING, RESEARCH AND CO-ORDINATION Strategic Planning and Reporting Sector reporting: OUTCOMES 1, 7, 13 and 14 • Submitted the approved second quarter report on 22 October 2018 to DPME and Cabinet secretariat and it was presented to the Cabinet on 13 November 2018. • Submitted the second quarter Outcome 7, 13 and 14 reports to the respective lead Departments on 12 October 2018. Provincial Support: • Meeting convened with DPME and AGSA on 2 October 2018 to discuss the sector audit issues and submitted the consolidated documentto DPME on 11 October 2018 for further submission to AGSA. • The HEDCOM Subcommittee on Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation was held on 3-4 October

  33. PROGRAMME 1 ... STRATEGIC PLANNING, RESEARCH AND CO-ORDINATION Strategic Planning and Reporting Public Entities: • The DBE provided feedback on the analysis of the second quarterly reports and 2018/19 APPs for Umalusi and SACE on 19 November 2018. • The DBE attended Umalusi Strategic Planning Workshop on 23 October 2018 to present the analysis of the first draft APP 2019/20 in order to prepare them to submit a quality 2nd draft by 30 November 2018.

  34. PROGRAMME 1 ... STRATEGIC PLANNING, RESEARCH AND CO-ORDINATION Strategic Planning and Reporting Service Delivery Improvement Plan (SDIP): • The SDIP Task Team was established and ten areas were identified for inclusion in the next SDIP. The DBE is developing the SDIP for the period 2019/21, focussing on the National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP). Branch Reviews: • Convened three (3) quarterly Branch reviews on 4, 5 and 6 December 2018 to give feedback of the 2nd quarter report and finalise the 2019/20 APP. The reviews for the four remaining Branches have been scheduled for the 4th quarter.

  35. PROGRAMME 1 ... STRATEGIC PLANNING, RESEARCH AND CO-ORDINATION Strategic Planning and Reporting State of Nation Address (SoNA): • The 2019 SoNA inputs from Branches were consolidated into a report covering four areas: • Achievements/Progress on the commitments made by the President; • Key plans and upcoming programmes or projects; • The envisaged policy interventions or changes; and • Major planned communication activities. • The DBE submitted SoNA 2019 inputs to Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) on 22 November 2018.

  36. PROGRAMME 1 ... STRATEGIC PLANNING, RESEARCH AND CO-ORDINATION Research Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation • Research Agenda and Repository: the unit finalised and consolidated a research repository to be published on the DBE website. The repository will contain sector-specific research commissioned and conducted within the DBE. • Consolidated a research agenda to guide and coordinate research undertaken in the sector during the medium-term period 2019 – 2023. The agenda sets out the main research questions which are a priority for the next five years. • Sector Reporting: the General Household Survey 2017 report has been finalised and is in the position of being released since it has been presented to various forums in the department.

  37. PROGRAMME 1 ... STRATEGIC PLANNING, RESEARCH AND CO-ORDINATION Research Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation • 5 year Handover Report:the report is based on achievements of the Department for the last five years and the objectives that have not been achieved since the 2014 elections. • School Monitoring Survey:The main activity during this quarter was the finalisation of the 4 main reports namely, a Summary Report; the Main Report; the Technical Report; and the Qualitative Report. In addition summaries including a policy summary and an executive summary were finalised. • Teacher Indaba: On 12 October 2018, the DBE held an indaba to open a dialogueand provide a platform to constructively engage on teacher professionalisation, teacher standards and school based initial teacher education models.

  38. PROGRAMME 1 ... STRATEGIC PLANNING, RESEARCH AND CO-ORDINATION Coordination and Secretariat Support • Twelve (12) meetings were convened for various inter and intra -governmental mechanisms such as the Social Protection Community and Human Development (SPCHD) Cluster, SPCHD Cluster Technical Working Group (TWG), Council of Education Ministers (CEM), Heads of Education Departments Committee (HEDCOM), Ministerial Management (MM), Senior Management (SM) and Broad Management (BM). • Finalised a Consolidated Schedule of Meetings of HEDCOM Subcommittees for 2019 and same was processed at SMM and HEDCOM and thereafter circulated to PEDs.

  39. PROGRAMME 1 ... STRATEGIC PLANNING, RESEARCH AND CO-ORDINATION Coordination and Secretariat Support • HEDCOM Subcommittee Membership List was reviewed and finalised, tabled at SMM and HEDCOM and thereafter circulated to PEDs. • Successfully coordinated the process of the departmental self-assessment including uploading evidence for the Management Performance Assessment Tool (MPAT) 1.8. Subsequently, the final DBE self-assessment was submitted to the DPME on 17 October 2018.

  40. PROGRAMME 1 ... STRATEGIC PLANNING, RESEARCH AND CO-ORDINATION Coordination and Secretariat Support

  41. PROGRAMME 1 ... OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL Business Process Management and External and Internal Liaison • 45 Parliamentary Questions were received from Parliament. • This was a smaller number compared to 54 and 96 that were received in the second and the first quarters respectively. • A total of 12 meetings were honoured. 9 were with the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, 1 with the Select Committee on Education and Recreation, 1 with the Standing Committee on Appropriations and 1 with the International and Protocol Division of Parliament. • Co-ordinated DG’s visits to 74 Spring Classes in 9 provinces to monitor the implementation of the Learner Support programmes .

  42. PROGRAMME 1 ... OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL Business Process Management and External and Internal Liaison • Co-ordinated meeting with ASIDI implementation Agents and contractors in 3 provinces (Eastern –Cape, Limpopo and Free State) and the Minutes of the meetings are available. • Monitoring of the Marking Centres from 21 November – 11 December 2018 and co-ordinated DG’s meeting with Gauteng Chief Markers and Internal moderators. • Co-ordinated DG’s meetings with Branches to monitor the implementation of Sector mandates and dealt with challenges experienced by the Branches.

  43. PROGRAMME 2: CURRICULUM POLICY, SUPPORT AND MONITORING The purpose of Programme 2 is to develop curriculum and assessment policies and monitor and support their implementation.








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